The other day, Charlotte decided to play with Chapman’s dog food. She does it quite frequently actually, but this day she was really going to town. She was happily throwing the pebbles as if they were candy pieces being thrown in a parade. Instead of having a freak-out moment about the mess, I couldn’t help but laugh and grab the camera. I pushed my OCD-self away, plopped myself on the floor with her, and enjoyed the few minutes of the mess. Her hysterical giggles made it worth it.
Sometimes when life gets messy, you just have to enjoy it anyway. The mess won’t last forever.
Find joy in the chaos. You must assuredly can clean up later.
Linking up with:
The Blogger’s Digest at Pig and Dac.
What You Wish Wednesday with Leslie at Our Joy…His Glory
A Little Bird Told Me at The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Thoughts for Thursday at Home of Malones
A Little Bird Told Me at The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Thoughts for Thursday at Home of Malones
Too funny! Did she try to eat them?
YEs, sometimes we just need to clean up after…. my first impulse would be to clean up right away but it's so important to enjoy the little stuff. Good for you, mama!
<3 Sarita
Usually, I serve as her clean-up crew, but that day, I decided that a little fun wasn't going to hurt anyone. I know she'll grow out of it soon enough. She acts like she's going to eat the food herself, but she knows better, thankfully! Lol.
How cute! She is adorable!
Thanks, Nicole! Your son is precious! Thanks for stopping by. :)