Every now and then, there’s nothing like a little alone time to give you perspective, a personal time-out to rejuvenate the soul. This past weekend, I went on my first vacation away from my hubs and baby. On my solo plane ride there, I realized some things. I realized that I am truly grateful for the life that I have. Grateful that I wake up each morning with air in my lungs and another chance to give God some glory. Grateful that I have a family whom I love dearly. Grateful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with my baby. Grateful that I had the time and resources to take a vacation with my beautiful mom and sister. These aren’t new realizations. As a matter of fact, I give thanks every day for all of the blessings in my life, hardships too, but sometimes I take these things for granted. I don’t mean to, but I’m human. Sometimes, I get so consumed with life that my thankfulness is part of my routine, part of my daily motions. I needed to take a time-out. I needed to be all alone, no distractions, to reconnect not just with myself, but with Him. It’s moments that I’m all alone, really present with God, that He talks with me. He gives me a warm hug and says, “I love you. I really love you.” Taking a time-out to reconnect and recharge is so important, not only for yourself, but for the good of all those around you, too.

And I did. I needed that. I needed the me-time, because I needed to hear Him again. I needed to be truly present. I then saw this quote by Lisa Wittle on Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Facebook page: “I need God to consume me more than my life currently does.” Well, Amen to that! Life is going to happen. Things are going to happen. But when God consumes our life rather than life consuming us, it’s so much more peaceful. Even when bad things happen. Even when good things happen. When He is consuming us, life is better.

I enjoyed my vacation to the fullest. I let God consume me, and I let Him take the reigns of my happiness and joy. We had the best time, and I am forever thankful for the wonderful memories we shared. We had the best conversations and the best meals. We laughed, we cried, we saw beautiful scenery, and we enjoyed each other’s company. Can’t get much better than that. I most definitely came back fully charged to embrace the daily ins and outs of being a stay-at-home-mom and wife. Life is pretty great (even if we’re all sick at the moment).
Taking a time-out doesn’t necessarily mean you need to take a vacation. It can be a walk to the mailbox, a trip to Starbucks, a jog through the park, a Yoga session, or an hour without technology. The list is pretty endless. Anything to clear your mind that allows you to recharge your battery is what you’re looking for. We need to refuel our love tank by giving ourselves some attention so that we can focus on what is truly important, and for me it’s my relationship with God and my family.

It’s hard finding the right balance in an unbalanced life. But every now and then, all seems right in the world. Not because life is without problems, but because His all encompassing love is felt. When was the last time you were truly present in His presence? Just like a friend who needs a phone call, in order to nurture the relationship, He needs that, too. He is there waiting like the friend who never fails us. He’s there waiting for you to take that time-out.
See where I’m linking up here.
that song is truly anointed, It always speaks to me! I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation! a little time away is always good to regroup and recharge. blessings!
It really is! I don’t think I’ll ever tire of listening to it. My vacation was such a good time, and I really did connect back to Him. :) So thankful for the recharge!
Oceans is one of my favorite lately! I saw a huge canvas print with the lyrics on it and if I could afford it, it would be in my home now. So happy your vacation was great, it’s nice to refocus and enjoy family!
It’s so good! I’ve been listening to it since I first heard it at a Bible study this past January. Can. not. stop. It was such a fun time! I’m so glad I got to spend some quality time with my mom and sister. We hadn’t don’t that since 2011. :)
that song is truly anointed, It always speaks to me! I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation! a little time away is always good to regroup and recharge. blessings!
Oceans is one of my favorite lately! I saw a huge canvas print with the lyrics on it and if I could afford it, it would be in my home now. So happy your vacation was great, it's nice to refocus and enjoy family!
It really is! I don't think I'll ever tire of listening to it. My vacation was such a good time, and I really did connect back to Him. :) So thankful for the recharge!
It's so good! I've been listening to it since I first heard it at a Bible study this past January. Can. not. stop. It was such a fun time! I'm so glad I got to spend some quality time with my mom and sister. We hadn't don't that since 2011. :)
Such a great post. I needed this. So glad you got to take some of that time and really find your place with Him while realizing how grateful you are for everything in your life. Thanks for writing about it!
Thank you so much! I am so glad you needed to hear this. I didn’t realize how much I needed it, too. It was quite the refresher. Thanks for reading, sister! :)
Such a beautiful post + you discussed something that is so important. So glad you were able to take some time for yourself. Reflection is so wonderful for the soul. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Ann! Reflection really is the best. I love meditating with songs, too. This one always does the trick. :)
Such a great post. I needed this. So glad you got to take some of that time and really find your place with Him while realizing how grateful you are for everything in your life. Thanks for writing about it!
Such a beautiful post + you discussed something that is so important. So glad you were able to take some time for yourself. Reflection is so wonderful for the soul. Thanks for sharing!
I love love that song too! Thank you for the beautiful post! When I had surgery in September, I had that song on repeat in the pre-op room. It gave me such a sense of peace and calm before the surgery.
You are so welcome, Judith! It is such a beautiful song that never gets old. It always fills me with peace. :)
Thank you so much! I am so glad you needed to hear this. I didn't realize how much I needed it, too. It was quite the refresher. Thanks for reading, sister! :)
Thanks, Ann! Reflection really is the best. I love meditating with songs, too. This one always does the trick. :)
I love love that song too! Thank you for the beautiful post! When I had surgery in September, I had that song on repeat in the pre-op room. It gave me such a sense of peace and calm before the surgery.
This post is wonderful! That quote photo really resonated with me. This is my truth… Life gets so hectic, so chaotic, so crazy.
Thanks for sharing #SHINEbloghop
Thanks so much, Bijee! I fell in love with that quote, too. Thanks for stopping by, sweet sister!
I love that song! I crank it in the kitchen when it comes on Pandora. :) We all need “me” time, but like you said, what we really need is us and God time. He is our daily bread and sustainer. Nothing fills like He does. I take my quiet in the afternoon, and I always want more. I’ve been thirsting for the word more and I love it. So glad you got to recharge!
I crank it up, too! And I totally agree. I love when my me-time is God-time, too. It’s so fulfilling. I yearn for learning more and really need to take the time to delve in. I pray that I can! :)
This post is wonderful! That quote photo really resonated with me. This is my truth… Life gets so hectic, so chaotic, so crazy.
Thanks for sharing #SHINEbloghop
I love that song! I crank it in the kitchen when it comes on Pandora. :) We all need "me" time, but like you said, what we really need is us and God time. He is our daily bread and sustainer. Nothing fills like He does. I take my quiet in the afternoon, and I always want more. I've been thirsting for the word more and I love it. So glad you got to recharge!
Good for you! We need that time to recharge, restart and completely be a person without the pitter -patter of little feet. It’s the perfect opportunity to truly listen and hear what God is saying. It sounds like your trip was wonderful and much deserved! Thanks for sharing with the Saturday Soiree Blog Party!
Thanks, Sarah Ann! I had a great time and I definitely was able to recharge. I came back full of gratitude and peace. It was so nice. :) Thanks for stopping by again!
Good for you! We need that time to recharge, restart and completely be a person without the pitter -patter of little feet. It's the perfect opportunity to truly listen and hear what God is saying. It sounds like your trip was wonderful and much deserved! Thanks for sharing with the Saturday Soiree Blog Party!
What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing your heart. You post truly blessed me tonight.
Thanks, Jennifer! I’m so glad you were blessed by it. That definitely makes my heart happy to hear. :)
What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing your heart. You post truly blessed me tonight.
You are so welcome, Judith! It is such a beautiful song that never gets old. It always fills me with peace. :)
Thanks so much, Bijee! I fell in love with that quote, too. Thanks for stopping by, sweet sister!
I crank it up, too! And I totally agree. I love when my me-time is God-time, too. It's so fulfilling. I yearn for learning more and really need to take the time to delve in. I pray that I can! :)
Thanks, Sarah Ann! I had a great time and I definitely was able to recharge. I came back full of gratitude and peace. It was so nice. :) Thanks for stopping by again!
Thanks, Jennifer! I'm so glad you were blessed by it. That definitely makes my heart happy to hear. :)