Before we start and dive right into our 12 Days of Grace, I need to give you a little background of how this all came about. For so long, I’ve been wanting to share a devotional of some sort, a Bible Study if you will, and long story short, I’ve gotten in my own way thinking I needed to overcomplicate the whole thing. But y’all. God is so good. He gave me CLARITY, and it’s as if he said, “Kristy, you’re trying to be in control of this and trying to make it too complicated. It’s simple. Just do it, and I’ll give you the words.” It brings me to tears how simple it is when we truly let go and let God.
So, our 12 Days of Grace is very simple. Each day, I’m going to share a Bible verse and a task to go with it. Some days the task will be super easy and other days it might take a little work. The point of it all is to remember God’s GRACE and the reason we celebrate this season.
This time of year, we tend to overcomplicate things. Schedules, activities, decorations, emotions. I know I’m guilty of all of the above. Take a deep breathe, friend. Why do we even have this season in the first place? Our IMMANUEL.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. JOHN 1:14
Can you even imagine the magnitude of that night? The night that WORD became flesh? Imagine looking into the face of our Savior, a tiny baby swaddled with hay, crying out into the world on His first day just as He does when his arms are stretched out on the cross on His last day. And why? To save us all. Incredible, isn’t it? Hallelujah, He has come.
Because Christ came to us by His flesh, God With Us, Immanuel, we are called to be with in a community with others in the flesh. We live in a world full of technology and apps, and sadly, in most cases, technology has taken the place of flesh. A few weeks ago, I heard this concept spoken by Beth Moore, and I couldn’t have agreed more.
During this time of year especially, we can be so quick to ignore what is going on around us, our heads buried in our phones filled with noise and busy chaos. It happens all the time: When we’re at the checkout at a store, when we’re at a restaurant, when we’re at the post office. Today, be intentional and look up. Look up and smile at a stranger.

I know I’ve tried to be more intentional with this, and it makes such a difference, not only to the person who’s on the receiving end, but watch what it will do for you. Looking someone in the eyes, smiling at them, acknowledging that they are seen, that’s when we see the flesh of that sweet baby in the manger.
Let’s go change the world like Jesus.
Because hallelujah, you’re here.
Come back tomorrow for another reading and another challenge. Send this to a friend and do it together.
Be blessed, friend! So much love and thanks for you being here.