I want to let you in on a little secret. Despite what social media may tell you, I do not have it all figured out. I do not have it all together. This whole mom thing is something else. I read so many articles daily about being a mom and the constant struggles and triumphs we go through, and every word I read (usually) warms my heart. I think sometimes us moms get a bad wrap when our highs are drowned out by our lows. But I do not see talking about our lows as whining. It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or a work-from-home mom, I think that sometimes we just want to be heard and feel like we are not alone. But I also think that the good days far outweigh the bad no matter what type of mom we are. So today, I want to share something that’s been stirring in my heart. To counter the “whining” that I personally have been doing lately, I want to talk about what I’ve learned so far from the little girl who calls me Mama. Two years into this motherhood thing, I think I’ve come a long way. I’ve learned more from my little girl than from all my years of schooling, and I’m still learning every day. This is what my daughter has taught me.

Giving birth makes your heart grow, I’m sure of it. I’d like to think that I’ve always been a pretty compassionate person, but once I became a mom, my heart turned to mush. I look at people with an open heart and know that every one deserves to be loved and treated with kindness. But what about those bad people, you say? Especially those bad people. Being a mom has made me want to mother the world. Hearing my little love say “Aww” when she sees someone get hurt on the television makes me say it times 1,000.
Giving birth makes your heart grow, I’m sure of it. I’d like to think that I’ve always been a pretty compassionate person, but once I became a mom, my heart turned to mush. I look at people with an open heart and know that every one deserves to be loved and treated with kindness. But what about those bad people, you say? Especially those bad people. Being a mom has made me want to mother the world. Hearing my little love say “Aww” when she sees someone get hurt on the television makes me say it times 1,000.
I learned a thing or two about patience when I was a teacher. It’s a life skill that some people have to be taught, and I felt like I had mastered it. But then I became a mom. Good lord, did I learn it all over again. Trying to teach a toddler right from wrong and to not drop the cup for the eleventy-hundredth time can make anyone go bonkers. But patience is something I’ve learned to have by breathing in and out and singing “Let It Go” all the while. She taught me that. Disney really knew what they were doing with that song. Patience certainly is a virtue.
I learned a thing or two about patience when I was a teacher. It’s a life skill that some people have to be taught, and I felt like I had mastered it. But then I became a mom. Good lord, did I learn it all over again. Trying to teach a toddler right from wrong and to not drop the cup for the eleventy-hundredth time can make anyone go bonkers. But patience is something I’ve learned to have by breathing in and out and singing “Let It Go” all the while. She taught me that. Disney really knew what they were doing with that song. Patience certainly is a virtue.
I’ve definitely learned that I’m way stronger than I ever thought I could be. I’m strong because I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t do it all. I can’t be the best at everything. I can be darn good at a lot of things, and that is where my superpower lies. I’m strong because I cry out the bad days and welcome the new ones with a smile. I’m strong because I have a little human calling me Mama waiting for me teach her the ways of the world. She’s taught me that I’m capable and strong. If that isn’t a superpower, I don’t know what is.
I’ve definitely learned that I’m way stronger than I ever thought I could be. I’m strong because I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t do it all. I can’t be the best at everything. I can be darn good at a lot of things, and that is where my superpower lies. I’m strong because I cry out the bad days and welcome the new ones with a smile. I’m strong because I have a little human calling me Mama waiting for me teach her the ways of the world. She’s taught me that I’m capable and strong. If that isn’t a superpower, I don’t know what is.
Just when I think life gets hard, I remember all that I do have and all the things that are going right. That little girl of mine helps me put things in perspective. I live for her smiles and laughter. I embrace the little things and try to see things through her innocent eyes. Even when the days are long, I can always find something to be thankful for, because she has taught me to experience joy on a whole new level. She has taught me to be thankful for everything.
Just when I think life gets hard, I remember all that I do have and all the things that are going right. That little girl of mine helps me put things in perspective. I live for her smiles and laughter. I embrace the little things and try to see things through her innocent eyes. Even when the days are long, I can always find something to be thankful for, because she has taught me to experience joy on a whole new level. She has taught me to be thankful for everything.

Mom’s intuition is a thing, a real thing. That little girl of mine has taught me to trust my intuition because it usually proves to be true. I trust that I can take care of her, and she trusts that I will. She’s taught me what it means to trust with complete abandon. When she drops into my lap from a free fall, it’s because she knows I’m going to catch her. I hope she teaches me this constantly, because I like the reminder. It’s my lesson that God is always there to catch me, too.
Mom’s intuition is a thing, a real thing. That little girl of mine has taught me to trust my intuition because it usually proves to be true. I trust that I can take care of her, and she trusts that I will. She’s taught me what it means to trust with complete abandon. When she drops into my lap from a free fall, it’s because she knows I’m going to catch her. I hope she teaches me this constantly, because I like the reminder. It’s my lesson that God is always there to catch me, too.
Another thing I’ve learned from Little Miss is when you think you have some things figured out, there’s nothing like a little poop on your hands to humble you. Or throw-up. Or permanent marker all over your floors. Kids can raise you up to the highest of highs, but they can certainly bring you down off that pedestal, too. I especially love when I think I look really decent, then I realize that I’ve been wearing silly stickers all around town. She smiles at me in those instances as if to say, “You’re not that cool, mom.” Children: keeping it real since the beginning of time. And keeping you humble, too. She’s taught me to laugh at myself (as if I needed help in that department) and to not take myself too seriously.
Another thing I’ve learned from Little Miss is when you think you have some things figured out, there’s nothing like a little poop on your hands to humble you. Or throw-up. Or permanent marker all over your floors. Kids can raise you up to the highest of highs, but they can certainly bring you down off that pedestal, too. I especially love when I think I look really decent, then I realize that I’ve been wearing silly stickers all around town. She smiles at me in those instances as if to say, “You’re not that cool, mom.” Children: keeping it real since the beginning of time. And keeping you humble, too. She’s taught me to laugh at myself (as if I needed help in that department) and to not take myself too seriously.
I was pretty fortunate to be raised in a family where unconditional love is shown and expressed aplenty. But I didn’t truly understand it until I had a daughter of my own. It’s a concept that I didn’t fully grasp until she was born. My little darling has taught me that no matter how much I might think I’m screwing this mom thing up, she’s still going to love me. I know it and believe it because it’s a reciprocal feeling. There is nothing she could do that would ever make me love her less. And just like that, God’s goodness shows up with another example of how He works.
I was pretty fortunate to be raised in a family where unconditional love is shown and expressed aplenty. But I didn’t truly understand it until I had a daughter of my own. It’s a concept that I didn’t fully grasp until she was born. My little darling has taught me that no matter how much I might think I’m screwing this mom thing up, she’s still going to love me. I know it and believe it because it’s a reciprocal feeling. There is nothing she could do that would ever make me love her less. And just like that, God’s goodness shows up with another example of how He works.
Time and time again, this little light of mine has taught me all about grace. It’s something we don’t take lightly around here either. What did I ever do to deserve such a precious gift, the gift of life that is my daughter? I’ll never know. But what I do know is that grace is real and alive. Blessings are abundant. My little love has taught me that good always prevails and that forgiveness never gets old. There is always a rainbow waiting after a storm, and that, that is something worth believing.
Time and time again, this little light of mine has taught me all about grace. It’s something we don’t take lightly around here either. What did I ever do to deserve such a precious gift, the gift of life that is my daughter? I’ll never know. But what I do know is that grace is real and alive. Blessings are abundant. My little love has taught me that good always prevails and that forgiveness never gets old. There is always a rainbow waiting after a storm, and that, that is something worth believing.
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Photo Credit: Pink Posh Photography |
Becoming a mom has definitely been life’s greatest gift. It’s not just a job, it’s a calling, an answer to many prayers. I’m blessed beyond measure to get to learn from my child. Raising her and teaching her what she’s taught me is what I’m sure I was always meant to do. I can’t second-guess myself. I can’t beat myself up for getting frustrated. I’m human after all. But above everything, because she has taught me all of these things, I’m confident that I will do everything in my power to do my best. She gives meaning to my life. And I owe it to her to make sure she knows that. I owe it to her to give this life my all, because she’s taught me that.
LOVED this post! It’s amazing how much one little person can teach us :)
XO Kelly
Thanks so much, Kelly! It is amazing. :) We’re pretty lucky to be mamas to such awesome babies.
Yes…to all of this! Totally brought tears to my eyes!
Thanks, Julie! Is it bad that it brought tears to my eyes too? ;) Glad I could share.
Oh girl I love this! I think our little ones teach us something new every day. I try to put myself in their shoes and remember what it was like to be little. Really lovely post my dear!
Thanks, Tiffany! I love learning from her. It’s my favorite for sure. I might whine about bad days, but I love this life with her. She keeps me on my toes and keeps it interesting. ;)
I love this! Being a mom truly is such a gift!
Thanks so much, Keri! Yes it is! :)
YES! All of this. Yes. Especially humility :)
Thanks, my dear! Especially humility. Especially!
So good!! Yes, those little lives teach us so much! I love the end… it’s not a job, it’s a calling!! YES!! That is so how I feel, and sometimes what I have to remind myself of on the crazy days.
Thanks so much, Tabitha! It absolutely is a calling. So glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. ;)
Love this!! Such a sweet post!
Thanks, Amanda! Now you know what your mom feels about you. :)
LOVED this post! It's amazing how much one little person can teach us :)
XO Kelly
Yes…to all of this! Totally brought tears to my eyes!
Oh girl I love this! I think our little ones teach us something new every day. I try to put myself in their shoes and remember what it was like to be little. Really lovely post my dear!
I love this! Being a mom truly is such a gift!
She is just too cute. Love these photos. AND yes. Isla is teaching me these things now. I loved reading this – your blog is like a perfect little preview of what’s ahead. So well written!! xo
Thanks, Ailee! Glad you get a glimpse of the future. You’re not too far behind, my dear!
YES! All of this. Yes. Especially humility :)
So good!! Yes, those little lives teach us so much! I love the end… it's not a job, it's a calling!! YES!! That is so how I feel, and sometimes what I have to remind myself of on the crazy days.
Love this!! Such a sweet post!
Love this so much! It really is amazing how much they show you what you THOUGHT you knew before you had them. Like patience and unconditional love. You don’t even know the half of it until they come into your life. And I definitely agree that your heart grows. And it gets bigger with each baby!! <3
Yay! Thanks, Jess! Yeah, I thought I had a lot figured out, but I was clearly wrong. Life is SO much better with her in it. I’ll have to take your word on it for a little longer when it comes to having another one. After reading your post today, I will wait for sure! Lol.
So beautifully written, my friend and all lessons that we all learn as mothers :) I definitely think my heart grew 10x when having a little one and no doubt it will grow even more when I have another! Thanks for sharing your heart with us xoxo
Thanks, T! You know I’m always happy to share my heart. :) Love you!
Beautiful post, my friend!!! Isn’t it amazing what our children do for us. I whole heartedly believe all these things to be true. It’s like we become a whole new, amazing person when we have children and we have them to thank for it!!! I’m certain that my heart grew so much bigger too, when I became a mom!!! Love, love, love this!!! XO
Thanks, Alycia! It is absolutely amazing. She helped make me whole again. :) Glad to hear that my words rang true for you, too! Xoxo
She is just too cute. Love these photos. AND yes. Isla is teaching me these things now. I loved reading this – your blog is like a perfect little preview of what's ahead. So well written!! xo
Love this so much! It really is amazing how much they show you what you THOUGHT you knew before you had them. Like patience and unconditional love. You don't even know the half of it until they come into your life. And I definitely agree that your heart grows. And it gets bigger with each baby!! <3
So beautifully written, my friend and all lessons that we all learn as mothers :) I definitely think my heart grew 10x when having a little one and no doubt it will grow even more when I have another! Thanks for sharing your heart with us xoxo
Beautiful post, my friend!!! Isn't it amazing what our children do for us. I whole heartedly believe all these things to be true. It's like we become a whole new, amazing person when we have children and we have them to thank for it!!! I'm certain that my heart grew so much bigger too, when I became a mom!!! Love, love, love this!!! XO
Thanks so much, Kelly! It is amazing. :) We're pretty lucky to be mamas to such awesome babies.
Thanks, Julie! Is it bad that it brought tears to my eyes too? ;) Glad I could share.
Thanks, Tiffany! I love learning from her. It's my favorite for sure. I might whine about bad days, but I love this life with her. She keeps me on my toes and keeps it interesting. ;)
Thanks so much, Keri! Yes it is! :)
Thanks, my dear! Especially humility. Especially!
Thanks so much, Tabitha! It absolutely is a calling. So glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. ;)
Thanks, Amanda! Now you know what your mom feels about you. :)
Thanks, Ailee! Glad you get a glimpse of the future. You're not too far behind, my dear!
Yay! Thanks, Jess! Yeah, I thought I had a lot figured out, but I was clearly wrong. Life is SO much better with her in it. I'll have to take your word on it for a little longer when it comes to having another one. After reading your post today, I will wait for sure! Lol.
Thanks, T! You know I'm always happy to share my heart. :) Love you!
Thanks, Alycia! It is absolutely amazing. She helped make me whole again. :) Glad to hear that my words rang true for you, too! Xoxo
Such wonderful sentiments; I agree 100% with you! And now that we've welcomed a second little girl, I'm learning these things all over again! And Disney got everything right ;)
Whitney @ http://work-it-mommy.blogspot.com
Such a lovely post! Thank you for sharing with us over at Idea Box link party. I hope you join us again this week!
Such a lovely post! Thank you for sharing with us over at Idea Box link party. I hope you join us again this week!
This is beautiful, thanks for sharing and I couldn’t agree with these more! The point about trust really hit home (as we’re so good at discounting ourselves and our intuitions).
Awww, this is lovely. I agree with all your points. Grace is a biggie around here… and it’s a huge part of this parenting journey. We have grace to forgive and have been forgiven by grace.
I loved this so much Kristy.
Thanks for sharing and for linking up with the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely week.
This is beautiful, thanks for sharing and I couldn't agree with these more! The point about trust really hit home (as we're so good at discounting ourselves and our intuitions).
Aww this is beautiful! It’s funny how much we can learn about life and even about ourselves through kids. Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings! I’m going to be featuring it at the party this week, so be sure to stop by and check it out.
Thanks so much, Jenna! So sorry for the late reply. I just now saw it. :) It is amazing how much this little girl has taught me about life. I love it. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Awww, this is lovely. I agree with all your points. Grace is a biggie around here… and it's a huge part of this parenting journey. We have grace to forgive and have been forgiven by grace.
I loved this so much Kristy.
Thanks for sharing and for linking up with the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely week.
Aww this is beautiful! It's funny how much we can learn about life and even about ourselves through kids. Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings! I'm going to be featuring it at the party this week, so be sure to stop by and check it out.
This is absolutely beautiful! I am glad I finally made it over to read. It is so true that these little ones teach us so much. I definitely agree with that patience one – oh they do a great job of teaching you that. & the strength we never knew we had before becoming a mother. It truly is incredible. This was a very sweet post.
Thanks so much, Alessandra! She is just my heart. :) Hope you had a great weekend!
This is absolutely beautiful! I am glad I finally made it over to read. It is so true that these little ones teach us so much. I definitely agree with that patience one – oh they do a great job of teaching you that. & the strength we never knew we had before becoming a mother. It truly is incredible. This was a very sweet post.
Thanks so much, Jenna! So sorry for the late reply. I just now saw it. :) It is amazing how much this little girl has taught me about life. I love it. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Thanks so much, Alessandra! She is just my heart. :) Hope you had a great weekend!
beautifully written! And so I agree with you that our children are here to teach us how to live! I think I was put here on this earth to be a mom…. it is a calling!
Thank you, Carolina! I’m so happy to hear that you feel the same way. So thankful for my little girl and for being a mom. :) Hope you have a wonderful week!
beautifully written! And so I agree with you that our children are here to teach us how to live! I think I was put here on this earth to be a mom…. it is a calling!
Aww this is so heartwarming! I agree, becoming a mother softens and strengthens you in so many ways! And, ohhh, the patience. :D
Thanks, Jaclyn! :) I thought I knew about patience when I taught, but man, was I wrong. I’ve learned so much by being a mom. And I am forever grateful for that! Hope you’re doing well, friend!
Haha YES! Sometimes it’s easier to love other people’s kids! Haha!
Aww this is so heartwarming! I agree, becoming a mother softens and strengthens you in so many ways! And, ohhh, the patience. :D
Thank you, Carolina! I'm so happy to hear that you feel the same way. So thankful for my little girl and for being a mom. :) Hope you have a wonderful week!
Thanks, Jaclyn! :) I thought I knew about patience when I taught, but man, was I wrong. I've learned so much by being a mom. And I am forever grateful for that! Hope you're doing well, friend!
Haha YES! Sometimes it's easier to love other people's kids! Haha!
Love this! Being a mother is such a wonderful blessing that no one should ever take for granted. I’m so thankful for the traits and lessons God has taught me through my motherhood journey.