With Mother’s Day coming up, I can’t help but think of my own mother.
When I published this post about when I became a mama, my mom opened up and told me that she, too, experienced the very same emotions when she had me. I can’t tell you how humbling and bonding that was for me as her daughter. My mom and I are super close, and I love her more than words can say. Now that she’s “Nana” to my Charlotte, life is even sweeter and really has come full circle.
This past week, Robin Roberts from Good Morning America was on The View talking about a letter she wrote to her own mother in her new book, Everybody’s Got Something. She encouraged everyone to write a letter to their mother to let them know exactly what they mean to them. Advice taken.
Dear Mother,
First of all, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you and how thankful I am to you for giving me life. I can’t imagine what it must have felt like to be 16 and pregnant. Just thinking of what you had to endure at that sweet, tender age floods my eyes with tears, but oh, how you beat the odds. You did it. It took a village, but just look at us now. I also know now since becoming a mother myself that sometimes in this crazy life of motherhood you can often find yourself doubting your mothering choices, questioning if you should have done things this way or that way. But let me just tell you that what you’ve done right far surpasses what you may have ever done wrong.
You taught me what it means to be a lady and how to live with class. When I was a little girl (and even now), I always loved having the prettiest mom around. You were always so put-together and always wearing THE best accessory, your smile. You taught me to have manners, to respect my elders, and to always be kind. You taught me how to hold my head up high and be proud of who I am, because I am a child of God.
You taught me how to love like Jesus. Without you and your divine, unconditional love, I would just be surviving. But because of you and Jesus’ love, I’m thriving. You were the first to instill in me that Jesus loves me. And you didn’t just tell me. You showed me. Every time you gave me a hug, every time you gave me your smile, every time you gently guided me when I fell, you showed me His love. You taught me how to lean on God when things in life get tough. Because Lord knows our family has seen bumps in the road. You also taught me what it means to truly forgive, another one of God’s greatest gifts. Thank you for teaching me to never give up on God because His plan is always greater than our own. You made sure that God always came first in our lives. He always has, and He always will.
You taught me how to be a mother, and for that I am forever thankful. I am thankful for our friendship. I am thankful for your guidance. I am thankful for your ears. I am thankful for your shoulder you’ve given every single time for me on which to lean. I am thankful for your heart. I am thankful for your
selflessness. And I am so very thankful for your love. Because in the end, like
my friend Glennon says, “Love
wins.” Thank you for being a warrior, mother. I only hope to be as
courageous as you in my life. Your optimism and zest for life amaze me all the
time. How blessed I am to have you. I couldn’t imagine life without you,
but know that if I ever had to endure such a thing, all that you have ever
taught me would live on forever.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mother. I love you more than any words could ever describe.
Love always,
Your Kris-tin-a
Awww I love this! I have had baby fever lately and this just makes me have it even more.I yearn for the day I get to become a mom. My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years so I think it's time for us to get married first, but someday it will happen for me. ;)
Thanks, Bri! All in God's timing, my dear. :) Blessings to you, sweet friend!