Hey, friends! Sorry for the delay on this post, but get ready to read some of the best cleaning tips from our tribe. This is a roundup of everything everyone said from Instagram and Facebook when I asked for the best cleaning tips. Come back to this often when you get in a cleaning rut or feel stuck. Once I find a routine that really works for me, I’ll be sure to share that, too. I’m thinking it’ll be a mix of a few of these suggestions for sure.
Before I share everyone’s great suggestions, I almost forgot that I had written an organization post. A long time ago, when I was full on in nesting mode, I organized our playroom like a boss. It was still a playroom for an only child then, but I just reorganized our current playroom which is twice the size now, and I used these tips. You can click on the photo below to take you right to the post with my best organization hacks for the playroom.
Now on to everyone’s amazing cleaning tips! To refresh your memory, this was my dilemma:
Working on a cleaning schedule after I have assessed each room as a disaster. My kitchen gets cleaned every night and my bed gets made every morning. So far that’s all I’ve got! Maybe I should read @emilyley’s book. Did it include a cleaning schedule? Send help, my Type A people! I’m waving my white flag. Send me your best home cleaning tips!
This is what everyone had to say. I’m sharing direct quotes from our best tribe ever:
The Best Cleaning Tips on the Internet
1) 1st Rule: Don’t think it’s only your job to do all these things, you don’t live in the home alone and the mess is not all yours.
2nd Rule: Teach children early to be responsible. They can do a lot, it may not be perfect and to your standards but you are teaching them good skills for later in life.
3rd Rule: Your kids will be around for only about 18 years of your 80 year life. So, when your kids are grown and gone, you will have plenty of time to clean and worry about a spotless house. Enjoy them while they are little. They will remember the memories you create with them, not the condition of the kitchen or if you swept daily.
2) I finally gave up and I have a new housekeeper! She’s amazing. She comes every other Tuesday for six hours!!!!! That’s the only way it’s working here!!
3) on the kitchen every night and bed every morning!!! I also run roomba when I leave for work!
8) I do one chore a day! Monday: vacuum, Tuesday: bathrooms, Wednesday: sweep and mop floors, Thursday: dust, Friday: strip beds and wash sheets. Weekends off! Make beds and clean kitchen every night, and a small load of laundry a day. Makes it so much easier to manage a little at a time!
9) @cleanmama is my favorite! So many great tips!
10) Emily Ley’s book is the best ever.
11) Keep cleaning supplies handy, with some in the kitchen, some in the master bathroom and maybe some in the laundry room. Keep bathroom garbage bags in each bathroom. Keep a small towel in the bathrooms just for wiping down the sink and vanity each time you use it. It’s easier to clean up throughout the day as needed than to save everything for a major session that you might never get time to execute.
12) I’d love to start making my bed every day. It’s always makes the room look clean even if it’s not! I have a catch all basket at the bottom of the stairs — things that need to go up, be put in bedrooms, etc. then empty it all at once. Less clutter and doesn’t seem like that much when I actually do it!
13) Make a list prior to the day you want to clean your house and then spend the entire day cleaning! That’s pretty much what I did this Monday! But the house stays clean all week long!
14) The kitchen is a must for me. @cleanmama has a pretty easy schedule I like and tips on her site how to do everything on her list quickly and efficiently.
15) Another vote for @cleanmama
16) I obviously need to check out this @cleanmama! I have no schedule. I just clean as needed. The main floor gets straightened, mopped and vacuumed a few times each week if not nightly.
17) When we moved, I decided to attempt taking on the house cleaning and not hiring someone again. It’s been great! I found it super helpful to sit down on Sundays and plan my week. I write down my meal plan, order groceries, and assign a chore to each day. The same 4-5 chores a week by the day varies depending on how much time I have in the day. If Monday is busy, I assign an easy chore, but I’ve realized if you stay on top of it, no chores take more than about 20 minutes. If we have company, I assign bathrooms and floors for the end of the week. Not having a “scrub floors on Monday” type schedule allows me some grace, which I definitely need! I also think it’s helpful to simplify cleaning supplies. I have one DIY all purpose cleaner, one with bleach, a tub cleaner, a bunch of cheap scrubber sponges I cut in half and toss after using, a washable mop, and a Clorox disposable toilet brush. The convenience of those few items seems to make everything feel a lot less daunting! Every once in a while I’ll notice something like baseboards being dirty and run a rag across all of them – or let my son do it for fun!
18) Another @cleanmama fan!
19) Monday is general household tidying plus paperwork/blogging stuff/etc.. Tuesday is when I strip beds and wash all household linens. Wednesday is bathrooms. Thursday is floors. Friday is appliances. Weekends I’m off! Ditto on beds every day and kitchen every night, and also laundry every day. SO MUCH EASIER doing a little at a time!
20) Her name is Maria and she has been a life saver! I pick up of course and do the daily chores, but having someone truly clean my house each week not only saves my back and time, it forces me to do that weekly “pick up” to get ready for her visit.
21) @cleanmama has the most doable cleaning schedule I’ve ever seen! And so many tips on getting it done quickly. She has a book called Simply Clean.
22) I follow a mix of @cleanmama and Fly Lady. I do a load of laundry a day. Monday towels, Tuesday darks, Wednesday lights, etc. I also do one chore a day. Bathrooms. Vacuum. Mop. Dust. Catch All. I also practice wiping counters daily. Load dishwasher nightly. And clean all dishes before bed. Waking up to a clean kitchen makes me feel ahead of the game. I also do a quick pick up. In the morning, I empty dishwasher and put away all dishes and start laundry. Getting dressed with shoes is a big helper for me to move.
23) My answer is a cleaning lady. I work hard to not clean toilets.
24) Oh mama, sometimes it’s just a season of mess! Haha. We set timers and have everyone pitch in with anything out of place, you could pick a room or have everyone do an area (kids too!). It helps a little :)
25) My tip is getting rid of everything that is not an essential item. The less stuff to put away the easier it is. Also a cleaning lady. We have one come monthly and I clean in between.
And that’s it, folks! Twenty-five of the best cleaning tips I rounded up from all of you. Thank you all so much for imparting your wisdom! Clearly, we need to jump on board with the Clean Mama and the Fly Lady. I’m here for it. I bet you will be, too! I’ll keep you posted on what’s been working for us.
Stay fresh and so clean, clean!