In the midst of this busy holiday season, my little girl is growing up right before my eyes. The last two months of her growth have been insane. I’m pretty sure I say this all the time, but it’s all going by way too quickly. Yesterday, my Charlotte Grace turned 22 months old. That means in just two months I’ll have a two-year-old. What in the world?! I was just pregnant with her. How in the world is she about to be two? Good thing is, we’re not quite there yet, and I am in no way going to rush it. So today, I’m going to slow down and remember all that she’s done (mostly through pictures) since her last monthly update. I’m so thankful for this online scrapbook, because I always want to be able to remember the little things.

My Dearest Little Love,
You’re such a big girl these days, and you LOVE to be outdoors. You love running freely, rolling around in the grass, and observing all the sights and sounds around you. You point to planes in the sky, birds in the trees, and ducks in the ponds. You make the sounds that they make, because you’ve learned all of this way too easily. You are a sponge.
When we read books, you anticipate what’s going to happen. When you watch Frozen, you anticipate what’s going to happen. You point to animals and characters and know them by name. If they make a sound, you know it. You love the “look and find” books, and you’re loving all the fun times and holidays this year. You loved the county fair, the pumpkin patch, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and you are absolutely loving this Christmas season. Your family loves you like no other, and you definitely love us back.

Lately, you have been such a mama’s girl. In the last two months, we have been separated a few times, and I missed you like crazy. But every time we reunite, it is with so much joy and so much love. Even when the days are long and hard, I still love you with every ounce of my being. It’s always a blessing to have my days filled with your sweetness (and your whining tantrums, too). It’s just part of the growing you’re doing, and I’m growing right along with you.

Some of my favorite things that you’re doing right now are when you…
-talk up a storm. You know how to talk so much, learning more and more words and phrases every day.
-point to a cat poster and say, “Meow, meow.”
-imitate people (especially me).
-entertain yourself and play with all of your toys and babies.
-lie on your stomach to color or watch TV.
-color all the time.
-love on Chapman.
-feed your babies and put them to sleep and tell them “night night.”
-pretend to go “night night.”
-pat my back and give me tight hugs.
-act like you’re washing your hands and face when you see a bottle of lotion or body wash.
-when you try to take off your clothes and put them back on.
-find your snacks and ask for your favorite “gogurts.”
-ask me to “read the book” and listen so intently.
-walk up to your high chair when you’re hungry.
-wrap yourself up in your favorite blanket.
-say, “See ya later. Good night errrybody. Love ya.”
-say, “Scuse me.”
-run as fast as you can.
-moo for as long as you can when you see a cow or a picture of one.
-turn on your sound machine when you’re tired.
-know you have a dirty diaper (it looks like we’ll be potty training soon).
-try to make us laugh. You are quite hilarious.
-shrug your shoulders and flip your wrists, saying, “Where’d he go?”
-dance and especially when you say, “Dance.”
-slide down your slide.
-light up when daddy gives you chocolate.
-try and sing.
-love to kick the ball.
-splash around in the tub.
-try and hide from me.
-say, “swing swing,” when you are rocking or swinging.
-you say “tank you.”
-dress cuter than I do (which is all the time).
-love everything you do.

A couple of weekends ago, we took you to your first children’s museum, and you had a ball. It was so much fun to watch you explore each station, and learn new things. You especially loved playing with the water. That was not a surprise at all. You then loved the slide and playing with the mini shopping cart. We’ll definitely be going back soon.

I love you so much my sweet girl. Each month is flying by faster and faster, but I’m loving and cherishing every minute I have with you: the fun times, the not so fun times, and everything in between. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
Am I the only who is such a sentimental mess every time my baby gets a month older? Let me rephrase that: do you get sentimental on little things like that? It’s the little things, people. It certainly is the little things.
You can see where I’m linking up on this page.
Charlotte is so cute!!! I cannot believe how fast the past almost 2 years have gone by either. Palmer will be 2 next month and it is incredible all the things she is doing, just like Charlotte!!! :)
I’m telling you! It’s crazy how much can happen in a month, isn’t it?! And I saw that you already potty trained! Go Palmer! :)
goodness, I can’t believe both our babes will be two soon!! It’s happening all so fast. She is the sweetest!!
Thanks, beautiful friend! You’ll be doing it all over again soon! :) Your little family always puts a smile on my face. So happy to be experiencing the same season of life!
Charlotte is so cute!!! I cannot believe how fast the past almost 2 years have gone by either. Palmer will be 2 next month and it is incredible all the things she is doing, just like Charlotte!!! :)
goodness, I can't believe both our babes will be two soon!! It's happening all so fast. She is the sweetest!!
She is gorgeous!!!
Thanks so much, Victoria!
Oh gosh, Kristy!! She is such a doll!! LOVE all of the photos.
Isn’t it so much fun when they start talking a bit.. Scarlett is really starting now and it’s so funny, the things she expresses! And the copying haha She copies everything I do, also. It’s cute… Now I need to clean up some of my colorful language ;)
Thanks, girlfriend! How are our girls so big?!
Yes, it is so much fun, but I could do without the “no.” And yes, I’m so paranoid about anything she hears now. Lol.
She is gorgeous!!!
Oh my gosh her smile is contagious! She is adorable!
Isn’t it?! And thank you so much! :) She brings me so much joy.
I'm telling you! It's crazy how much can happen in a month, isn't it?! And I saw that you already potty trained! Go Palmer! :)
Thanks, beautiful friend! You'll be doing it all over again soon! :) Your little family always puts a smile on my face. So happy to be experiencing the same season of life!
Thanks so much, Victoria!
Oh gosh, Kristy!! She is such a doll!! LOVE all of the photos.
Isn't it so much fun when they start talking a bit.. Scarlett is really starting now and it's so funny, the things she expresses! And the copying haha She copies everything I do, also. It's cute… Now I need to clean up some of my colorful language ;)
Oh my gosh her smile is contagious! She is adorable!
Thanks, girlfriend! How are our girls so big?!
Yes, it is so much fun, but I could do without the "no." And yes, I'm so paranoid about anything she hears now. Lol.
Isn't it?! And thank you so much! :) She brings me so much joy.