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Picture courtesy of The Bannerie |
As I was placing her in her carseat, strapping her in, she started coughing. I asked her, “What are you eating?” There should have been no food out for her to get into, so I was a little confused. She still kept coughing, almost gagging, so I began to panic. I swiped her mouth, and then she looked at me with distress in her eyes, and that’s when it happened. Throw-up city. Now you have to understand, Charlotte has not ever had a stomach bug in her life. She has thrown up a handful of times from being too full or sick from an upper respiratory infection. That’s it. But as I watched this play out in what seemed like slow motion, I felt so helpless. I just let her finish her business, and then took her out of her carseat. She of course was crying as I tried to get her out of her soiled clothes. All she wanted was hugs, so I let her hug me, vomit and all. That’s when I started to wave the white flag for the day.
I text the hubs to ask him to cancel the appointment, but he convinced me that the hip specialist needed to be seen. I was stressed to the max. Here I was, covered in vomit with a sick kid, and I needed to get us changed and cleaned up in a hurry. I gathered all my mama strength and got it done, Olivia Pope style.

She was such a big girl when it was time for the actual X-rays to be done. She was high-fiving the X-ray tech and in such a good mood. I couldn’t help but wonder if her throw-up incident earlier was all just a fluke.
Once we got back to our exam room, little miss was content to play with the toys inside the room along with her iPad. We waited for what seemed like eternity, but I guess that’s what happens when you show up right on time, also known as late.

She was getting hungry and thirsty, so I gave her some water that I had packed ever so quickly after our second load time, and she found her yogurt in my purse. She was really as good as it was going to get.
While we were waiting, I must have had a sad looking face, because Charlotte looked right at me and said, “It’s okay, Mama.” How do these little people know how to make it all better? I have no clue.

Once the doctor came in, he told me he was a third year resident, but that he wanted to go over a few things before Charlotte’s actual doctor came in to go over her new X-rays. He explained hip dysplasia all over again and made us feel comfortable. He also mentioned that his classmates would probably be coming in with the doctor. I’m assuming it was a clinical rotation day, but I’m not privy to med school talk, so I’ll just leave it as that. I was mortified though because our scent was still stinging the nostrils. I had to mention it to this guy, so I explained what happened and why we smelled like throw-up. He laughed and said, “It’s okay. It’s a children’s hospital.” Touché.
More waiting was done, and then our doctor came in with his crew. We met a new doctor for this appointment since our old one moved, and I must say, I was highly impressed. He was so thorough, and I could tell he was also really wanting to teach his students, something a former teacher definitely appreciated. He was almost about to dismiss us and give us the all clear to never come back, but since this a new case to him, he opened up Charlotte’s original X-rays. And then that’s when he paused. He said, “Oh, now I see why there was concern.” He explained that yes, this is a mild case that still requires no intervention, but his gut was telling him we still need to monitor her hip. It’s just slightly not how it should be. He’d said he’d rather be safe than sorry, and that we can reassess in a year. I can live with that. We’re calling that a win in our book, so that was great news. We’ll continue to pray that her hip matures into a completely healthy bone and that she continues to run and bounce around with no problems.
At this point, it was 5:30. Our bible study was supposed to start at 7 p.m., and I just knew I was going to be cutting it close. If you live in a city, you know that 5:30 is prime time rush hour. I looked at my phone and saw that I had 10% battery left for an hour car ride home. We paid for parking and I got little miss all buckled in ready to leave. I entered in our address into the Waze app and looked up the route that would take me home the fastest. Got it! It was engrained in my memory. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty good with directions if I see it once. I’ve lived in Houston nine years, so I’ve learned a thing or two about shortcuts. I plugged in my phone to its charger, and it wasn’t recognizing the charger because it’s not an Apple product. Of course this would be the time for it not to work. For the love! I text the hubs and told him I would meet him at bible study and to head there without me. I also let him know I was going to have to cut my phone off because at this point it was down to 5% battery.
Turns out, traffic was actually not that bad. When we were driving through downtown, Charlotte saw the big cathedral downtown and said, “Jesus!” Be still my heart. She then watched Frozen for the second time (we were in the car that long for the day), and we made it to our suburb in less than 45 minutes which was a record for that hour. (Thank you, HOV lanes!) But as I was just about to make my last exit for the home stretch, I heard it. The sound of throw up. It was like a scene from The Exorcist in my back seat. My poor child! I felt so completely helpless and considered turning on my hazards and driving like a banshee, but I refrained, and just drove as quickly and as safely as possible. I turned my phone back on to call M to let him know what had happened and that I would not be meeting him. He asked if he needed to go back home, but I insisted that he go without me.
As I pulled into my driveway, I parked outside of the garage because I knew I would be hosing everything down. I also remembered that my neighbor would be coming over since she thought she would be watching Charlotte for the night, but there was now no way I was leaving this muffin. I stripped Charlotte down in the driveway, and then tried to get her carseat out, but that was a huge fail. I walked inside to plug in my phone since it was now completely dead. I had people to call to give them updates, but it had to wait.
Once we were inside, I went to change her diaper, and then my doorbell rang. My neighbor Shelly came to save the day. I let her know what was going on and all that had happened, and she ran back to her house to get some Sprite and crackers for Charlotte. Charlotte loved the crackers, and we just love our Miss Shelly. When I was telling her about the carseat situation, she said she could try to get it out. Life saver, saint, an angel…she is all the good things! Not only did she get it out, she hosed it down and cleaned out my back seat. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay her. She’s a mom herself and about to be an empty nester, so she has adopted us as family. I will be forever grateful. Just her presence was comforting.
After all the excitement of the day and after Shelly left, I bathed Charlotte and made sure she was hydrated before putting her to bed. At this point it was almost 8 p.m. She went to bed with no problems, then I finally took my second shower of the day. M got home around 9 p.m., and I debriefed him on the day, and we called it a night. It was a highly eventful day full of bad things and good things. But love wins. Every single time.
We’re doing okay today. Charlotte has not had any more stomach bug symptoms since yesterday in the car, so that’s good news. We’re still in our pajamas taking it easy, and she’s getting her appetite back slowly. I’m having to put off some things that I wanted to get down with the blog, but that’s just how the ball bounces. Thanks for all of your well wishes as I vented to all of social media. You guys are the best. Let’s hope your day, and week, and weekend and all of eternity is way less exciting than ours was yesterday.
It is no fun when the little ones are sick- ESP with vomiting! What an amazing and sweet neighbor! Hope you are able to relax today :)
Thanks, Keri! Yes, we have a doll of a neighbor. Here’s hoping for some future relaxation. I sure could use it. ;) TGIF!
Poor thing, glad she’s feeling better and you’re getting a little break from the chaos today!
Thanks, girl. Looks like we’re still not out of the woods, but I’m hoping for a swift recovery! Happy Friday!
People named Shelly just really are the best people ;) I’m so proud of you for how you handled your day! I’m sure there was a time when this may have broken you down but you took charge and did what you had to do. You’re a great momma Kris!
Thank you so much, Shelly! You are too sweet. I get it from my mom. ;) And yes, Shellys are the best! Happy Friday!
It is no fun when the little ones are sick- ESP with vomiting! What an amazing and sweet neighbor! Hope you are able to relax today :)
Poor thing, glad she's feeling better and you're getting a little break from the chaos today!
The poor little girl and poor you!!! Barf in the car seat is THE WORST! Oh my gosh I don’t even know what I would do. Your neighbour is a saint! Scarlett was the same way with her stomach bug, acting normal, playing etc and then she would just barf, it was awful… It took a few days to get her appetite back too. hope she’s doing better now :)
Thanks, Tawnya! Yeah, it is the worst. I wish the smell would leave forever. I hope we’re well soon. ;) Love ya, T!
People named Shelly just really are the best people ;) I'm so proud of you for how you handled your day! I'm sure there was a time when this may have broken you down but you took charge and did what you had to do. You're a great momma Kris!
The poor little girl and poor you!!! Barf in the car seat is THE WORST! Oh my gosh I don't even know what I would do. Your neighbour is a saint! Scarlett was the same way with her stomach bug, acting normal, playing etc and then she would just barf, it was awful… It took a few days to get her appetite back too. hope she's doing better now :)
Oh my goodness, what a hard day!! Sending you love today!!!
Thanks so much, Jo! I appreciate it more than you know. :) TGIF!
Oh my goodness, what a hard day!! Sending you love today!!!
It’s amazing the things us mama’s can get through. Love how Charlotte knew how to cheer you up. Hoping today’s a better day!
She always does. :) I’m hoping today is better than most of this week, too! Happy Friday, Alissa!
It's amazing the things us mama's can get through. Love how Charlotte knew how to cheer you up. Hoping today's a better day!
Thanks, Keri! Yes, we have a doll of a neighbor. Here's hoping for some future relaxation. I sure could use it. ;) TGIF!
Thanks, girl. Looks like we're still not out of the woods, but I'm hoping for a swift recovery! Happy Friday!
Thank you so much, Shelly! You are too sweet. I get it from my mom. ;) And yes, Shellys are the best! Happy Friday!
Thanks, Tawnya! Yeah, it is the worst. I wish the smell would leave forever. I hope we're well soon. ;) Love ya, T!
Thanks so much, Jo! I appreciate it more than you know. :) TGIF!
She always does. :) I'm hoping today is better than most of this week, too! Happy Friday, Alissa!
Holy. Moly. BAD DAY. Geez. I am so glad that Charlotte didn’t develop a stomach bug and that the vomits were semi-isolated. Also praying for her sweet hip! I just know it’ll all be okay and she’ll end up a runner like her mama. Hope this week is going better, sweet friend!! xo
Well, it turns out, it was actually a bug. Because M & I both ended up catching it. :/ But we all seem to better now! :) Thank you so much for your sweet words! Hope you and the family are doing great and having a fun week!
Holy. Moly. BAD DAY. Geez. I am so glad that Charlotte didn't develop a stomach bug and that the vomits were semi-isolated. Also praying for her sweet hip! I just know it'll all be okay and she'll end up a runner like her mama. Hope this week is going better, sweet friend!! xo
Well, it turns out, it was actually a bug. Because M & I both ended up catching it. :/ But we all seem to better now! :) Thank you so much for your sweet words! Hope you and the family are doing great and having a fun week!
No fun! I’m so glad her doctor appointment went well and that she felt better quickly! And aren’t good neighbors the best?
Yes! We’re thinking about moving closer to the hubs’ workplace, but are so hesitant because we don’t want to leave our neighbor! Lol. She’s like family. Hope you’re having a good one, my dear!
No fun! I'm so glad her doctor appointment went well and that she felt better quickly! And aren't good neighbors the best?
Yes! We're thinking about moving closer to the hubs' workplace, but are so hesitant because we don't want to leave our neighbor! Lol. She's like family. Hope you're having a good one, my dear!