Rolling over? That happened on time. Sitting up? That happened on time. Crawling? Ehh, that happened a month late. Walking? That happened at a late 17 months. So I don’t know why I thought potty training would happen right when the books said it was supposed to happen. My little girl’s third birthday came and went, and so did our deadline of being out of her Huggies. And you know what? That’s okay.

For the past two months since Charlotte has turned three, we’ve talked about potty training and gave it a serious go two weeks ago. I read the book about teaching the baby doll to go to the potty first, thus spurring the big kid to go, but that didn’t work so well for us. Charlotte thought it was all fun and games for the baby doll to go, but not so much for her. She definitely thought the potty was a toy, not a place to actually potty.
Don’t get me wrong. She’s given me lots of signs that she was ready. She’s had a dry diaper majority of nights. She’s been super curious when she sees me in the bathroom (because you know mom’s never go alone). She’s even requested that she needs to go potty. Yet all the signs have been a bust.
Once our three day potty boot camp came along, sister girl just wasn’t interested. Thankfully, I’ve let it go, and we’ll try again later. I’ve been told that she won’t go to Kindergarten in a diaper, and I have full faith that she won’t. She’ll learn when she’s ready. For now, our trusty changing station is still going strong and in full use.

I’m always surprised the 3-day method works for some because for us, it took a lot more than 3 days. It was a long process, at least 4 months? The little floor potty worked good for training, along with books, sticker charts, lots of praise, and keeping her diaper-free during the day. We never rushed her, I like to say she pretty much trained herself since we weren’t sticklers with any methods, and we just waited until she was ready.
You know, when they say every kid is different, they are so right. I do have some friends who really did potty train their kid in a weekend or even a day! But I think what works for some doesn’t work for others, and that’s okay. I think waiting until they are ready and the idea has clicked for them will make all the difference! :)
I tried to potty train my daughter at 2 1/2 and gave up pretty quickly. A month before she turned 3 I said, we are doing this. There’s no going back. I think the parents mindset as to be right before you can even think about your child’s. If you go at it with, “there’s no other option, we are doing this” you’d be surprised the confidence you have haha. First day was rough, she peed once in the toilet (finally!) midday. I had her in panties (girls gotta feel the pee) and leggings (helped soak up the pee when she had accidents). Second day she got it! Only 2 accidents, and she started telling me she needed to go, 3rd day- and for one solid week after she had one accident a day. Then 1 a month, now we’re 2 months passed 3 and accident free! I’m telling you the key is going at it with a “we’re doing this no matter what” attitude.
Yeah, I could have pushed and stuck to my guns, but I just knew she wasn’t getting it. There were a lot of factors that could have contributed too, like a new schedule around the house, a big change up of who’s here (Mom AND Dad), getting new molars, time change, break in routine, etc. So I probably didn’t time it correctly. But I know she’ll get it soon. I’m waiting for the day she FINALLY goes in the potty. I will be throwing a party for sure!
We waited until Aria said she wanted to wear big girl panties, and it was like flipping a switch. It took her a day to figure it out and then just rocked it. I’m glad we waited until she was totally on board. Kids definitely do things in their own time.
Well, Charlotte always says she wants to wear her panties, but then she asks for a diaper as soon as she’s worn out the fun. Lol. I’m hoping it will happen very soon!
From a wondering Nanna this was a good post.
Thank you so much! Have a great weekend, Deborah!
I’m so with you. It was so much less stressful for me to wait until they are really ready! (Huggies are our favorites btw!)
I could not add more stress to my plate, especially right now. I know it will happen, and I’m pretty sure she’ll get it by 3.5. :) And yay for Huggies! We love them, too!
I am so with you on the timelines – my son was ahead on some things, and late on others and if you focus too long on the timeline then you’ll lose your mind. My son is only 22 months, and most definitely still in diapers, but a few months ago my grandma told me I should potty train him before our second came – I was totally blown away! From what I understand, you’re doing it the right way – when she’s ready, she’ll be ready!
Oh, I’ve had so many family members ask me about potty training ever since she turned two. It’s always a struggle. But you’re right. She’ll definitely get it when she’s ready. :)
We did the 3 day potty training session 3 months after Faith’s 3rd bday. Friday – Sunday. This went well for 2 weeks, but we constantly had to remind her to go. Then the 3rd week, she had an accident every day – she just didn’t recognize the signals her body gave her that it was time and I don’t think she cared. After that we put her in cool activation pull ups and after a 3 week run, she started putting it together and telling us she had to go to the bathroom. And then it happened. We’ve had a few setbacks here and there, but it’s definitely nice to have her out of the diapers.
I’ve never heard of cool activation pull ups! That sounds like something that might work for her. Thanks so much for the tip and for sharing your story, Candace! I can’t wait until she’s out of diapers!
Such a fantastic post, Kristy and a great reminder that kids will do what needs to be done when they’re ready. Sure we can give them a gentle nudge here and there, but they won’t budge unless they feel they are prepared for it, and that includes potty training. We’re in the midst of the process right now with my daughter. I have her in pull ups and we go diaper free most of the day. She’s still struggling, but eventually we’ll get there. Thanks for sharing this on #shinebloghop this week. So glad you were able to join us
I’ve heard so many theories about not putting them in pull-ups, but I think that may have to be our next step. I think that may work for her. Thanks so much for the encouraging words, too. I appreciate them so much! And I’m so glad I had something to share this week with the Shine Blog Hop. :) It’s one of my favorites!
With my two older girls at two and a half they both were perfectly potty trained in three day and night potty training, well I don´t even remember, so I guess that went as smoothly too. WIth Ari who is the exact age as your sweet Charlotte… well it didn´t go as smoothly… we tried at two and a half and failed miserably, then we started again around november and succeeded… during daytime, with the exception of number two, And now I just started night training her just last night. (I´ll let you know how that went). What I´ve learned through my 13 and so years as a mom is that really us moms have to be ready, because if you are not, they sense it (and this is true for everything). It sounds like Charlotte is super ready!!! If set your mind to it and I think that by Monday she´ll be a big girl!!! XOXO
I’m so glad we aren’t the only ones with a headstrong daughter!! Gabriella is absolutely determined to stay in diapers. I’ve tried telling her she’s a big girl and big girls wear panties; like Mommy, Momo, and Mimi. She says nope, I’m a baby. She cries and throws a fit when I try to put panties on her. We’ve been trying (not so hard) for a few months. I’ve realized it’s not happening, not anytime soon. This really baffles me because she has done everything else early. She’s been speaking in complete sentences since 17 months, she puts on her own shoes, has to get her milk out of the refrigerator herself, just Miss Independent. I will just embrace her and her reluctance to be a big girl.