Do you ever get the feeling that your life is moving so fast that you hope you’ll be able to catch your breath soon, and you just keep moving trying to keep up, only to find out that things just don’t stop? Goodness gracious, life can be crazy. Just living la vida loca up in here. And that’s living the good life. I’ve been meaning to take a moment and reflect on Little Miss Love Muffin, so I’m doing just that today. Charlotte lights up my life, and she turned 19 months old yesterday. How did that happen? This little lady is the queen in our house, and I thought you needed to know what life has been like for her lately, thus what life beholds for us commoners. A picture dump is what I think the cool kids are calling it.
She adores stuffed animals. And watching Frozen. When she’s not in her purple chair, we’re usually snuggled up together on the couch, watching whatever her heart desires, also known as Frozen, and for whatever reason she just can’t let it go. Frozen has been seen at least 100 times in the past month alone. Thanks, Starz OnDemand. She did watch Sound of Music for the first time when my mom and sister were visiting, and she was fascinated. It’s one of my favorites, and I hope one day that it will be one of her favorites, too. What can I say? I guess musicals are our thing.
She loves to eat. These yogurts have been her favorite for a while now. She says “go-gurt,” points to the counter where they are stored, and whines until she has one in her hand. I really can’t complain, because she’s a pretty healthy eater. There aren’t many things that she doesn’t like.
Charlotte LOVES spending time with her family these days. Stage 5 Clinger certified. But in all honesty, she is the best little person to be around. She is so attentive and so lovable. She is caring, kind, and quite the comedian.
A big reason why she’s been so clingy is because sister girl is getting her top molars. They have been coming in for what seems like FOR-EVER. I’ve heard an amber necklace works wonders, but I still have yet to purchase one for her.
The weekend my sister and mom visited, we did purchase her another stuffed animal. She grabbed ahold of Puppy (that’s what we’re calling him) at Nordstrom and would not put him down, and Daddy just couldn’t seem to say no from buying it for her. I need to learn from Charlotte. My smart girl.
Puppy has almost taken the place of Piggy but not quite. She now just carries two babies around instead of one. She also learned how to climb and jump and make Mommy nervous. But she does it all without batting a lash. Nah. I take that back. She bats her lashes all the time.
Just in case you were wondering, my house still looks like this. Although, we have added flash cards and a picnic blanket to the mix. You know, just sprucing things up for fall.
Char is also into redecorating or making a mess. It’s all relative. Laundry, DVDs, whatever she can find, she’ll throw it somewhere else.
Ironically, she loves to clean. My little mess maker is obsessed with Wet Ones and cleaning the floors. Maybe the maid fairies didn’t miss my house after all.
My sweet girl still loves being outside. These pictures above are from two weekends ago, and as you can see by the sweat bubbles on her nose, the heat doesn’t seem to bother too much.
There was a brief period of time where our nighttime ritual was interrupted because she became the squirmiest little being ever. But we’re back in business for cuddles and book reading. When I take a selfie of us, she waves. Not a ham at all.
We also still enjoy the occasional mommy-daughter lunch dates. I love our time together. And we love Chick-fil-A. Char thinks the Chick-fil-A sauce is the best thing ever.
Our favorite time though is when we’re all together. Weekends are our favorite, especially when Daddy has Friday off and we get three days together instead of two.
Two peas. And a daddy’s girl for sure.
Peek-a-Boo is still on our radar. This past weekend was our first trip to Learning Express Toys, and this bear who played peek-a-boo gave her the best giggles.
Ultimately, we walked out of the store with the little popcorn pusher. I just made that title up. That’s the sound it makes as she pushes that little toy. She loves it.
Since it was such an amazing weekend with cooler temps here, we took Char to our neighborhood school’s playground. She was in heaven. This swing goes much higher than the swing we have here at home. My little adventurer also went down the slide for the first time. Another favorite going down in the books.
Our trips to the grocery store are getting more entertaining the older she gets. This last trip, she scattered Gold Fish throughout the store. Sorry, HEB. You win some, you lose some.
I then let her try out a few new snacks when we got home. Yogurt covered pretzels and organic cheese puffs for the win.
Taking advantage of the cooler evenings, we’re now making the school house a regular thing. We just grab the stroller, take a little walk, and enjoy the playground. I definitely see this becoming a habit this fall.
And since I’ve told you she likes to clean my floors, let me tell you that she also loves helping with laundry. She is just a hot mess. And I love her more and more every day.
It’s always the little things in our every day moments that make me pause to thank Him for each breath that I take and being able to witness all of the wonderful. No matter what the circumstance, there is always something to be thankful for. If you just made it through reading all of that, know that I am so thankful for you!
How has life been for you lately? I hope it’s been wonderful.
Seriously..I just can't take it. She is a DOLL!!! I agree – an extra day with Daddy is the best!! :)
Thanks, Jamie! Yep. He's a keeper. We love having him around for full days. :)
Hope all is well, my dear!
She is a doll! Such a beauty – just like her mama!
Thanks, Chelsea! You are too sweet! :)
She is the absolute cutest!
Thank you, Sarah! I just love her to pieces, can you tell? ;)
Such a cutie! Time really flies, so it's a good thing you're writing down these memories while they are fresh!
Thanks, Rachel! It sure does. I love saving the memories here.
Hahaha love this, and you crack me up. My littlest one is also 19 months old (State 5 Clinger certified as well), and I noticed through these pics that they do and eat a lot of the same things (popcorn pusher, Goldfish sprinkled throughout grocery store, etc LOL). She is too adorable, and I'm looking forward to cooler temps too so we can get out on those playgrounds finally!
Yes, girl! I know you feel me! Lol.
Charlotte is all kinds of wonderful! What a joy and delight. She seriously can't get any cuter (although we know she will).
My oldest was never cuddly or affectionate until she was about 5 years old but my youngest is a snuggle-bug. I love it!
How awesome that she enjoyed the park so much too. Oh those cheeks – gotta love them!
Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop!
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Thanks, Jennifer! I love my little snuggle bug. I hope she doesn't grow out of it soon. Her cheeks kill me! :)