Holy guacamole! We’re already half-way through this pregnancy, and now things are starting to sink in and feel very real. Yesterday was my 20 week ultrasound, and everything came back looking great. Baby boy is healthy and growing right on target and is not too big, not too small. However, I feel ginormous. I feel like the nose transformation is already starting. Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s reality, but the struggle is real. When I was pregnant with Charlotte, it was smooth sailing up until about week 25. Then I swelled up into a blowfish. And that was in winter months. (You can see what that was all about here.) I’m telling you; I morphed into someone else. The swelling was out of control, yet I was still deemed “healthy.” That’s great and all, but it made for a fun time for everybody (and you know how I like to be sarcastic). So you can only imagine my fear of being my biggest in the hottest months in Texas, and I’m thinking it’s going to be a record-setting hot summer. Heat = swelling. Does it not? Let’s pray for a miracle. I’m going to try my hardest to stay as healthy as possible for the sake of my baby and the sake of my sanity. Sweet mercy. Let’s look at the progress, shall we?
How far along: 20 weeks + 5 days when this picture was taken. I’m now 21 weeks today!
Gender: BOY. And it was double-confirmed in the ultrasound yesterday. He looked so sweet.
Weight Gain: 9 pounds. Some days it’s more, some days it’s less. That tells me that the water weight is already not my best friend. And where do I feel the heaviest? My belly of course, but mostly in my behind and its new zipcode and in my triple chin.
Maternity Clothes: Absolutely. My favorite maternity clothes are bottoms with a full belly panel and giant trapeze dresses. I’m working on some maternity style posts, and I can’t wait to share those!
Sleep: Sleep has actually been good. I’ve been getting tired during the day again, but I don’t know what that’s about. Could it be that I’m just tired from waking up at 5 in the morning on most days? Probably. I’m so exhausted by 10 p.m. most days, so I guess this is my new normal. Yay. I also must sleep with my Snoogle pillow. It’s my best friend. If you’re not using this while pregnant, you’re missing out!
Best Moment of the Month: Feeling the movement really kick it up a notch has been fun, but my favorite moment was seeing my precious boy’s little face in the 4D ultrasound. I can already tell that he’ll have lips like Charlotte. Cutest ever. He was hiding his face with his hands, but the ultrasound tech caught the most precious picture of him of what looks like him holding on to me, and you better believe that it’s already framed.
Miss Anything: Well today is Cinco de Mayo, and I’m missing margaritas terribly. I’m telling you. I’m not a big drinker, but when you can’t have things, you definitely want what you can’t have. I also miss wine, my brain, and the ability to stay up past 10.
Movement: All the time, and it’s my favorite.
Cravings: Anything that looks delicious on Instagram, and my taste buds get most excited when it’s something sweet or cheesy. Hello, restraint!
Queasy or Sick: No queasiness is going on, but I do feel light-headed every now and then.
Looking forward to: I’m really looking forward to getting my babies’ rooms situated. Baby boy will be using all of Charlotte’s nursery furniture, but I haven’t decided if I want to keep it in her room now or move him to the guest room that we’ll be changing into a new nursery or a big girl’s room. M is so funny and has pointed out that our guest room has no natural light which is not suitable for photography. He’s a true blogger husband, I tell you. I guess I’ll have to get ring lights or something if I’m going to take pictures of whatever room that turns out to be. A part of me wants to leave Charlotte in the four walls she’s in now, because I don’t want her to feel like we’re kicking her out. Is that a rational thought? Can you let me know what you did for your babies?
And that’s about all I have to share about that. My back aches, and I can feel everything growing. I’m sure in my next update, I’ll be hot and huge and not in the best way. Ha.
You can see my last bumpdates here:
And if you’re pregnant, too, don’t forget to check out the New Mama 101 series where I house all of my pregnancy and motherhood posts.
You are too cute! I feel like I have been more tired in the second trimester than in the first, so I’m still waiting on this magical burst of energy I’m supposed to have now. Would the lack of light be better for the baby to sleep though (I know nothing about this!)?
you look amazing!! <3