Let’s kick it old school, shall we? It’s been forever and a day since I’ve done a “day in the life” here on the blog. Sure, there’s InstaStories now (my current favorite way to give all my friends a daily dose of our shenanigans), but elaborating and documenting our days is my jam. I’ll try and keep it short and sweet, though.
But first, I’m super excited to share with you a new series and blog link-up called The Daily Dime. Each month, I’ll be documenting one of our days in 10 photos. For this first one, I used my iPhone only and added my go-to filter from InstaStories. Nothing fancy or highly edited to look glossy, just the normal, everyday photos of our day. If you’re a blogger, you can do the same in whatever style fits you and then add your blog post to the link-up at the bottom.
You can add your post and check out any of the hosts above to see their Daily Dime, too!
Now who’s ready for this month’s Daily Dime?
Yesterday was a pretty typical summer day for us. Life has certainly been busy now that Colin is crawling up a storm. Thankfully, he loves being in the water, so I had planned for a pool day at our friend’s house. However, let’s start from the beginning of our day.
Both babies woke up a little before 8 AM, and it was off to the races! We tend to move at a snail’s pace in the morning, so we look like this until at least 11. (And this is a classic Colin face, too.) First thing’s first: change and feed Colin. Hand Charlotte a yogurt pouch, because she thinks that’s breakfast.
I at least wanted to attempt to start getting dressed for the day since I don’t wake up before these two, so I’ve learned I have to contain Colin somehow or he’d be eating my shoes. Opening up the Pack N Play is my best option right now. Charlotte insists that she needs to be in there with him, and I’m almost certain that thing has met weight capacity. But you do what you gotta do, am I right?
I barely got to brush my teeth and make my bed. I scrolled through Instagram for about five seconds, too.
After the babies have played for a bit, Colin goes down for his first nap. I tried to drink my coffee hot, but yeah, that never happens. At least it’s strong.
I started texting my friend, and it took me a good hour to get dressed. Colin took a very short nap (30 minutes short), and then it was hard to get dressed. Again.
We finally made it out the door around 11:45 to our friend’s house, and we were only about 45 minutes off of schedule. I had planned on getting to her house around 11, but somehow my timing is always off. Because lady with a baby. I packed our swim bag, threw on our bathing suits, slapped some sunscreen on, and in no time, we were in the pool with our peeps. We stayed for about two hours, and then jetted home for Colin’s naptime (2 pm) and lunch.
His nap was pushed back a little because he had fallen asleep in the car on our way home, which always ruins his sleep. It took me a good 30 minutes to change him, feed him, and settle him down. By then, it was almost 3. How the day just flies by with hardly anything going on is beyond me.
Once Colin went down for his afternoon nap, I was able to whip up some mac and cheese. Actually, Charlotte did the hard work. Teaching her young, people, teaching her young. She’s been loving chores and tasks lately, so she basically begged me to let her stir the cheese into the macaroni. It was a late lunch. And the first time I had eaten a real meal for the day. Before we went swimming, I had a spoonful of Nutella, because Charlotte had taken it out, and half of her uneaten breakfast taco. My diet is stellar.
During Colin’s naptime, Charlotte was busy with a movie, and I tried to catch up on a little blog work (emails & social media/Instagram).
Once Colin woke up at 4:30, I fed him, and then it was the mid-day shuffle. I started to get dinner out because we like to eat when the hubs gets home. By this point, he had already text me to let me know he was on his way.
I put Colin in his high chair, gave him some puffs, and Charlotte was dancing to some music from the movie she was watching. What was she watching, you ask? Dirty Dancing. I might as well be an 80s mom.
Now this is something you would never see on my Instagram feed, now is it? Real life, people. This is what our table looked like yesterday for dinner around 5:20. Look at the bottom right corner. That is my tablecloth full of baby food because Charlotte was being a great help in trying to feed Colin, but she dropped a brand new jar and shattered the glass and made a mess. Whatever.
Thankfully the husband was home, and he helped clean up the mess. I really don’t know what I would do without him.
Now back to our dinner. I wanted to go light and have grilled chicken salads, but I still had some mac & cheese on the stove from our late lunch, so I tossed some onto my salad. It reminded me of a meal I would have had at Golden Corral when I was a child, but I called it dinner anyway.
After dinner, I let the kids play for about 10 minutes so I could put away some dishes and tidy up the kitchen, then it was time for a bath. I think this was about 6:30, but gosh, it seems like it takes FOR-EV-ER to do anything these days.
Colin is up first for bedtime. After baths, M takes Charlotte and I get Colin ready for bed. I nurse him, listen to the waves on his sound machine with him, give him big hugs, and put him down in his Dockatot Grand.
Once he’s down for the night, it’s sister’s turn.
My big girl won’t go to bed without me tucking her in. She wanted to play with Snapchat before bed, so I gave in, and snapped this picture. She’s so silly, and I secretly love that about her.
By 8 pm, I’m exhausted, but I still need a shower. M has already taken one; the 8 o’clock hour is our unwind time and TV show time. It took me forever, so I didn’t arrive to the couch until about 9 because I was editing photos right after I got out of the shower. I edit on my phone, which is highly distracting with notifications popping up left and right.
Once M goes to bed for the night, if I have blog work to do, that’s when I’ll do it. Full disclosure: it’s 3 AM. I had a blog post due in the morning, and I had this one to do, too. Two blog posts in one night. True procrastinator form.
So how was your day?
Join the link-up below and let me know! This one will be open for two weeks, and mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 12 for next month’s. :) Can’t wait to see what you’re up to!
testing, 1, 2, 3
I love that you made a healthy, grilled chicken salad and then threw on some mac & cheese! And Golden Corral – bahahaha!!! Love following along on your day, mama!
Girl, I had good intentions. Sometimes you shoot for Martha, and sometimes you end up with Golden Corral. Lol.
My favorite type of post ever :) Your babies are so sweet!
Thank you, sweet friend! I would love to see your Daily Dime! You and that sweet boy are too cute!
Love this! I totally had Nutella for breakfast the other day too. Love this little look into your everyday!
Thanks, Colleen! I hope you’ll join in for one of these. I love seeing you and your boys on InstaStories! :) Hope your summer is off to a great start!
Thanks, Colleen! I hope you’ll join in for one of these. I love seeing you and your boys on InstaStories! :) Hope your summer is off to a great start!
I am so glad I’m not alone in the whole taking forever to get anything done with a baby! It seriously baffles me sometimes how the day can just fly by without having done much but feed and change the baby. Loved looking in on your day! And that salad looks so good! Even with the mac n cheese :).
Thanks, Brianna! It really is hard to get anything done. Hope you’ve had a great month!
Oh my goodness! I procrastinate blog posts SO much!! And Nutella for breakfast is never a bad idea!
I’m a blog procrastinator too! I always write the night before. Whatever works! It’s so funny that you put mac and cheese on your salad! Sounds really good actually. I’ve been loving mac and cheese these days.
We had mac and cheese tonight topped with popcorn chicken. I’m counting it as dairy and protein.
Also, add me to team procrastinator! I have great intentions of writing a bunch of posts ahead of time, but it never works out that way!
I want mac and cheese now! Loved following along on your day and thanks for hosting!