Well, hello there! I sure have missed you, friend. I mean, I see you all the time on social media, but it’s been a while since I’ve opened up to write and blog, and I have missed it. Truly missed it. You see, there have been a ton of changes going on around here lately. Hopefully, by the end of this you’ll understand why. So happy Friday! Here’s what’s currently going on…

Over the last two weeks, we have been spending lots of family time together. Last weekend we went to my home base, and this weekend, we’ll be spending time in the husband’s home base. I love being home by the water, and Charlotte certainly loves it too. Speaking of Charlotte…

For the love of all that is holy. I asked on my Facebook page for your tried and true potty training tips, and I got some really great advice. One of the biggest things is, if your child isn’t ready, don’t force it. I’ll be sharing our whole saga soon, so I’ll just give you the highlights: We tried, we failed, we’ll try again later. You would think at three and a month, she would be ready, but she’s not. She trained her doll just fine, but then she thought it was a game for just her doll. She REFUSED to go in her potty. Begged for her diaper. Cried tears for me to make it stop. So that’s where we’re at.
Another thing that we’re battling with is Charlotte getting out of her bed at night when we tuck her in. As soon as we put her down and have had our nightly routine, she crawls out of bed and goes and plays by her door. We hear her opening and shutting the door. We’ve been battling this for the past week and a half. She used to be a champ of a rule follower, but now, well. Either I or M has to go back in her room to put her back to bed. Last night we did this about seven times. She didn’t fall asleep until 10:30. Her normal bedtime is 8 p.m. Is this normal? Is it just a phase? Could she be sensing all the change that’s going on right now? I don’t know what it is, but it’s driving us bonkers. Speaking of change…

When it rains, it really rains. In my last Friday post two weeks ago, I vaguely mentioned that something was going on that was giving me high anxiety and has been for a while. I’ve been reluctant to share, but that’s what I do here, so here goes it. You see, my husband is in the oil & gas industry. If you’ve been paying attention to the economic status of the industry, especially in Houston, you’d know that it’s not good right now. I remember when I filled up our car a couple of months ago and it costing about 25 dollars. Normally, that would be something to celebrate, but when it’s your family’s job security, it made my stomach sink.
Two weeks ago, my husband was laid off from his job. It was like being sucker punched. Sure, we knew lay-offs were coming, hence the anxiety on my end, but it was still a shock for him to be let go because we definitely thought he’d be one of the guys to stay. Needless to say, it’s been a tough two weeks. Our schedules have changed and everything is different. We’re trying to find a new normal with both of us at home, and we’re both doing the best we can. This is why I haven’t been blogging. I just haven’t had the time. I think one day, I’ll sit down and write about this time and how we got through it and came out better in the end. But right now, we’re in the thick of it, trying to sort out fun adult things like insurance, budgets, and schedules. This definitely hasn’t boded well with pregnancy hormones either. Talk about one hot mess express. However, I still see a silver lining in the storm. We’re spending more quality time together, and our faith is growing stronger every day. Now maybe my Instagram captions make more sense? I’m holding on to God’s promises that we will be okay. One way or another, everything will be fine and work itself out. Is it easy to think like this? Heavens no. But I know Whose hands we’re in, and that makes me feel so much better.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29: 11-13

Since I’ve been a hot mess, my girlfriends have been the best encouragers ever. Sure, M and I have been leaning on each other, but women need their women, too. It’s amazing to able to call your best friend and have her walk you off the ledge or to stop what she’s doing and pray for you and with you. I’ve never been more thankful. I’m thankful for each one of my girlfriends offering any help that they may have offered during this difficult time. True friends never fail, and I just hope I’m as good of a friend as they are. (Photo & lettering by Amanda at @bugaboobeardesigns)
And now that I’ve been all deep and stuff…
How is Downton Abbey over already?! If you haven’t caught up, what are you waiting for? You can watch all of Season 6 by following my directions here. And if you need to catch up or just want to rewatch Seasons 1-5, you can watch on Amazon Prime. This last season and the last episode was beyond good. I think I’ll start the entire series over when I bring the new baby home in September. I mean, if I can wait that long.
You may have heard, but Instagram is changing. I personally think it’s already been changing, but what do I know? I loved John Mayer’s take on the whole situation. I doubt that anyone complaining or petitioning or airing their discontent is going to make a difference, but it’s nice to know that people really do care about the little people. Not up to date about the Instagram hoopla? Instagram used to be (and still is on most accounts) chronological, meaning that when someone posts a new picture, it shows up on your feed in the order that it was shared. Now that’s going to change. You know. Much like Facebook is now. Why? For advertisers to pay high dollar to be seen. What does that mean for my favorite social media and the way I share? Not a whole lot. I still will use it and love it like I always have. But if you want to make sure you’re not missing anything from your favorite accounts, be sure to go to the profile page, click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, and turn on post notifications. That way you can be sure to know when your favorite people post, keeping you in the loop.
And that’s about the size of it. Please bear with me as I try to get caught up with comments here and on social media. Like I said, it’s been a long two weeks, and I haven’t been on my computer much. I hope to be back to blogging more frequently soon. I really do miss writing. I’m praying that the sun will come out tomorrow, Annie style.
I hope you have the best weekend! Sending you lots of love and prayers. Until next time, friend…
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The getting out of bed is just a phase. A did it for a while too and it was exhausting but she will eventually stop, I promise.
Still sending your family lots of love my dear.
Hugs! I had an idea about the layoff from your IG post. I’m so sorry! We’re in that “will it happen?” phase, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every decision starts with “If you get laid off…”. Thoughts and prayers for y’all!
I don’t like Instagram’s change either. I hope the petition works. In my opinion, there are so many other social media platforms that already pick our feed “depending on our interest.” Give is one that’s different, you know?
I can’t offer much in the way of potty training advice (I give all the credit to the ladies at the daycare – they rocked it!) but as far as bed time goes, we put a door knob cover on the inside of Jett’s door. The deal is, as long as he stays in his bed he gets the door open but if he wants to stay up and play, the door gets shut. It took a couple of nights for him to adjust but now he “gets it” (as much as a 2.5 year old can possibly get anything!!).
Hang in there with the potty training – it is tough but the whole “they’ll do it when they’re ready” is the honest truth and pushing them just stresses you both out! My nephew was 3.5 before he was fully on board but he just sort of did it one day!
Been praying for you lady – we still need to get together for coffee soon!
the potty thing will come! all kids get it one way or another. a doctor actually told a friend of mine that the new norm for potty training is getting closer to 4 now!
I REALLY need to start watching Downton Abbey. I started the first episode once and couldn’t get into it, i guess i need to get past the first few!!
happy weekend, enjoy it with your family! XO
I’m so sorry to hear of the struggles your family is facing – it may seem like it’s not the best timing but we know that God’s timing is perfect – so I can’t wait to see what comes out of all of this turbulence.
I really don’t like the purposed Instagram changes – I don’t use Instagram very much to bring people to my blog… I use it as a way to connect with others. I really hope they reconsider.
The potty training thing… yeah – don’t push it. I feel almost weird to admit that I really didn’t do much when it came to potty training. Just stuck my girls in panties and if they had more than a couple accidents, back into pull-ups they went. It took a while but I was okay with it because realistically, unless there’s something physiologically “wrong” with your child, EVERYONE learns to pee in the toilet. My first indicator of a crummy preschool is one that forces children to be toilet trained before attending. To me, that means they don’t care about the individuality and unique development of a child. LOL sorry about the rant – toilet training is one of those “hot topics” for me because it often turns into a “my child was trained when they were 18 months” bragging rights kind of thing and that infuriates me. Children are individuals – and I love that you’ve decided to pull back and let Charlotte adjust and get ready for toilet training in her own terms. I also know how challenging it can be when you have a baby on the way (I know I just wanted big G to be out of pull ups before I started doing the diaper routine again). However, it’s a stressful time for the little ones in our lives and often our “ideal timing” isn’t their ideal timing… you know?
So much is happening in your life right now and I’m so thankful you have the Lord and your friends surrounding you. Your beautiful family will be in my prayers.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Ack, I forgot – I LOVED the last season of Downton Abbey. So sad it’s over but it ended beautifully. <3
Hang in there, friend. I am praying for you in this crazy season of life. You know how I feel about potty training. It’s rough. It will happen though – we both need to tell ourselves that!
I am so sorry to hear about all the struggles yo uall are facing :(. I hope things turn up soon.
I’m so sorry about your husband being laid off. Mine (also in O&G in Houston) got laid off last month so I feel you. He had been in limbo for over a year and it finally happened. It’s definitely been an adjustment. But on the bright side it’s nice to have him home more and he’s finally had time to take care of some things at home. He just last week started getting calls for interviews and it’s a rough market, but I’m confident we’ll make it through all right and so will you! Hang in there! I’ll be praying your husband finds something soon <3
I was wondering if that’s what you were going to say when you mentioned something about the oil and gas industry before. I know that anxiety full well, it’s been like a looming grey cloud the past year and a half for us too. Prayers go out to your family and I’m sure M will find something as soon as things pick back up.
So sorry that you are going through such a trying time. When we lived in Texas my husband worked in oil and gas, too. It was incredibly stressful. God will see you through this.
As far as potty training….my pediatrician always said, “Kids never go off to college still in diapers. It’ll happen when she’s ready.” We stopped for a month sand she picked it up like a charm. It’s all good.
Enjoy your family.
I agree that Instagram has already been modifying our feeds for several months now, but is just making the changes public.Good luck with potty-training Charlotte.
Prayers, prayers, prayers, and more prayers!! I can’t imagine the stress you’re going through with all of this. You’re right, though…He will get you through this.
Love you, girl! You’ve got the strength of the Lord to carry you through so I know you are going to be great! Prayers for you all. XO
I completely understand how difficult it is to remember God has a plan. You’re right though…there’s a silver lining in everything. Will be thinking of y’all.
I read this a few days ago but didn’t get the chance to comment. Seriously love your outlook right now in such a scary place. It’s hard to not to feel scared when you’re in the thick of it, but just continue to trust in God. Everything happens for a reason, I truly believe it. I always say my husband losing his job was the best thing that ever happened to us. Of course I didn’t know that for the three months that he was without work or even the first 6 initial months of his new job. Also – LOVE what John Mayor said. I really hope Instagram listens to all of the backlash that they seem to be getting about changing it up.