Happy, happy Friday! It’s been a great week around here. The sun has been shining, the weather has been warm, but not too warm, and it’s beginning to look a lot like spring. This week was a big week because my little Charlotte Grace finally turned three. We had her birthday party this weekend, and we celebrated pretty much all week long. Here are some highlights from it and some random chit chat for you on this fine day.

I mentioned yesterday that having your invitations made makes life so much easier when you’re planning a birthday party. I also mentioned that I’ve used the same designer, House of Emery Design, for the past three years. With each invitation, I had a clear vision of what I wanted; I described it to Morgan, the designer extraordinaire, and she came up with these. I believe the Charlotte’s Web design is still one of her best sellers. Definitely check her out for your next invitation need. She can whip up something spectacular for you, I’m sure.

Life with this girl. She turned three officially on Tuesday, and let me just say that we have hit the threenager status. All of a sudden, her new favorite word is NO. Um, I don’t think so sister. I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of come to Jesus meetings this year. But when she’s not pushing the boundaries, she’s still the sweetest which makes parenting one heck of a rollercoaster.
On Tuesday, her actual birthday, we took her golfing for the first time. She always watches golf on TV with her daddy, and she thinks it’s the greatest thing ever. When I was getting her out of bed the morning of her birthday, I was giving her hugs and telling her happy birthday. As soon as I hugged her, she then told me I needed to get out of her bed because I was going to crack it. She kills me. Anyway, I asked her what she wanted to do for her big day, and she said, “Golf!” Well, okay. So we made it happen that afternoon, and it was a blast.

She really thought she was a pro. She had the most fun riding around in the cart, throwing the golf balls, seeing the deer run around the course, and learning how to swing the golf clubs. It was so much fun for all of us.

Later that night, I snapped this for Snapchat.

We’re pretty fancy around here. If you’re not on Snapchat yet, I highly suggest it. You can find me through my usual user name of kristy7graces. I think Charlotte’s third birthday was the best one yet.

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve bought shoes for myself, and I’ve really been wanting a new pair of tennis shoes ever since I received my first pair of Lululemon running pants. I’m all about the athleisure wear. (You know, athletic wear you wear for leisure purposes only.) I knew I wanted some black Nike tennis shoes. When we went to the mall on President’s Day, I saw these at Nordstrom, and knew they were exactly what I was looking for. They didn’t have my size at the store, but in true best customer service form, I was able to order myself a pair with free shipping. They arrived this week, and I love them!

Tuesday, Charlotte had Mother’s Day Out, and I was able to take her class a treat to celebrate her birthday. We made our favorite homemade sugar cookies, and I figured the recipe was worth sharing again. They were a huge hit with her class! This is the same recipe we use every year for Christmas. I originally shared it here.
Cookie Ingredients
3/4 cup softened butter
3/4 cup shortening
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 egg yolk
3 tablespoons milk (we used whole milk)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F.
1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened butter and shortening with an electric mixer. (I used my Kitchen Aid mixer.) Beat on medium to high speed for about 30 seconds.
2. Add in the sugar, baking soda, and salt. Mix well and scrape the sides of the bowl occasionally.
3. Next, add in the egg, egg yolk, milk, and vanilla.
4. Gradually add in the flour into the mixer. Mix, then add, mix, then add, until all flour is combined and mixed well.
5. Transfer a quarter of the dough onto wax paper and roll out. Sprinkle the wax paper and cookie cutters with flour for easier handling. Cut out cookies with your favorite cookie cutter design.
6. Place cookies onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until all dough has been used. (We used several baking sheets and prepped all of the cookies before putting any in the oven.)
8. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees F, until edges are golden brown. Transfer cookies to cooling rack. (Makes about 4 dozen cookies. We doubled this recipe and had over 100 cookies.)
Once the cookies are cool, you can ice them or glaze them. We made our own glaze with this super easy recipe:
Cookie Icing Glaze
powdered sugar
evaporated milk
food coloring
We eye-balled the measurements for this, but in a cup or small bowl, mix about a half cup of powdered sugar and about a tablespoon or less of evaporated milk. Mix. Stir into a consistency that isn’t too runny, and isn’t too thick. You can add food coloring drops for your desired color.
We halved the recipe this time for the cookies, and it was just enough for her class and a few leftovers for home.
Random chit chat time.

- My anxiety has been at an all-time high this week, but I’m chilling out and just rolling with the punches. I have some of the best people in my life who remind me to chill the heck out and lean on my faith. When I saw this by The Bannerie on Instagram (she’s my favorite Instagrammer of all time), I knew it was meant for me. Great isn’t it? Like my dad always says, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.”
- More chit chat…do you like beauty tutorials? My friend Meg is seriously the best beauty and lifestyle blogger, and I loved her eyebrow tutorial this week. I can’t wait to follow her instructions, because my eyebrows need some major TLC. Anyone else? Go give that tutorial a gander.
- Are you a Walking Dead fan? If you are, can we just all have a moment of silence for Carl’s eye? Sorry if you’re not caught up, but you need to be. This week’s episode was quite possibly the best episode they’ve ever done. I was watching it like a crazy person. And did you hear the news report about police being called to a home because neighbors heard shouting and screaming? Yeah, the people living in the house were just watching the new episode of The Walking Dead. That is serious. Ha.
And that’s about all I have for you today, friend. Let’s all chill out and have a great weekend, okay? I say it’s a deal. Talk to you soon!
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