It’s finally here! The last bumpdate. This pregnancy has flown by despite me being pregnant all year, and I’m so excited to finally meet my baby boy.
My entire pregnancy journey has been surreal now that I look back at it. We’ve had some major hardships and bumps in the road this year in my family, so being pregnant at the same time has sometimes been an afterthought. Sometimes it’s been stressful, sometimes it’s been full of excitement, and sometimes it’s been full of “what the heck are we getting ourselves into.” But all in all, this pregnancy has been easy on me. Because of that, I’m really hoping that little Colin is my laid back, go with the flow baby. He’s kept me calm when things have gone a little haywire around here. I love that about him already.
To round out this bumpdate series, let’s see the stats for what life has been like at 39 weeks.
The Last Bumpdate
How far along: 39 weeks exactly.
Gender: A sweet baby boy.
Weight Gain: I thought I would gain the most weight in my last weeks pregnant, but I didn’t. Total weight gain to date has been 33-35 pounds; it just depends on what scale I use and what time of day I weigh myself. I’m so thankful that I didn’t gain as much as I did when I was pregnant with Charlotte. I think gaining a reasonable amount has made this pregnancy much more enjoyable, too. I’ve been super active, not working out per se, but just always on the move and on the go. It’s helped to have a three year old to take care of.
Ailments: Heartburn, Braxton Hicks, fatigue, and swelling. Even though I didn’t gain as much as I did with Charlotte, I still have had some substantial swelling. My least favorite place to swell is my face. I won’t be sad to see that go. My hands and feet have swelled up a tad too, but nothing terrible.
Maternity Clothes: All of my maternity still fit me, but some of my shorts are just a little bit tight around my hips. I can’t wait to get back to regular clothes, but I’ll still be rocking maternity bottoms for a while.
Sleep: Honestly, sleep hasn’t been terrible. I have loved my Snoogle pillow, but for the last couple of weeks, it has been harder to find a comfortable position to fall asleep. Once I doze off, it’s no big deal, except when I wake up around 4 or 5 to have to pee. Getting out of bed is what’s a pain, a literal pain.
Best Moment of the Month: Our final ultrasound. Charlotte getting a haircut and starting school. But really, spending quality time with my sweet girl and my husband. I’ve been savoring our time together, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t going to miss it. I wrote “Before We Become a Family of Four” yesterday for more details about that.
Miss Anything: I miss NOT bumping into things and being able to remember things.
Movement: Lots and lots of movement. I can feel his feet pushing out constantly. Can’t wait to see them!
Cravings: This pregnancy I’ve loved anything breakfast related, and anything carb related if I’m being honest.
Bellybutton: Still rocking that unattractive outty. I can’t wait for that to go away.
Ring on or off: Off. I can’t wait to wear my wedding ring again!
I still can’t believe we’ve made it this far this quickly. I’m scheduled for my c-section bright and early tomorrow morning, and while I am very nervous about surgery, I trust my doctor and am going to try to be calm about it. I’m hoping and praying for an easy recovery and a healthy baby boy.
Let the sleep deprivation and the crazy postpartum life begin!
Thank you all so much for following along during this pregnancy. It’s been a joy to share. I’ll be sharing tons of baby things in the next few months, and I’m so excited about that.
I’ll be taking a break from blogging until the end of the month, but I do have a couple of guest posts from some wonderful friends in the meantime. I’ll also be scheduling out great articles to read and some of my favorite old posts to my Seven Graces Facebook page as well.
And to see this little baby boy making his big debut, be sure to follow along on either Instagram or Facebook! I can’t wait to see him.
You can see my last bumpdates here:
And my two favorite pregnancy influenced from the hearts:
Before We Become a Family of Four
Be blessed, friend! Talk to you soon!
Be sure to follow along for updates!
Snapchat: kristy7graces
So, so excited for you, mama! Can’t wait to see him – hope you enjoy your last day as a mama of one! <3
Sending best wishes and prayers your way! I can’t wait to see sweet little Colin’s face and mostly Charlotte’s face when she sees him!
Sending so many love and prayers! I can’t wait to see his sweet face!
Best of luck to you tomorrow!! So EXCITING!
Yay mama! I’m so excited for you all and can’t wait to see sweet baby Colin! I’ll be praying for you tomorrow!
Ekkk! I am so thrilled for you! I can’t wait to see him :) Stalking your social media!