Yesterday was the blog’s one year anniversary or the birthday of Seven Graces. Last year, when I hit publish for the very first time, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Little did I know that I was about to meet some new, beautiful friends. Little did I know that I was about to jump into a community of super awesome women. I had no idea what I would write about or how to even go about sharing my work. I definitely think my content has evolved just as I have. And true to my English teacher self, I immersed myself with all things blogging and have tried to learn something new everyday, and month after month, I have met people whom I’ve been lucky to learn from. Now with a year under my belt, I want to share just a little of what I’ve learned from others and through experience.

Know your audience.
When I was a teacher, one of the most important things I taught my students was to know your audience. Who are you talking to? This will set the tone for everything. If I wanted this blog to be strictly formal and informational only, I would not write to you like I’m talking to my best friend. My tone is very conversational, and that works for me. I know who my audience is because I talk to a lot of you through the comments, social media, and in real life. I write for you. Writing for yourself could work if you want to be your only audience, I suppose. But what’s the fun in that? Know your people and talk to them.
Give them what they want.
When you know who your audience is, it’s easy to come up with great content. If you’ve read a few articles about blogging or have been to a blog conference, you more than likely have heard the buzz words, “great content.” But that is different for everyone. Something I keep in my mind when coming up with new posts is, “Would I search for this?” If the answer is yes, then I can assume that others want to hear about it, too. More questions to consider when thinking of your content are:
- Would I click on this?
- Will my reader leave with something (a smile, new information they can refer back to, etc.)?
- Am I passionate about what I’m talking about?
- Do I know what I’m talking about?
- Is this me?
Once you have some content under your belt, find what works for you and what people raved about, and then do that some more.

Be consistent.
Another key when it comes to blogging is being consistent. Now that doesn’t mean just being strict with your editorial calendar. We all know that life happens and sometimes things have to shift in your schedule. By all means, if you need a little break for a few days, take it. You won’t write good stuff if you’re sick or down in the doldrums. But do try and create a rhythm. I post three times a week. I don’t have days set in stone, but I do always post on Friday. The other two days are any other day of the the week (usually Tuesday and Wednesday).
Being consistent means being reliable. What does being reliable mean when you’re a blogger? It means that your audience knows what to expect when they type in your URL. My audience can expect topics about faith, family, and favorite things. Mix it up, but don’t stray so far from your content that your audience gets confused.
Another part of being consistent is keeping up with comments. If you don’t want to keep up with your comments or you just don’t have the time, you could keep the comments section closed or have a note in your comments section that explains your response policy. But building a community was a goal of mine early on, so I try to reply to each comment left with a real reply, not a blanket “Thanks for reading.” Sometimes I might miss one, but I do try to keep up with them, even if it takes me a week to get back to everyone.
Be consistent with your tone, your topics, and your responses.

Improve your images game.
Something I’ve learned this past year is that images are crucial. Blogging in today’s world is equal part words and equal part images. My favorite blogs have beautiful images, even if it is just one. You could have the best words in the world, but if you don’t have an image to go with it, it’s hard to share. A huge question to ask yourself when picking your images for a blog post is: Is this pinnable for Pinterest? Vertical images do best on Pinterest.
Something to avoid would be to NOT share super tiny pictures on your blog. It’s distracting. I just read this from Chloe Digital‘s Instagram: “Posts with compelling visual content average 94% more views. Make sure not to post pixelated, irrelevant, distorted or poorly designed images.” I just added a CSS code to make each picture the width of my blog post, and I personally think it’s made a difference.
Investing in a good camera or learning how to use editing software will be to the advantage of your blog. I’ve personally learned how to use my Canon Rebel this past year, and although I’m not a pro, I can definitely take a few shots. I also have learned how to use PicMonkey, a free online editing tool. I make collages, graphics, and enhance photos using PicMonkey. I frequently use iPhone photos and screen shots, but I’ll usually enhance them on an app (tutorial on the best iPhone apps coming soon) or PicMonkey before publishing them on the blog.
Share your content.
I used to be shy about sharing my blog posts. I thought, “Well, if people want to read it, they can share it if they want to.” How are people supposed to see what you’re writing if you don’t give it a little push? Besides organically finding your site in a Google search (which is hard these days), people are going to find your work when you share it via social media. Join linkup parties and network. Use social media to your advantage.
Be sure to check out these great articles about different social media outlets in the Better Blogging Blog Tour for more info on how to schedule out your post shares, too.

Find a tribe & support your people.
One of my favorite parts of blogging is connecting with people. Because of this space I have met some of my new best friends. Some of them I’ve never actually met in person, but they are people I talk to all the time. Join a blogging circle or make one yourself. Find people in your niche and connect. Commit to sharing each other’s content.
How do you “meet” new blogging friends? You can start by commenting on their blog, social media accounts, or even send an email. I love this post by my friend Meg listing 7 ways to support bloggers. It’s a must-read! (See what I did there?)
Be yourself and be confident.
The best way to grow your blog is by being yourself. When you’re being yourself, you’re building a relationship with your readers, and they trust you and care about what you have to say. Sometimes being yourself means taking a risk and being vulnerable. Being a truth teller doesn’t mean you tell every truth, but that when you talk you’re truthful.
It took me a while to find my groove with blogging, and I feel that I’ve finally found my voice. I stay true to it, and I’m confident with what I put out there. Sure, a topic may have been covered before, but not by you. However, don’t be a copy cat. Find a way to “make it your own,” like they say on American Idol. I love the Judy Garland quote, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” Let your personality shine, and people will come back for more.

Blogging isn’t always easy. If you’re in it for the long-haul, it takes hard work and dedication. But it’s doable, and I’ve found it to be very rewarding. Just like my very first blog post said, “If I can add just a glimmer of hope, a smile to someone’s face, or get an “Amen, sister,” then this tiny piece of the Internet has served its purpose.” When the going gets tough, just remember why you started blogging in the first place. Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun with your venture. After all, isn’t that what life is all about?
Thank you so much for following along this past year. You all add sunshine to my days! I hope I do the same for you. Cheers to just getting started!
Are we friends? You can find me here:
You can see where I’m linking up on this page.
Still amazes me that you have only been at it one year! I have to say you are really great at responding to comments. While I don’t always expect a response, there are many bloggers I never receive any response from and you are one of the view who seem to be on top of this area. These are some great tips and this is such a great picture of you.
Aww, thanks Shelly! I hear you. I feel the same way. I know that some bloggers are inundated with responses, but I’m not there yet, so I always like connecting with everyone who stops by. I really love how this has become a small little community of some fabulous women, yourself included! Hope all you’re having a good week!
This is all so true. I’ve found that my audience connects with me when I’m being real and being vulnerable. They like when I share my heart and that in turn has helped me be less introverted. Blogging has really opened me up and that’s been a huge lesson for me.
Thank you so much, Ashley! It’s really true. Sometimes putting yourself out there helps people relate and say, “Hey, I’m not alone.” That’s why I tell some of the stories I do. If I can make just one person feel that way, then it’s worth it. Have a good weekend!
Great, great tips, friend! You really have learned and accomplished so much in just one year. The blogging climate was so different when I started and I wish I would have known half of these things! And thank you for linking my post!! You’re the best :)
Thanks, my beautiful friend! That means so much coming from you. :) And you are absolutely so welcome. I am so blessed to have you in my life!
Hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! See you soon!
These are some great tips! I had absolutely no idea what I was doing the first couple of years I blogged. I just sorta jumped in feet first without ever reading a blog!! While some of those early posts are embarrassing and have no real vision or organization I keep them to show me where I started and how I have grown and found a blog voice!!
Thanks, Ashley! That is so awesome that you have kept at it and that you keep those old posts up for perspective. I had no idea that I would keep the blog up, but I’ve found it to be a really fun outlet. :) Cheers to blogging! Hope you have a great weekend!
These are some fabulous tips!!! While, I don’t feel like I’m the best blogger on the block by any means, I get so embarrassed looking at early posts. haha You are doing a fabulous job!! Love reading your blog and would love for you to share the secret CSS tip for width…I’ve been trying to figure out for some time now. Definitely makes the pictures more aesthetically pleasing for sure!
Thanks, Amanda! That really means a lot. :)
Here’s the CSS code I use. I just played around with the number until it fit just the way I wanted it.
.post-body img {
width: 668px;
height: auto;
Hope that helps!
I just came across your blog recently through H54F’s link up and really enjoy your style of writing. Thanks for sharing what you have learned about blogging. I am slowly finding my blogging groove and enjoying it more. I didn’t know about the CSS for pictures. I’ll have to check that out!
Yay! Thanks, Emily! It’s such a fun adventure, this blogging world. I have always loved writing, and this outlet is a great way to use it for sure. I just added the CSS code I use in the comment below yours. ;)
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing the code. Have a great weekend too!
Still amazes me that you have only been at it one year! I have to say you are really great at responding to comments. While I don't always expect a response, there are many bloggers I never receive any response from and you are one of the view who seem to be on top of this area. These are some great tips and this is such a great picture of you.
This is all so true. I've found that my audience connects with me when I'm being real and being vulnerable. They like when I share my heart and that in turn has helped me be less introverted. Blogging has really opened me up and that's been a huge lesson for me.
Great, great tips, friend! You really have learned and accomplished so much in just one year. The blogging climate was so different when I started and I wish I would have known half of these things! And thank you for linking my post!! You're the best :)
Love this Kristy.
I think your point about being yourself and confident resonated with me the most. It took me a while to feel confident as a blogger. I also remember in my first couple of years, I didn’t visit anyone! Eeek! I can only imagine what I was I missing out on!
Thanks for sharing and congrats… happy blog birthday (blirthday)!
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I feel like when I am most myself, that is when people relate the most for some reason. Who knew?! Sometimes I feel like I read more than I write, but I guess that is a good thing. :)
Happy weekend, friend!
These are some great tips! I had absolutely no idea what I was doing the first couple of years I blogged. I just sorta jumped in feet first without ever reading a blog!! While some of those early posts are embarrassing and have no real vision or organization I keep them to show me where I started and how I have grown and found a blog voice!!
These are some fabulous tips!!! While, I don't feel like I'm the best blogger on the block by any means, I get so embarrassed looking at early posts. haha You are doing a fabulous job!! Love reading your blog and would love for you to share the secret CSS tip for width…I've been trying to figure out for some time now. Definitely makes the pictures more aesthetically pleasing for sure!
I just came across your blog recently through H54F's link up and really enjoy your style of writing. Thanks for sharing what you have learned about blogging. I am slowly finding my blogging groove and enjoying it more. I didn't know about the CSS for pictures. I'll have to check that out!
Happy anniversary, Kristy! You really have accomplished SO much in just one year! Congratulations times a million. I loved reading this post, as these are great tips. I love how our worlds have collided – thank you for bringing me into this wonderful blogging circle. So much love being sent your way! xo
Thanks so much, beautiful Ailee! That is so sweet of you! I have loved meeting you and getting to know you and am so thankful for blogging making us friends! :) You are the best! Here’s to new friendships!
Love this Kristy.
I think your point about being yourself and confident resonated with me the most. It took me a while to feel confident as a blogger. I also remember in my first couple of years, I didn't visit anyone! Eeek! I can only imagine what I was I missing out on!
Thanks for sharing and congrats… happy blog birthday (blirthday)!
Happy blogiversary, friend!! I am SO happy you took the leap and started blogging because otherwise I would have never met you and that would just be so sad :(
You should be so proud of what you’ve accomplished in this year, I’ve been blogging forever and wish I would have started out on the right foot like you did! So proud of you and can’t wait to see where seven graces goes in this next year! Great tips too, I’m walking away with some valuable information :) xo
Thank you, beautiful BBFF! Everything serves a purpose, and if nothing else comes from blogging than meeting some amazing people, then that is a-okay with me. So thankful for you! Love you, friend!
Happy anniversary, Kristy! You really have accomplished SO much in just one year! Congratulations times a million. I loved reading this post, as these are great tips. I love how our worlds have collided – thank you for bringing me into this wonderful blogging circle. So much love being sent your way! xo
Happy blogiversary, friend!! I am SO happy you took the leap and started blogging because otherwise I would have never met you and that would just be so sad :(
You should be so proud of what you've accomplished in this year, I've been blogging forever and wish I would have started out on the right foot like you did! So proud of you and can't wait to see where seven graces goes in this next year! Great tips too, I'm walking away with some valuable information :) xo
These are all so true! My blog is just for fun so I don’t have the time to put into what I’d like to. Someday maybe I’ll be able to post better photos. My CPA job keeps me super busy! Yours looks great though! Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks, Kelli! Blogging can definitely become a full-time job, so to already have one, I would definitely say blogging is just for fun, too. There is so much I would like to do with this blog, but finding the time to do it is a different story. ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Aww, thanks Shelly! I hear you. I feel the same way. I know that some bloggers are inundated with responses, but I'm not there yet, so I always like connecting with everyone who stops by. I really love how this has become a small little community of some fabulous women, yourself included! Hope all you're having a good week!
Happy blogiversary! Thanks for the tips. I’ve been blogging for about 8 months, now, and there’s a lot to learn!
Thanks so much, Karen! I learn something new every day, it seems like. There is SO much to learn, but I try to remind myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!
These are all so true! My blog is just for fun so I don't have the time to put into what I'd like to. Someday maybe I'll be able to post better photos. My CPA job keeps me super busy! Yours looks great though! Thanks for sharing this!
Happy blogiversary! Thanks for the tips. I've been blogging for about 8 months, now, and there's a lot to learn!
Such great tips!! I have loved reading your blog. You are an inspiration! A new camera is next on my list ;) Have a great day!
Thanks, Keri! That means so much! :) I really love doing this, so I hope that comes across. :) Hope you have a great weekend!
Such great tips!! I have loved reading your blog. You are an inspiration! A new camera is next on my list ;) Have a great day!
Congratulations on one year, that is so exciting! I love all your tips and will definitely be applying them to my blog!
Thanks, friend! :) So happy to hear that you got something from them. And thank you for always being so kind. You are awesome! Hope you have a great weekend!
Congrats of your first year of blogging! You’ve posted some great tips! Thanks for hoping in on the Pin Crazy Thursday link party…please remember to link back to the party-you can grab our button on my blog! Have a great week! -Mandy from Almond Place
Thanks, Mandy! :) I love linking up, and I since I link up to so many parties, I have created a Network page here on the blog. I reference that in my last line in each blog post. Hope that works. ;) Have a great weekend!
Congratulations on one year, that is so exciting! I love all your tips and will definitely be applying them to my blog!
Congrats of your first year of blogging! You've posted some great tips! Thanks for hoping in on the Tuesday Talk link party…please remember to link back to the party-you can grab our button on my blog! Have a great week! -Mandy from Almond Place
Thank you so much, Ashley! It's really true. Sometimes putting yourself out there helps people relate and say, "Hey, I'm not alone." That's why I tell some of the stories I do. If I can make just one person feel that way, then it's worth it. Have a good weekend!
Thanks, my beautiful friend! That means so much coming from you. :) And you are absolutely so welcome. I am so blessed to have you in my life!
Hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! See you soon!
Thanks, Ashley! That is so awesome that you have kept at it and that you keep those old posts up for perspective. I had no idea that I would keep the blog up, but I've found it to be a really fun outlet. :) Cheers to blogging! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, Amanda! That really means a lot. :)
Here's the CSS code I use. I just played around with the number until it fit just the way I wanted it.
.post-body img {
width: 668px;
height: auto;
Hope that helps!
Yay! Thanks, Emily! It's such a fun adventure, this blogging world. I have always loved writing, and this outlet is a great way to use it for sure. I just added the CSS code I use in the comment below yours. ;)
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I feel like when I am most myself, that is when people relate the most for some reason. Who knew?! Sometimes I feel like I read more than I write, but I guess that is a good thing. :)
Happy weekend, friend!
Thanks so much, beautiful Ailee! That is so sweet of you! I have loved meeting you and getting to know you and am so thankful for blogging making us friends! :) You are the best! Here's to new friendships!
Thank you, beautiful BBFF! Everything serves a purpose, and if nothing else comes from blogging than meeting some amazing people, then that is a-okay with me. So thankful for you! Love you, friend!
Thanks, Kelli! Blogging can definitely become a full-time job, so to already have one, I would definitely say blogging is just for fun, too. There is so much I would like to do with this blog, but finding the time to do it is a different story. ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Karen! I learn something new every day, it seems like. There is SO much to learn, but I try to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, Keri! That means so much! :) I really love doing this, so I hope that comes across. :) Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, friend! :) So happy to hear that you got something from them. And thank you for always being so kind. You are awesome! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, Mandy! :) I love linking up, and I since I link up to so many parties, I have created a Network page here on the blog. I reference that in my last line in each blog post. Hope that works. ;) Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing the code. Have a great weekend too!
So glad I’ve been able to follow along on your blogging journey girl. You have such a way with words that just pulls people in. I love reading your posts. These are all great tips!
Thanks so much, sweet Tiffany! :) That is the sweetest compliment ever. So happy to have met you in this wonderful blogging journey!
So glad I've been able to follow along on your blogging journey girl. You have such a way with words that just pulls people in. I love reading your posts. These are all great tips!
This is a fabulous post! Happy Blogiversary, my friend!!! I love these tips and I love that you blog. You write some pretty fabulous stuff!!! I love reading your posts. I often get behind in reading, but always love coming back every week and catching up!! XO
Thanks so much, Alycia! You are too sweet. :) So happy to have crossed blogging paths!
This is a fabulous post! Happy Blogiversary, my friend!!! I love these tips and I love that you blog. You write some pretty fabulous stuff!!! I love reading your posts. I often get behind in reading, but always love coming back every week and catching up!! XO
Oh my gosh, I loved each and every bit of this post!!! Happy Blogiversary, and I’m so glad we crossed bloggy paths :) I especially love your tip on “give them what they want” and asking yourself if you would click on it. That’s been like the main question I ask myself this year before I publish something. Before I got into a blogging grove, I think I posted just to post, and no joke I posted a bunch of boring stuff lol. It really does help once you get your groove and figure out a plan. Thanks for posting the things you’ve learned, if I didn’t know I would totally assume you’ve been blogging for way longer than a year, you’re a quick learner and a natural!
Thanks, my dear! And I am so happy to have “met” you too! :) I seriously have to ask myself that now. I could blog every day about our day, but then people would probably think that’s boring. Lol. But I don’t know, I read Big Mama, and she usually writes what I like to call a “journal entry.” Who knows. I do feel like I the first 6 months I was just testing things out, but now I kind of have a system. And thanks for calling me a quick learner and a natural. Lol. :) Best compliment ever!
Thanks so much for this post. It was very encouraging. I am in my second year of blogging and I am slowly building a following. It has not been easy, but I find your suggestions very helpful and will certainly implement them.
Thanks, Elena! I hope you keep at it. :) It takes a lot of work, but I’ve found it be worth it. Have a great week!
Oh my gosh, I loved each and every bit of this post!!! Happy Blogiversary, and I'm so glad we crossed bloggy paths :) I especially love your tip on "give them what they want" and asking yourself if you would click on it. That's been like the main question I ask myself this year before I publish something. Before I got into a blogging grove, I think I posted just to post, and no joke I posted a bunch of boring stuff lol. It really does help once you get your groove and figure out a plan. Thanks for posting the things you've learned, if I didn't know I would totally assume you've been blogging for way longer than a year, you're a quick learner and a natural!
Thanks so much for this post. It was very encouraging. I am in my second year of blogging and I am slowly building a following. It has not been easy, but I find your suggestions very helpful and will certainly implement them.
Happy Anniversary! I am in my 3rd month of blogging and loving it. A question for you.. in the early days how do determine who your readers are? I mean how can i get to ‘know’ my audience if i don’t ‘know’ who they are. For now I just do as you suggested and write about what interests me. If i would search for it I hope others would too.. :) Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post!
Thanks so much! That’s awesome you’ve been blogging for 3 months. Time will fly! I think in the early days, I would say I determined my audience by who I wanted it to be. I had to ask myself: who am I writing to? I knew I wanted to write to other moms, but I also knew I didn’t want to exclude anyone either. Then that’s when I started expanding what I wrote about a bit, and I just was patient. I would notice that other moms started commenting, and then I started becoming a regular reader to other blogs that wrote about similar topics to my blog. I also got to know my audience by who was following me on social media. I didn’t just leave the conversation on the blog. I talked to people on Instagram and Facebook all the time. And I still do. At the beginning of the year, I did a survey and asking a little bit about the reader helped me gauge who my audience was even though I had a pretty good idea of who they were already. ;) Hope that helps!
Yes thanks a lot Kristy. That does help.. :)
Happy Anniversary! I am in my 3rd month of blogging and loving it. A question for you.. in the early days how do determine who your readers are? I mean how can i get to 'know' my audience if i don't 'know' who they are. For now I just do as you suggested and write about what interests me. If i would search for it I hope others would too.. :) Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post!
Thanks so much, sweet Tiffany! :) That is the sweetest compliment ever. So happy to have met you in this wonderful blogging journey!
Thanks so much, Alycia! You are too sweet. :) So happy to have crossed blogging paths!
Thanks, my dear! And I am so happy to have "met" you too! :) I seriously have to ask myself that now. I could blog every day about our day, but then people would probably think that's boring. Lol. But I don't know, I read Big Mama, and she usually writes what I like to call a "journal entry." Who knows. I do feel like I the first 6 months I was just testing things out, but now I kind of have a system. And thanks for calling me a quick learner and a natural. Lol. :) Best compliment ever!
Thanks, Elena! I hope you keep at it. :) It takes a lot of work, but I've found it be worth it. Have a great week!
Thanks so much! That's awesome you've been blogging for 3 months. Time will fly! I think in the early days, I would say I determined my audience by who I wanted it to be. I had to ask myself: who am I writing to? I knew I wanted to write to other moms, but I also knew I didn't want to exclude anyone either. Then that's when I started expanding what I wrote about a bit, and I just was patient. I would notice that other moms started commenting, and then I started becoming a regular reader to other blogs that wrote about similar topics to my blog. I also got to know my audience by who was following me on social media. I didn't just leave the conversation on the blog. I talked to people on Instagram and Facebook all the time. And I still do. At the beginning of the year, I did a survey and asking a little bit about the reader helped me gauge who my audience was even though I had a pretty good idea of who they were already. ;) Hope that helps!
Thanks for the post. Definitely helpful to a newbie like me. :) Mostly I am just looking for a consistent audience. I get a lot of one time readers, so I think I need to get more content posts up, and I’m working on a printable to offer with an email sign up. It’s harder than I thought it would be lol.
Thanks, Katrina! One way that I built my blogging community is by responding to comments and going to their blog and commenting and keeping a conversation going. Not just one and done either. Go back regularly and before you know it, you’ll have blogging friends. Do that for the blogs you absolutely love and have something in common with, and that’s how you’ll meet your people. I have met some of the most awesome ladies by doing that. You’ll find your groove. It is so much harder than people think! I spend at least an average of 4 hours on one post. Then spending time doing everything else is just as time consuming. It can definitely be a full time job if you made it. But it’s a lot of fun and great creative outlet for me. :) Best of luck, my dear!
Thanks! I actually have a problem with not knowing what to say to other people when they reply to comments either. Which could just be that I don’t know how to take a compliment, now that I’m thinking about it. I’ll make sure to do better at it in the future!
Thanks for the post. Definitely helpful to a newbie like me. :) Mostly I am just looking for a consistent audience. I get a lot of one time readers, so I think I need to get more content posts up, and I'm working on a printable to offer with an email sign up. It's harder than I thought it would be lol.
Yes thanks a lot Kristy. That does help.. :)
Fantastic tips Kris – thanks for sharing! Found your post via The Deliberate Mom Shine Hop #38 – I agree that link ups are a great for getting your blog ‘out there’! Look forward to checking out the rest of your blog and following you on social media.
Thanks, Charlene! So happy to share! I love the Shine Hop! So glad to have you here. :) Hope you have a great weekend!
Great tips! Aaahh, coming up with pinnable images is the hardest! :)
Thanks, Laie! Yes, creating pin-worthy images is work, but find what works for you. :) I use PicMonkey to make the graphics and have found it to be super easy. Time consuming, yes, but easier than PhotoShop. Hope you have a great weekend!
Fantastic tips Kris – thanks for sharing! Found your post via The Deliberate Mom Shine Hop #38 – I agree that link ups are a great for getting your blog 'out there'! Look forward to checking out the rest of your blog and following you on social media.
Great tips! Aaahh, coming up with pinnable images is the hardest! :)
Thanks, Katrina! One way that I built my blogging community is by responding to comments and going to their blog and commenting and keeping a conversation going. Not just one and done either. Go back regularly and before you know it, you'll have blogging friends. Do that for the blogs you absolutely love and have something in common with, and that's how you'll meet your people. I have met some of the most awesome ladies by doing that. You'll find your groove. It is so much harder than people think! I spend at least an average of 4 hours on one post. Then spending time doing everything else is just as time consuming. It can definitely be a full time job if you made it. But it's a lot of fun and great creative outlet for me. :) Best of luck, my dear!
Thanks, Charlene! So happy to share! I love the Shine Hop! So glad to have you here. :) Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, Laie! Yes, creating pin-worthy images is work, but find what works for you. :) I use PicMonkey to make the graphics and have found it to be super easy. Time consuming, yes, but easier than PhotoShop. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks! I actually have a problem with not knowing what to say to other people when they reply to comments either. Which could just be that I don't know how to take a compliment, now that I'm thinking about it. I'll make sure to do better at it in the future!
These are all great tips & definitely important in the world of blogging. I think the biggest surprise to me when blogging was the potential for relationship, like you said some of these people I have never met but I definitely consider them my friends! I have loved the community in blogging it has made me love it so much more!!
Thanks, Alessandra! I adore the community. It’s so great. It totally trumps any negativity that blogging can bring. :) Hope you’re having a great week!
These are all great tips & definitely important in the world of blogging. I think the biggest surprise to me when blogging was the potential for relationship, like you said some of these people I have never met but I definitely consider them my friends! I have loved the community in blogging it has made me love it so much more!!
These are good tips to take into consideration. I am just starting and I’m already worrying that it might not work out which is scaring me a lot. So i tell myself all the time to wait for a while, it’s been just couple of days. I really hope to look back after a year knowing that it’s worked out!
Thank you! And yes, take your time in getting a groove going. It’s hard work, especially if you want to monetize one day. Right now, see it as a hobby and do it only if you love it. The rest will take care of itself. ;) Hope you’re having a great week!
Hey Kristy, sorry for my late reply – just figured out how Disqus really works – such a fail! So I’ve been blogging for two months now and am already monetizing my blog and it’s such an awesome experience! It cannot go better :)
If you have a minute, take a look: :)
Have a lovely Sunday, honey :)
These are good tips to take into consideration. I am just starting and I'm already worrying that it might not work out which is scaring me a lot. So i tell myself all the time to wait for a while, it's been just couple of days. I really hope to look back after a year knowing that it's worked out!
Thanks, Alessandra! I adore the community. It's so great. It totally trumps any negativity that blogging can bring. :) Hope you're having a great week!
Hey Kristy, sorry for my late reply – just figured out how Disqus really works – such a fail! So I've been blogging for two months now and am already monetizing my blog and it's such an awesome experience! It cannot go better :)
If you have a minute, take a look: :)
Have a lovely Sunday, honey :)