Well, what do you know? It’s Friday again. Riveting, I tell ya. Lately, I’ve been in all sorts of moods: happy, excited, nervous, anxious, disappointed, stressed, relieved, happy. In that order. I’m working on a “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” and “The Confessions of a Mom Blogger” post, because that kind of sums up my life right now. But don’t cry for me, Argentina. Life is peachy and here’s why. (Warning: This probably could have been five separate blog posts, but… I’ll try to be brief. Ha. Photo dump ahead.)

Last Thursday, the hubs and I enjoyed a concert in The Woodlands, and goodness gracious was it awesome. He was off for the holiday weekend, and my mom came up to watch Charlotte. We ventured out early, went and had an early dinner and drinks, and date night-ed it up.
He had purchased the tickets months ago, and when he snagged them, he bought pit tickets. I have never braved the pit section before at a concert, but I figured it would be okay while listening to Dashboard Confessional and Third Eye Blind. Hello, senior year of high school and college memories.

When I was thinking of “the pit,” in my head, I thought of people moshing around, getting all crazy. I was not thinking we’d be standing in the FRONT ROW, listening to some of our favorite lyrics of all time, feeling like our 21-year-old selves. The concert was so good I only went to the bathroom once, before it even officially started. When you’re a mama, you know what a feat that is, especially if you’ve had a beer or two.

And just in case you were wondering how close front row really is, the picture above pretty much explains it. I could see up Chris Carrabba’s nose and see all the details of his tattoos. That close. The concert started out with Augustana. The lead singer is amazingly talented. Then it was Dashboard. Heaven. And then it closed out with Third Eye Blind. They played a lot of new music, which was ehh, but their old stuff: Glory days.

Then it was Fourth of July Eve. I thought about doing a recap of our weekend, but honestly, I just didn’t have it in me this week until now, so here we are.
Last Friday, we splashed around in our neighbor’s pool. Charlotte absolutely loves it! I don’t know why I don’t have her in swimming lessons this year, because she is such a little fish. She even jumped in with her floaties on, and I almost had a coronary. Before she hopped in, I snapped a few pictures like the mamarazzi that I am. I can’t even with this little girl.

I don’t know where she gets her sass.

Fourth of July was spent with some good family friends, and Charlotte dressed in her red, white, and blue as did the entire family. Somehow I didn’t get a picture of all of us, but it’s in my head. Charlotte is the star anyway.

While at our friends’ house, she jumped in the pool again, and of course she had a ball. She’s growing up in a blink, folks. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself come Mother’s Day Out time in September.

Once the weekend was over, play dates resumed. We went over to our friend’s house, and Charlotte got to play with her friend Emma. They splashed around in a kiddie pool, and tug-of-war-ed it with some Disney princesses. Toddlers and sharing. They’ll learn soon enough.

P.S. I’m in love with Charlotte’s bathing suit. I would link it, but it’s sold out. Womp womp. However, this flamingo one is adorable and so is this one too.

Now let’s just talk about my baby doll some more. This week has been interesting with her. She’s talking more, eating more, and “acting” more. This day she was loving her kolache.
One of her new things is to act like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She hovers over her chair or mini-trampoline and pretends to weep. I had no earthly idea what she was doing at first, but then when my sister FaceTimed us in the middle of one of Char’s acting sessions, she nailed it. She said, “I’ve seen that scene before. She’s acting like Belle!” Now Charlotte’s future holds acting. I always knew I was raising a future star.

We did take a quick break from Beauty and the Beast, and to my surprise, Little Miss Sassafras requested Cinderella. She dances any time a song comes on, and it always makes my heart full.

Last but not least, I wanted to tell you about Amazon Prime’s Prime Day. Please tell me you are a Prime Member and are just as excited about this sale as I am. I’m thinking some Christmas presents will be bought in July. If you haven’t heard about Prime Day, I’m here to say that you won’t want to miss these deals. Amazon is my favorite place for EVERYTHING, and with the Prime membership, you get free two-day shipping. Anything that’s touted to be better than Black Friday has my attention. If you’re not a member yet, you still have time to sign-up for a free 30-day trial to enjoy the deals, instant videos, music, etc.. You can sign-up HERE. You can thank me later.
Before I go, I just have to let you know that we’re now on Snapchat! The screen name is kristy7graces, just like Instagram and Twitter. You can get a glimpse of our daily shenanigans if you’re so inclined.
That’s a wrap! Happiest of weekends to you! See you next week with confessions, summer wardrobe outfits, beach planning, and more.
Yay for Dashboard! So awesome y’all did the pit! That was me back in the day, right up the front screaming… except he didn’t play at venues like the Pavilion…. and tickets were much cheaper. LOL. And yes yes yes with the ups and downs. Lots of good vibes and prayers around here!
It was so fun. I’m glad we went. Somehow M got really lucky and didn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for tickets. I guess we got them with the early birds. :) And right back at you with the prayers and good vibes! Xoxo
Still so jealous you guys got to see Dashboard! I’m praying my hubby gets the hint and gets us tickets for later this month when they are here.
And Charlotte is just so stinking adorable! Love all her looks!
I hope y’all get to go! Dashboard was phenomenal. I would definitely go see them again.
And thank you. She is my little diva, that is for sure! :)
What a fun concert – I won’t tell you the type of music I like because bad things happen in mosh pits! Hehe – I’m so glad there is another Gap & Old Navy lover out there as much as I am, I feel like I get a package from them every day!
Yay for Dashboard! So awesome y'all did the pit! That was me back in the day, right up the front screaming… except he didn't play at venues like the Pavilion…. and tickets were much cheaper. LOL. And yes yes yes with the ups and downs. Lots of good vibes and prayers around here!
It was so fun. I'm glad we went. Somehow M got really lucky and didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for tickets. I guess we got them with the early birds. :) And right back at you with the prayers and good vibes! Xoxo
Still so jealous you guys got to see Dashboard! I'm praying my hubby gets the hint and gets us tickets for later this month when they are here.
And Charlotte is just so stinking adorable! Love all her looks!
What a fun concert – I won't tell you the type of music I like because bad things happen in mosh pits! Hehe – I'm so glad there is another Gap & Old Navy lover out there as much as I am, I feel like I get a package from them every day!
Oh my gosh that sass!!!! How stinkin cute is she!?? Loved this post!
Oh my gosh that sass!!!! How stinkin cute is she!?? Loved this post!
It was so fun! Lol. I bet I listened to “that kind of music” when I was in high school. Memories…
And yes, they are the best and so are their sales!!! Xoxo
Yes, her sass is a 10 on the richter scale. And thanks so much!! :)
I hope y'all get to go! Dashboard was phenomenal. I would definitely go see them again.
And thank you. She is my little diva, that is for sure! :)
Yes, her sass is a 10 on the richter scale. And thanks so much!! :)