Well, we are a a week in, and I am blown away at how easy our mornings have been. We have been doing a few things to help our morning run smoothly, and I’m so excited about it I just had to share. I plan on keeping this up all year. It’s too good not to!
First thing’s first. I wake up at 4:30 or 5:30 every single morning. It just depends on if I have a workout class in the morning our not. I need my morning time for myself, and I truly believe it sets the tone for the day. Here’s a sample of our morning.
4:30 AM :: wake up & get dressed
4:50 :: leave for workout class
5 – 5:45 :: workout class // (if no workout class, I wake up at 5:30 and have breakfast with Michael, then get dressed.)
6 AM :: back home. Bible reading of the day (I use the First 5 app) and have my coffee, supplements, and breakfast. Then shower and get dressed.
6:45 :: Charlotte wakes up, Colin is usually right behind her.
7 AM :: breakfast for the kids. I keep it super simple. Waffles, eggs, and cereal are always in the rotation.
7:15 :: Charlotte gets dressed. THIS IS WHERE OUR MORNING HACK COMES IN!
Remember last week when I shared The Mama Notes idea of using a closet organizer for the days of the week? IT WORKS!!!!
7:30 :: pack lunch and snacks and make sure backpack is ready for school.
8:05 :: walk to bus stop and ready to roll.
How does this time-saving hack work?
I bought this closet organizer and reorganized Charlotte’s room. I think getting her involved in the reorganizing and moving furniture around to make it the most functional space it’s ever been was key.
We set up her clothes rack with the closet organizer, then she placed the letters in her organizer to designate the days of the week. Then we were ready to set it up with her clothes for the week.
She picked out her clothes for the week, folded them herself, and placed them in the cubby. She loved this responsibility! It was so easy to set up, you guys, and she took full ownership.
She also has all of her socks and undergarments in a cubby, too. All of her shoes are set out, so she picks those out daily.
Doing this has saved us tons of time of arguing on what she needs to wear, and she really feels like she’s in charge by having this out for herself. Win, win for everyone!
Do this, mamas! It has saved us so much headache!