So this is what two and a half looks like. I couldn’t love this little girl any more if I tried. Yet every morning when I wake, I love her even more than the day before. Sure, toddlerhood is exhausting, but getting to experience this roller coaster is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.

(I might as well have titled this blog post a photo dump of some of my favorite pictures from the last few months, but nah, “Two and a Half” will do. I mean, did you expect anything less?)
Life has been crazy lately, but one thing that remains the same is the amount of love and energy this little cheeky cheeky brings to our world.
Charlotte’s loves lately are:
- eating all the sweets.
- drinking all the milk (preferably chocolate).
- anything having to do with princesses. Her favorites are Belle, Ariel, and Rapunzel as of late.

She also loves:
- being outdoors. (Even in the 110 degree weather. Seriously.)
- lugging around ALL her stuffed animals.
- pushing the boundaries.
- going places.
- wearing her sunglasses.
- swimming.
- playing on the iPad.
- stalling at bedtime.
- making “Mommy” faces.

But most of all, two and half has brought us the sweetest of smiles. I’d have to say it’s always been my Charlotte’s best quality by far. She smiles at everyone, and when she smiles at me, there is no other joy in the world that could replace it. Sweetest little soul I’ve ever known.

She’s still sleeping in her crib, un-pottying in the potty aka not potty trained, sleeping ’til the sun wakes us, eating like a champ, growing like a weed, talking up a storm, running like the wind, and giving the best hugs and kisses. I’m not rushing this growing up business. If we could stay in this spot forever, I’m pretty sure I’d be content. But I know that’s not reality. Every day is a gift, and every day she will continue to grow into the person she is meant to be. I try my best to fill her up with all the love God has given me to give, and I let her explore the world and all of its wonder. The past two and a half years has flown by, but I’m grateful for every single second of it.

Hands full, heart full. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Let’s keep in touch, shall we?
You can see where I’m linking up on this page.