Since we brought our baby boy home, sleep has been crucial. Having a newborn, especially while recovering from a c-section, has been a doozy. Thankfully, this isn’t my first rodeo. I knew that after we came home from the hospital, I would need a safe place for my little babe to sleep at night, and having it be convenient for my recovery was a plus.
When you bring home a baby, one of the safest places to have him or her sleep at night is right next to you in your room. That’s why I fell in love with the HALO Premiere Bassinest. It’s a swivel bassinet that fits snuggly up against my bed, and I can move it around and scoop up my little one with ease. This is a game changer for new moms, especially c-section recovering moms. It’s hard enough getting up in the middle of the night, but when your mobility is hindered after a major surgery, it makes nursing and feeding sessions even harder. When all you have to do is sit up and swivel your bassinet to reach your baby, it makes feeding sessions a whole lot easier.
I made my bedroom a psuedo-nursery for these newborn days, and it was easy to do with this bassinet. I set up a changing station with diapers, diaper cream, and wipes. Middle of the night nursing sessions are streamlined to be: change the diaper, feed the baby, and place the baby back to sleep, all while never leaving my bed.
A few features that I love about the bassinet are the swivel motion, the built-in sound machine, and the accessories like the mobile, storage caddy, waterproof mattress pad, sound machine, and night light.
Swaddling the Baby
Another must-have for safe and best sleep is using a swaddle. A lot of people use swaddle blankets and while those are great, HALO has a Sleepsack Swaddle that makes swaddling your babe like a little burrito a breeze and helps you swaddle safely with no loose blankets in the sleep area. Both the HALO Bassinest and the Sleepsack Swaddle allow me to practice safe sleep practices at home, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.
Safe Sleep Practices
Here are some great safety sleep tips for baby, from bassinet to crib.
- Always place baby to sleep on his or her back.
- Use a crib that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress that fits snugly and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
- Your baby’s sleep area should be clear of all loose blankets, comforters, and toys. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.
- Offer a pacifier when putting baby to sleep, but if breastfeeding, introduce the pacifier after one month or well after breastfeeding has been established.
- Breastfeed, if possible, but when finished, put your baby back to sleep in his or her separate safe sleep area alongside your bed.
- Room share, but don’t bed share.
For more information, head to HALO’s website for more safe sleep tips.
Decorate the Nursery, Not the Crib
In an effort to practice safe sleep habits, it’s important to remember to decorate the nursery, not the crib. When transitioning your little bundle from the bassinet to the crib, remember to keep in mind the safe sleep practices mentioned above.
Here’s an example of what our nursery looks like while keeping the safe sleep practices in mind.
Eventually, we’ll move our little one to the crib, and he’ll be swaddled and safe while sleeping.
SIDS Awareness Month
October is SIDS Awareness Month. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SIUD) still claims more than 3,500 infants each year in North America. More than half of these deaths are preventable when proper safe sleep practices are followed. To help keep all babies sleeping safely and avoid these unnecessary tragedies, HALO is dedicated to putting the health, safety and well-being of babies first. In fact, over 1,400 hospitals use HALO® SleepSack® wearable blankets through the HALO Safer Way to Sleep Hospital Initiative. Through this program HALO has helped Hospitals and Birth Centers throughout North America create their own safe sleep programs, which utilize the HALO SleepSack Swaddle to demonstrate to parents and caregivers how to keep their babies sleeping safely. To date, HALO has donated more than $4.3 million in its efforts to promote safe sleep education.
Because HALO is committed to keeping babies safe while sleeping, I’m excited to be hosting a giveaway for a HALO Safe Sleep Starter Kit. Enter to win a HALO SleepSack Swaddle, HALO SleepSack, onesie, fitted crib sheet and a pacifier. Be sure to follow each of the social media handles provided in the giveaway’s directions. The giveaway is open to US or Canada entrants only and will close on Sunday, October 9, 2016.
HALO Safe Sleep Starter Kit Giveaway
Good luck!
Be sure to follow HALO Sleep to keep you up to date with all of the latest and greatest safe sleep practices and products. HALO’s social media channels are as follows:
Thank you to HALO Sleep for providing me with the HALO Premiere Bassinest, bassinest mobile, bassinest storage caddy, HALO Sleepsack swaddle, waterproof mattress pad, and extra sheet set. As always, all opinions are my own.
Are you following along? I’d love to have you!
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This bassinet is such a game changer for c-section recovery!!! I’m sure it helps that he’s such a cutie too though!
Thanks, Liz! It really is wonderful bassinet. Not having to get out of my bed seriously has been the best invention. ;) Now if we can just have the wake-ups in the middle of the night not be so frequent, that would be great too. Lol.
These tips are so important! And I always loved having baby close to me!
They really are! Thankfully, this bassinet has made our sleeping arrangements so much nicer. :)
Oh my heck he is so sweet, Kristy! I can almost smell his sweet little newborn head… ahh BABY FEVER! haha we loved the bassinest too, I wish I would have bought the one with the vibrations and sound though because Bodhi definitely liked both of those things in the early days! I always recommend this to c-section mama’s though, it’s a lifesaver and it almost feels like you’re cosleeping but safely! :)
Aww, thanks, Tawnya! He’s pretty precious, and yes, I had forgotten how much I love that newborn smell. :)
Yes, the vibrations and soothing sounds are a huge plus! He loves those things, too. It’s been nice to have him so close at night. Anything to make newborn mom life easier!
Loving the tips and absolutely love the bassinet!
This bassinet is actually the number one thing on my baby registry right now. I went back and forth for a long time if it would be worth it, but after reading all the reviews ( including your review), I am convinced it will be worth the investment. I love your point about decorating the nursery and not the crib too. Have a great week!
that is such a cute bassinet!!
He looks just darling! Miss those newborn days but not the lack of sleep. Hang in there momma!
Awww what a cutie!!
Awww, such a sweetheart!
We used Halo Sleepsack Swaddles and Halo Sleepsacks with both girls! I truly believe they contributed to us getting a good night’s sleep too ;)
Thanks for sharing.
The top most priority for a baby is its safety. I believe that using a bassinet will allay some of the fears that a mother may have. Your baby seems to be very comfortable, relaxed and safe in his bassinets. The safety tips, the information on SIDs and the Sleesack Swaddle will benefit others. Thank you for such valuable information.