Well, it only took me three weeks to write Colin’s birth story. That’s much quicker than I ever wrote Charlotte’s. It’s back to blogging we go!
My sweet baby boy’s birth story…
Looking back, my pregnancy with Colin was really a breeze. I kept track of my weight like a hawk, and I’m thankful I did, because I feel like the recovery has been so much easier than my recovery with Charlotte. I was riddled with anxiety most of the nine months I was pregnant, but it’s mostly because we went through a few stressful ordeals this year. (Remember that job layoff?) But then September came.
I was so nervous about bringing a new child into our family, even though we prayed for him to be here well before he ever was. But now I look back and think about how silly I was to ever worry so much. God always knows what He’s doing.
The Days Before
Because I had a c-section with my firstborn, I chose to go with my doctor’s recommended route of having a repeat c-section. Having a scheduled c-section is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we were able to plan things accordingly and have logistics worked out for childcare and have family help arranged. A curse because you know exactly when your life is about to change forever.
The day before my sweet boy arrived, Charlotte started her first day of Mother’s Day Out for the year. I was able to take her to school and have one last day of normal. Although, in the days leading up to my delivery, she definitely acted like she knew that her world was about to shift. My biggest fear going into all of this was Charlotte not feeling loved. I think every mom having a second child has the same fear. That week (and throughout my whole pregnancy, really), I made sure to spend as much special one-on-one time with her as I could. I took her to lunch, took her to get her first haircut, and took her to school like I always had before.
The night before delivery day, my mom came into town to help out with Charlotte, and I made sure I had all of the clothes, burp cloths, and linens we needed ready for our return. I also made sure I had everything laid out for my little princess, too. And of course I waited until the very last minute to pack my hospital bag.
The week prior to our hospital check-in, we registered and did all pre-op work. We were put on my doctor’s OR schedule and were told to be at the hospital bright and early at 6:30 a.m..
The Big Day
Friday, September 9, Michael and I packed our bags into our Tahoe, with two car seats in tow, and set out into the city to meet our little man.
When we arrived at the hospital, we valeted like we were told and took our time going up to the labor and delivery floor. We checked in and waited in the c-section waiting room. Then we were given instructions on what would happen and when, and it was business as usual for us. We had casual conversation on the way to the hospital and while we were there, but I have no idea what we talked about. My mind was clearly in a fog.
Next thing I knew, we were called back to our pre-op room, and I changed into my hospital gown.
I was so completely nervous. I had been crying a lot prior to the hospital, and I cried a bit while I was being prepped. M asked me why I was so emotional, but hello, pregnancy hormones. Need I say more? Honestly, I was scared of the unknown, scared that bringing a new little human into the world was going to be too much. Scared that something could go wrong. Scared that I wouldn’t be able to love as much as I loved Charlotte. Scared that I wouldn’t be able to handle being a mom to two.
While I was being prepped for surgery, we decided that we would donate our cord blood for cancer research. Making that decision was a no-brainer considering that we have lost two very special people to cancer in the last five years (M’s dad and my grandpa). It took my mind off my anxiety for a little bit, and it took my mind off the pain I had from having a painful IV insertion. My doctor came in to check on me, answered a few last minute questions, and then it was waiting time.
Since we had a little bit of time before surgery, I had the chance to give one last hug and kiss to my big girl. I was a mess. I couldn’t let her see me a mess though, so I fought back the tears, and put on a big smile.
I was able to take a deep breath and “woo-sah” it out.
The C-Section
Next thing I knew, it was showtime. I was taken back to the operating room, and there is nothing weirder than walking into a room where you’re about to be cut open on an operating table. A couple of nurses were with me, and then my CRNA came in, and then the anesthesiologist. I was given my epidural and that was it. My doctor walked in, and things started rocking and rolling. Once I was given my meds, I was Chatty Cathy. I talked my nurses ears off and all my anxiety left me. Then Michael came in to be by side. In a few minutes, we would meet our little man.
It all happened so fast. I didn’t even realize that the surgery had begun when I heard the doctor’s tell me, “You’re about to feel a lot of pressure. He’s almost here.” I remember saying, “What?! We’ve already started?” This time around, it was not as painful as I remembered it with Charlotte. I was just waiting to hear his cry. I asked Michael if he could see him, and then I heard it: his first cry into the world. Tears fell from my face and a new love washed over me like I never expected.
While they finished up with my surgery, Michael was able to see Colin get cleaned up and weighed.
My sweet boy was here. He weighed seven pounds, five ounces, was 21 inches long, and was as perfect as could be. My heart wanted to explode.
Once he was cleaned up, I was able to hold him and start our skin-to-skin time.
Just like the first time, it was so surreal. I was on cloud 9.
I think this time around, it was a different experience because everything felt so much more calm. More calm because I knew exactly what was about to happen. More calm because I let my anxiety go and fell into the peace of God’s presence.
A New Life
After my surgery, I was taken to my post-op room, and I was able to nurse Colin for what seemed like forever. He then was shuttled off to the nursery so I could get some rest, and he was able to meet some very special people along the way.
He met his big sister, his Nana, his PawPaw, and he even saw his Aunt Paige on FaceTime.
When our hospital room was ready, we were moved to our new digs for the next few days. We actually were moved to a very small room, and then they moved us to a bigger room once one was available. Apparently, it was a very hopping day at the hospital.
We all patiently waited for Colin to join us in our room, and then he arrived!
While we were getting acquainted, we gave Charlotte a big sister gift from her baby brother. She was thrilled. It was a big day for her, and I hope she’ll have it as one of her earliest long-term memories.
Then it was time for her hold her little brother, and it’s a moment I’ll never forget.
The way she talks to her little brother is absolutely priceless. Her voice changes to a higher pitch, and she “baby talks” to him saying, “Hi baby Colin! I’m your big tither!” For some reason she can’t say her “s’s” when she’s talking to him. My heart melts, and I laugh a little every time I hear her talk to him.
The Next Few Days in the Hospital
The next few days flew by, and those days felt like a honeymoon period with our sweet boy. Our hospital stay was nothing short of amazing. We had the best care, and I enjoyed every minute we spent there. It was so peaceful, and we were taken care of so well.
We had a few visitors each day, with my family coming and going, and Colin was able to meet his great-grandma (my Momo), my Aunt Cindy and Aunt Flora, and his Grandma and Aunt Madeline. We never felt overwhelmed with visitors, which is definitely the way to go about it.
Our family fell in love with him, and so did we.
When we Michael and I were alone in the hospital, we were able to bond with our little boy and were able to get to know him a little better every day. We also were able to ask all the questions, because life with a boy is definitely different than life with a girl.
Each day, Charlotte came to visit with Mom and family, and there were times when I could tell she was having a tough time. But then I’d see the magic in her eyes when she would hold him, and the curiosity she had about him being in our life now.
She was well taken care of and spoiled while we were in the hospital, but I knew it was making her anxious. I think she wanted to be with us, but I knew it would happen soon enough.
Our last two days there in the hospital, I really started to grasp that we were now a party of four.
We were tired, but I have never felt so complete.
Looking at my two children is the happiest feeling I’ve ever had.
My sister asked me, “So how is it really? Do you really love your kids the same?” And the answer was so simple. Of course you do. It’s the same kind of love, but different. It’s just like everyone told me it would be. My heart really did grow to love him just as much as I love Charlotte. I didn’t think it was possible, but how foolish I was to ever believe it wasn’t possible.
He completes our family perfectly, and I’m so beyond thankful that he’s here.
Our last day in the hospital, I got emotional again as we were about to embark on a whole new world. We were about to leave our comfort zone of the hospital with nurses and doctors at our beck and call and food brought up to us for every meal. But we were ready for the challenge. We were ready to take our baby boy home with tons of faith and prayers.
It’s been an adventure ever since. Being a family of four just might be the one thing I never knew I always wanted but always needed.
Thank you, God, for giving me this wonderful life: a life of growing and learning, with good times and hard times, so that I may be the mama I need to be to this precious family of mine. Amen.
Thank you for cheering us on and praying for us during this journey. It’s meant the world to us.
Be blessed, friend!
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Tears!!! I love reading births stories!!! I love seeing charlottes face meeting her brother! IT was by far my favorite moment of Charlie’s birth story!!
I love reading birth stories!! I’m glad you were able to have a peaceful birth.
Oh my goodness! Charlotte looks exactly like you! Colin is adorable too. ;)
Congratulations! So beautiful and blessed.
😍😍😍 I love your snaps of Charlotte with him. What a sweet big sister.
I’m so happy for you my friend. Your family is beautiful. Colin is adorable and seeing all the photos and snaps with Charlotte and him melts my heart. Seeing that last photo if him so tiny almost makes me want another one, haha!
What a perfect birth story. I can tell Charlotte is already an amazing big sister. So happy to have you posting again!