There really is nothing better than family time. Now that we have two babies, (well, a big baby and a little baby), our time spent together is more special than ever. I think our favorite thing to do as a family is to spend time outdoors. Now that it’s springtime, we’re doing our fair share of that. But because we don’t stop until we drop, winding down for bedtime is crucial for good night’s sleep. Bath time with Ivory bubbles and snuggles with my babes usually does the trick.
Our Bedtime Routine
6:30 :: Bath time
The hubs and I usually divide and conquer. I usually give Charlotte a bath while M gets Colin cleaned up. Bath time is also our one-on-one time, and I get to listen to my silly girl chat about her imaginary friends. She loves playing in the bubbles, splashing around, being young and free.
Our soap of choice is Ivory. I absolutely love Ivory because it’s pure and clean and reminds me of my own childhood. Ivory has been around for generations, proudly made in the USA, and to me, that says a lot.
I love the Ivory Original bar soap, even for myself. It is doctor recommended as a facial cleanser, so I use this to get my makeup off.
When I give Charlotte a bath, I fill the tub with Ivory bubbles, because they are the absolute best.
Ivory Soap is paraben-free, free of dyes and heavy perfumes, and pH-balanced–perfect for sensitive skin!
And with summer coming up, did you know that the Ivory Aloe Body Wash and Original Bar Soap can even help soothe bug bites? Amazing!
6:45 Snuggles & Wind Down Time
After baths, I like to cuddle with both of my babes for a little bit, because who doesn’t love fresh, clean, soft and gentle babies? I’d snuggle them forever and ever if I could!
6:55 :: Pajamas & Teeth Brushing for Charlotte. // Pajamas & Diaper Change for Colin.
7:00 :: Charlotte relaxes on the couch with her daddy. Nursery time for Colin & me; I nurse Colin and put him down to sleep.
7:15 :: Books are chosen by Charlotte. Two books are read. Songs & prayer.
A ritual that my hubs started with Charlotte is to ask her every night what her favorite part of the day was. She now reminds us if we ever forget! I always love hearing what she comes up.
7:30 :: Hugs and kisses and Ugga Mugga. Good night.
And that’s how we end our day with our babies!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Ivory. The opinions and text are all mine.
What’s your favorite family time? Do you have a special bedtime routine?
Be sure to share your #EverydayIvory moments on Instagram and Facebook!
Books are always part of our routine! These pics are too sweet!
We have a similar routine and I love it! I never thought of Ivory for taking makeup off (or bathing the kids) I will have to try it.
we have been really lax with our bedtime routine lately. Josh gets home from work late and Finnegan is all over the place when it comes to time! lol I hope to be better organized at night cause a routine is so important
We have a similar routine at our house :) Dinner, bath, books and bed! I usually put Luke down and Keith takes care of Owen, although when we move and they’re sharing a room we’ll have to find a new routine.
We love Ivory too and it smells so good! Our girls are in bed by 730 and not a minute later haha Today was an early night (645pm) since I knew they were both pooped so I had some extra time to pamper myself :)