As I was thinking of my goals for this year, I kept getting an itch that maybe this is the year I’ll write it. But in true procrastination form, I put the thought in the back of my head. And then it happened. That light bulb moment. That moment when you can’t ignore God any longer. In the past two years since I’ve been blogging, I’ve had two random people reach out to me after reading an inspirational post of mine and asked me when I was going to write a book. I was flattered, but the timing wasn’t right. Then my friend Meg and I were texting one day in the beginning of January, and pretty much out of the blue, she told me, “I’ve been meaning to tell you. You need to write a Bible study.” Huh? But this was person number three telling me I needed to write, and this time it was more specific. Noted.
Let me tell you a little story about my experience with bible studies. I’m a cradle Catholic, and I’ve grown more in love with my faith with each passing year. However, Catholics aren’t really Bible study people. Over the course of my life, some of my very best friends have been different denominations, Baptist, Lutheran, Non-Denominational, etc. And some of them have opened me up to the world of Bible studies. Going to a Bible study with Beth Moore is how this whole blog got started. (You can read all about that here.) I ended up loving bible studies! I even found one in my own Catholic church, and it’s been such a blessing. But for me to write one? I thought that was silly. The more I thought about it though, the more I heard God calling me to it. I kept asking, “Are you sure God? I’m a Catholic girl. Really? You want me to write a bible study? Why me?” And the only response I kept hearing was, “Why not you.” That’s when it hit me. I’m writing a bible study this year!
Starting this blog was a calling, and now I’m expanding off of it with a new one. Callings are funny. It’s been my experience that they hit you out of the blue. I was called to be a teacher. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be one, but God called me to it, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I was then called to be a stay at home mom. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be one, but God called me to it, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Then I was called to be a blogger. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be one, but God called me to it, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Now I’m called to write a bible study. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be writing one, but here I am. Here I am, Lord. And if history repeats itself, I bet it will be one of the best experiences of my life too.
Callings remind me of one of my favorite lines in Sister Act 2 when Sister Mary Clarence tells Rita, “If you wake up in the morning and you can’t think of anything but singing, you were meant to be a singer, girl.” Those stirrings in your heart to live out your dreams are there for a reason.
Like all callings, they’re scary at first. There’s a huge responsibility in fulfilling it. I read something the other day that affirmed to me when God calls, you answer. I saw this quote from Lysa Terkeurst, “Your job is simply to be obedient to God. God will handle everything else.” Well, okay.

I am so excited for you! This is going to be so amazing for you. I just know it!! I love the ideas we’ve already chatted before. I cannot wait!!!!!
Aghh! Thank you, Meg! I’m so thankful for you and your encouragement to get this whole ball rolling! I can’t wait to see what it becomes! :)
How exciting!!!!
Thanks, Skye! I’m so excited to get it started!
Kristy!!! Yay!!
As a Catholic, this is super exciting to me! I am in a bible study now- we are reading Pricilla Shier’s study, but it is not at home church and is not written from a Catholic’s point of view. You really have something here! I’d be so excited to read it and even more excited to support a friend who is so genuine and sweet! Excited for you girl! I would love something that focuses on motherhood specifically. That would be super relatable and encouraging :)
Best of luck to you friend!
Yay, Brittany! I’m so glad you’re as excited as I am! I really want to stay true to my Catholic roots, but I still want it to be accessible for any Christian denomination or anyone for that matter. :) I’ll definitely be touching on motherhood, but I want this first one to touch on a lot of different things, because I know a lot of friends who want to read this but aren’t mothers yet. I CAN’T WAIT! I think I might move the date up to August. I’ll definitely keep you posted!
You know I am so excited for you. I cannot wait to hear about your journey and use the Bible study in my life. Any topics about overcoming hardships as a mom would be great! You are going to rock this, sister! xxoxoxoxo
Thank you for being the best cheerleader ever! I think that topic about motherhood is just a given. ;) I am so ready to do this!
How freaking fantastic! So excited for you (and myself because I get to glean from you!)
Yay! Thank you so much, Whitney! I am so excited to write it and get in your hands. :) Have a great weekend!
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this, Kristy!!! So glad that you’re listening to your calling!! I think it’s going to be amazing since you have God writing this study through you. I love studies with a decent amount of Scripture since that’s what’s most important. I’m doing one now that includes many great dig-deep questions and great ways of applying it to your own life. She even encourages us to look up certain worship songs or readings. :) I’ll be praying for you!
Yay!!! Thank you, Kelli! It’s a scary thing to listen to a calling, but God hasn’t ever failed me. Scripture is crucial. And application questions are my jam since that is so the teacher in me. I love the idea of looking up certain worship songs or readings. Love it! Keep the prayers coming. I’ve scheduled my writing time to start next week. :)
This is so wonderful, friend! I am beyond proud of you! Praying for you and I can’t wait to hear more! XOXOXO
Thank you, Emily! I can’t wait to share more! :) Keep the prayers coming, friend. I need them more than ever! ;)
Congratulations on starting this journey girl! I am so excited for you. I love that you’re gearing the study to those of us who aren’t Bible study people; that’s totally me. You are going to make an amazing Bible study I just know it!
Thanks, Tiffany! :) And yes to the non-Bible study people. I am totally that person too, so I am all about it. I really hope that it brings a little joy and hope to whomever reads it.
Great news!! Pursue your dreams girl, and with the Lord guiding you, you’re in good hands!
Thank you, Alissa! I totally believe that He is the one behind this whole thing, and I’m just His instrument. ;) I’m honored to write it, and I can’t wait to get it going.
This is so exciting! I can’t wait to hear all about it. I’m currently doing the “woman who say yes to God” bible study and you are doing just that following your calling. It’s very inspiring! My husband is Catholic and I had to explain what we do at bible study to him. I would love for him to find one of his own. Good luck with everything!
Yay! It can be a really scary, intimidating thing to answer a calling, but I’m ready. :) My husband is always intrigued about the Bible studies I’ve done, too. I wish there were some good ones for men. That would be awesome. There are a few that are offered here in our parish, but they don’t work with his schedule. I wish there were some like we do for men. That’s a great idea! Thanks for all the luck and prayers! Xoxo
I am so excited for you! You have such a gift and a voice to share Gods love with the world. I cannot wait to hear more and follow along with your journey here!
Thank you so much, Keri! That means so much to me, and I am so excited to get this project going. :) Can’t wait to share my progress next week. Have a great weekend!
This sounds incredible!!! Just from reading two posts, I can tell you have a way with words! I can only imagine the courage it takes to do this, the faith it takes! I can’t wait to find out more!
Thank you so much, Emily! Yes, it takes a lot of courage and a lot of faith. It’s definitely all God, because if it were up to me, I wouldn’t have laughed at the idea. Have a great weekend!
As a Catholic momma, wife, and teacher-I’m so excited for this! I found your blog and have discovered that it’s my favorite. I appreciate your honesty, enthusiasm, and passion for life. Most importantly, your faith is inspiring.
I’d love to see something about finding balance and patience in a hectic world.
Yay for our similarities! :) And that is the nicest compliment ever. It means more to me than you know. I’ll definitely be covering balance and patience because it’s something I still struggle with every day. I’m sure we all do. ;) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Awesome! I just stumbled upon your blog and love it. I am a cradle Catholic too and I love the idea of a Catholic Bible study created by a mom in a similar season on life. Can’t wait to see what you create! Topics that I think would be great are of course: marriage, family life, motherhood, forgiveness, grace and of course, MERCY. :) Are you familiar with Blessed is She? It’s an online daily devotional for women that I enjoy reading each day, but I love the idea of an ebook!