Hello, beautiful people! Happy to see you all again. Lots of confessing to do this happy day, so let’s get started.
Thinking about…
My week. So in my last post I said it has been one heck of a week, and here’s why: To make a long story short, I lost my entire 46 GB iPhoto library. I know. I can’t even. (Yes, I have taken my computer into the Apple store. No, the photos cannot be recovered.) After about three days of depression, I have come to grips with the loss and am piecing together what I do in fact still have. Thank goodness for Facebook, Google Pics, Shutterfly, and never deleting anything off my iPhone. All was not lost, but it was a heartbreaker for sure. I’ll be writing about all that I’ve learned from this incident and will be going into greater detail about it next week, so stay tuned. Because in the end, if losing some photos is my biggest problem right now, things really aren’t that bad. I’ve chosen to count my blessings instead of my losses, and that has given me peace.
Thankful for…
Good friends. In the middle of my crisis (see number one), my dear friend Janet came to the rescue and watched Charlotte while I went out into the world to try and save my computer’s pictures. One of Charlotte’s BFF’s is Janet’s little girl, and they are as cute as can be. I used to work with Janet, and we actually had classrooms right next to each other. We both were pregnant at the same time, and we both left the teaching world at the same time. Charlotte is only about a month and a half older than Janet’s little babe. So it has only made sense to have fun play dates with our best girls. Charlotte had a blast while I was out running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Little Miss even took a two hour nap while I was gone. Janet sent me these fabulous pictures of Charlotte making herself at home and our girls eating lunch and watching none other than Frozen. Be still my heart. It really says something about a person when at the drop of a hat they are willing to help you out in a pinch. I am so very thankful.
Fall fashion for the mini and me. First of all, did you all know that there is a J.Crew Factory for kids?! I can’t even handle this information. This Labor Day weekend, everything is 40-60% off. I probably won’t be buying anything just yet, but I am window shopping like crazy.
One fall-ish purchase I just made was this new Chanel Ultra Wear lip color in Sensual Rose. It’s a really pretty berry color and is pretty versatile in that it will work well with any season. (I don’t think the color above is true to the real-life color, but this is what it looks like.) This puppy goes the distance as far as staying put. The clear gloss that comes with this is magical, too. Usually, I’ll go without the gloss since I give a million kisses a day, but when I’m feeling fancy, the gloss makes the color sparkle. It is my new favorite for sure.
God’s Not Dead. We finally were able to watch this movie last weekend, and it was so good. If you’ve never heard about it, it’s about a college boy who defends his faith in his Philosophy class. Tears were had. Movies like this are so refreshing, and it just made my heart happy. Definitely a great movie to watch for a date night in.
My love. If you follow us on Instagram (and if you don’t, come join the party here), you might have seen that we took a little trip to the airport this week to drop off our main squeeze. He’s on a guy’s trip in Scotland, and we miss him like crazy. Even though we miss him, I’m so very thankful that he’s able to go play golf at beautiful, historical places and that he’s able to hang out with his buddies. He works so hard for us, and he definitely deserves the vacation.
Charlotte loved the airport. Her smile while in her daddy’s lap melted my heart. We then of course couldn’t leave without taking a family selfie. I love my little family. We’re counting down the days until the hubs/daddy returns.
What’s currently going on in your world? Any new favorites? Let a sister know.
I hope you have an amazing three-day weekend. Enjoy the extra day off with your family! I’ll be taking a holiday with the rest of America, so we’ll see you back here next Wednesday. Happy Labor Day!
***See where I’m linking up here.
I love that you choose to count your blessings instead of focusing on your losses. It's something that draws me to your blog and you! Enjoy your weekend! Xoxo
Thanks, my lovely friend! :) Hope you're having a fabulous weekend home. Xoxo
A busy week! Such a bummer about the photos but you said it best – if that's the worst thing going on right now, things aren't that bad. Definitely checking out the movie recommendation. And golfing in Scotland doesn't sound like my thing, but if it was, that just sounds perfect. :) Enjoy the mommy/daughter dates! Those are the best.
You know, it's amazing what a little time and a little perspective will do. ;) I hope you like the movie as much as I did. Yep, I think I would rather do some hikes in Scotland, but I'm definitely excited that the hubs was able to see a new country. We did enjoy tons of mommy/daughter dates and had a wonderful weekend. I hope yours was wonderful as well! :)
Oh my gosh, noooooooo! I'm so sorry! I am so dumb and never backed up any of my pictures when Mia accidently knocked over our lap top. The screen broke and we still don't know if we can pull the pictures off… they are all from her first year of life! AH!!
A guy's trip in Scotland? AMAZING! I hope the time flies until you all are reunited!
Yes, it was quite awful. But thank heavens for social media and my oversharing. I had the most important pictures saved onto sites like Facebook and Shutterfly. I'm pretty sure if your hardrive is still in tact, you should be fine. ;)
Yeah, he is pretty lucky. Good thing he liked it, because now he says we have a future destination spot for the both of us. :) We were reunited Monday afternoon, and it's been great to have him back.
Awww I am so sorry about the loss of your photos, I would be devastated too but I love the attitude you have. It could definitely be way worse. So nice that you have great friends to help you out in a pinch too!! Friends like that are invaluable! And you have a cute husband, your whole family is cute! Hope you're having a good week!
Yeah, Jessica, it was pretty heartbreaking. But I had to choose to have a better attitude about it. ;)
I'm so thankful for the friends I have! And thanks so much for your kind words about my family. I think my the hubs is pretty cute, too.
Happy weekend!
Oh no :( I would have been a sobbing mess. I worry about that too. I am interested to hear your ideas. I have mine saved on an external hard drive.
Awww. YAY for a wonderful friend to come to the rescue. Adorable pics of the kids :)
FUN! What a great trip for your hubby. But I totally know what you mean about missing them. Mine was only gone 3 days this week for work and that was enough!!
Stopping by from the link up.
~Becky with Choose Happy
I was a for a hot minute. If you read my Currently Vol. 4, I share what I learned and how I'm saving things now. ;)
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)