A Recap of the Craziness
Oh, hey, friends! Oh my word. Things have been quite chaotic around here. Just to recap: we braced for a hurricane and watched how it would affect my family on the coast in Port Lavaca, we braced for the same hurricane to make a nose dive and directly hit Houston, we braced for flooding (our house and neighborhood were spared), we braced for the flooding to spread to Michael’s family in Beaumont, and then we braced for what could have been a very bad outcome for my Grandma who was life-flighted to San Antonio. My nerves are shot and so are everyone else’s. Yet here we are, unharmed, still standing, and moving forward.
It was 10 days of sheer panic and worry, and the road to recovery is going to be a long one for many. We’re doing our part to help our community, and if you are looking for ways that you can help, please check out our list of resources.
Back to Business
And now it’s time to get back to work and get back to business. Our mayor told us we need normalcy again, and I couldn’t agree more. We are thankful to be heading back to school tomorrow, and I know we’re all anxious to get back to our routines. We as humans crave routine and structure, but children especially do. Here are some things I’ll be doing to help get us back on track.
9 Tips to Create a Back-to-School Routine
1. Live by a Schedule
Create one that works for your family. Morning routines and bedtime routines are so important.
When my kids wake up around 7:45, they want to eat right away. Anyone else have hungry little bees first thing in the morning?
To get breakfast done quickly, I get them changed into their clothes for the day and head downstairs for breakfast. On school days, I keep it simple and start the day with Honey Nut Cheerios or a new favorite Very Berry Cheerios. They are made with 100% whole grain oats and no artificial flavors or colors, so I feel super confident that we’re starting out with a five-star breakfast. Not to mention it’s a breakfast that’s easy to clean up.
Another thing about living by a schedule is that it gives your child something to look forward to. We eat our meals together as a family, and it’s something that isn’t taken lightly or for granted. We pray and then eat. Breakfast during the week and on the weekend is our favorite, but it’s a time my kids know that is spent together.
We leave before Colin’s first nap, so I have to make sure we are efficient with time. So it typically goes like this:
- Wake-up.
- Get dressed.
- Breakfast with Cheerios.
- Head to school.
- Back home for work & lunch.
- School pick-up.
- Home for naps.
- Dinner prep.
- Daddy gets home.
- Dinner.
- Playtime.
- Baths & Bedtime routine.
- Cleanup & prep for the next day.
- Relax.
2. Wake up Before Your Kids
I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again because it really is a game-changer. I have not been doing this during the summer, and it’s been killing me. My kids don’t wake up super early, so I have to! It’s the only time I can get things done in peace and quiet before the craziness starts for the day. It’s also a time for me to get my act together, get dressed, have a cup of coffee, and review my plan of action for the day.
It also makes you feel like you’re able to take on the day with such confidence! Usually I’m frazzled and rushed, but waking up before my kids so I can take care of me first is what sets the tone for an A+ day.
3. Laundry: Do it Everyday
Something I’ve been trying to do more of lately is laundry. Sounds horrible, but it has made such a huge difference. I grab a load of ALL our laundry and start a load every morning. Put it all together on cold and on the short cycle. Once you put it in the dryer, be ready to fold it and put it away immediately. Let’s all make a pact to ban MOUNT LAUNDRY. Tackling a little bit at a time instead of wasting an entire Saturday doing it is good for anybody’s soul.
4. Prep Outfits Nightly
Any procrastinator’s in the house? That would be me. Prepping our outfits at night is definitely changing our level of organization around here. We can do it! It also gives us time to iron whatever needs to be ironed the night before instead of rushing in a mad frenzy to get out of the house. Who knew?
5. Pack Lunches at Night
Packing lunches after the littles are in bed is also a great way to make your mornings less rushed. I usually pack the same thing (chicken nuggets, crudites, veggie stick chips, grapes, and cheese cubes/stick), so it’s simple to put it together. I leave it in the fridge so when it’s time to go, I just zip it up in her lunchkit, and we’re good to go.
6. Pick Up Your House at Night
We all know that cleaning with small kids around is like trying to brush your teeth while eating Cheerios. You just can’t do it at the same time. Each night when the babies are asleep, take a laundry basket or any basket and pick-up all the toys. Put them away once they’re all in the basket, and you are all set for the next day.
7. Sundays: Meal Plan & Grocery Shop
During the week, we eat at home, so meal planning is how we make that happen. Every Sunday, we make a list of what meals we’ll be having during the week and plan accordingly. We grocery shop right after we make our list. Not only does meal planning save us money, it also keeps everyone in the loop of what to look forward to and what to expect as far as food.
8. Write Tasks & Appointments in Your Planner
Another thing to do on Sunday nights is to write all of your tasks and appointments in your planner. If you don’t have a planner, use your calendar in your phone. It will save your sanity! Review nightly.
If we can follow through with all of these 8 things, we can move mountains, sister! Let’s do it.
Is there anything you do to help stream-line your back-to-school routine? We all would love to know!
Great tips. I have been trying to wake up before Leighton (although she wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30), but this week it has been soooo hard to drag myself out of bed. I’m so glad you didn’t experience any damage from the flooding.