Oh, hey,
my friends! Lots of wonderful, little things going on in this crazy busy summer
of ours. Here’s the lowdown on the latest and greatest.
just want to say thank you so much for all of the love and wonderful support
you’ve given my post from last week, 25 Life Lessons I Want My Daughter To Know. It was definitely a list from the heart that not only do I truly want my
baby to know as she gets older, but it also served as a great reminder to me of
all the beliefs I hold to be true. I am so thankful for each and every one of
you for reading it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it one of my top three most popular posts to date. And thanks for keeping up with us here at Seven Graces. :) It really does make my heart happy.
attended a birthday party for one of her little friends. It was thrown at a tumbling
gym, and she had such a blast. The gym idea for a birthday location is fantastic.
It’s a really cool place to host a party, especially for older kids. This gym
had activities set up in different areas, and the kids moved to different
stations every 15 minutes or so. The gym employees shuffled the kids around and
were awesome leaders. When all the activities were done, we moved to a party
room to have some food and cake. The kiddos definitely worked up an appetite. It
was so much fun chasing Charlotte and watching her play. Afterward, we took her to Target and found a Mickey & Minnie Mouse for her. Y’all know her obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She had to choose between Minnie and Mickey, and you can guess who she picked. He’s been in her pictures ever since. She is growing up way
too fast, and she sure does make my heart melt.
was the first time I went away overnight by myself. I left Charlotte and the hubs for a little over 24 hours and let me just tell you, I was a nervous
wreck. I took a two-hour road trip to the hometown (a road-trip that I’ve done
countless times before on my own, pre-Charlotte) to co-host a baby shower for
the BFF and to celebrate one of my cousins’ 21st birthday. I had no
doubt in my mind that Charlotte and the hubs would be fine. (Baby girl is a
daddy’s girl for sure.) But the thought of something happening to me while gone
really messed with my head. Fear is the worst. So you better believe that I was
praying like nobody’s business for God to give me some peace and to keep me
safe. He did. Needless to say, I enjoyed my time with my family and friends.
And I especially enjoyed the pictures the hubs sent me while I was away. I was so thankful to return
home safely to my loves. And can I just ask, what is the deal with leaving our babies
behind that makes us give them a 1000 more kisses and hugs when departing and then 1000 more
when we return? Or is that just me?
with the running again. Last week, I ordered some new running shoes, and I
absolutely love them. New running shoes have always motivated me to get to
going. I’ve mentioned before that I’ll be running the Houston Aramco Half
Marathon in January, so I figured now would probably be a good time to start
training. Like I’ve said, I’ve run two full marathons before, and if my memory
serves me correctly, I started training for those two in June. I guess I’m a little behind, but I’m thinking
that training for a half won’t be as strenuous as training for a full. One can
hope. It will definitely be a new experience since I’m a mom now, and taking
the time to train for a marathon/half marathon can be time consuming. I have
yet to research a good training schedule, but will do that soon. I’m still
working on that procrastination thing. So far I’ve run twice this week, which
is 200% more than last week. I’m calling that progress. I plan on keeping you
updated with the whole training shenanigans. Stay tuned.
this summer, it seems like we have had something going on. This coming weekend
will be no different. It’s been a struggle to find time to do all of our everyday activities, and it’s been especially difficult to find time to write and blog. Blogging is definitely something I love, but I’m still trying to find a good balance on when to get it done. I love the community I’ve
found here in blog land, and I love sharing my stories and reading yours, too.
Just an FYI: In two weeks, I’ll continue with the New Mama 101 Series that I’ve been doing on
Mondays. Everything else will be business as usual.
summer been going? And how do you manage it all? I’d love to hear it.
She is so flipping cute! Her clothes. I die!
Thanks, Meagan! Sister girl has a better closet than I do for sure! :) Your kiddos always look adorable, too. Love following the Clanahan shenanigans!
I can't wait until Camille is big enough to play at a little gym! Charlotte is an absolute DOLL. so sweet.
Thanks so much, April! Oh, these little girls just get better and better the older they get. They are too much fun. :) Your little Camille is precious!
I'm trying…very, very slowly to get back into running shape again! I've done the Lincoln National Guard half the past four years, but would like to be in shape to actually compete this year. I have until May to get ready for that one though. There are some great 12 week programs out there. Blessings on your training!
That's awesome! It really is work trying to get back into it. My legs are killing me as I type. Lol. I'll be looking into those 12 week programs this month! I only have until January and I know that is just going to sneak up on me faster than fast. Thanks for stopping by again!
Visiting from the link up again…. love all the sweet pics…. All the best with getting back into running :-)
<3 Sarita
Thanks so much, Sarita! :)
She is adorable. You are a good mother.
Chris, you are too sweet! Thank you so much for that. :)
So many exciting things happening for you this summer.
Oh…those first few times of leaving our babies can be so emotional. Yes… kisses galore when we return (and before we leave).
Charlotte is an absolute light – I can tell from your posts and your pictures how much delight you take in her.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Oh my goodness, Jennifer! This summer has been a whirlwind.
And yes, I was a mess. She of course was absolutely fine, but I had to remind myself that it was all going to be okay. I'm sure I'll be revisiting the feeling though when I leave her for the first time for a girls trip in November. That will require me getting on a plane and leaving her for 4 days. I guess I have some time to prepare. Lol.
And Charlotte absolutely is a ray of sunshine. It's amazing what this mother gig does to you! :) So fun and such a gift.
Thanks so much for your linkup and for stopping by! You are definitely one of the best bloggers I know. ;)
The pic of her in the cart with both minnie and mickey is the cutest thing ever!!! that smile!
Thanks, Courtney! I knew when she was grabbing for both of them that the pictures would be priceless, and they were. :) Her smile is a killer. It really melts my heart ALL the time! I'm in trouble.
Cute pictures! There are always so many changes at that age. Good for you for getting away. I'm always really nervous, too, but it is refreshing and it makes you appreciate being home all the more!
Thanks, Marie! :) Everyday is a new adventure. I'm loving it.
Getting away was a little bit much on my nerves, but once I calmed down, I did enjoy myself. I most definitely was happy to return to my little family. And appreciative is one thing I am!
Your little girl is adorable!
The first night away from baby is always the hardest. I still miss mine when they are away for the night. I look forward to following your training progress. I have never been a runner, but maybe one day. Thanks so much for linking up to WYWW.
Thanks so much!
Yep, that first night was hard, but I made it through. :)
I'll definitely try and keep my training updated on here. I've always been a runner, and I think it's 90% mental, 10% ability. But don't trust my math skills. Lol. I know that determination and endurance can get you far. :)