This weekend we were all over the place, traveling and enjoying the outdoors. The weather has been changing in Texas, and it’s no wonder that Charlotte has developed the sniffles. I thinks she’s just about to get over whatever cold she had thanks to the things below. Here is what our cold arsenal looks like in case you need help battling the cold season for your toddler. These are tried and true things we’ve used, and some are friend recommendations that are new to us.

Vick’s Cool Mist Humidifier
The cool mist humidifiers are preferred over warm mist humidifiers, because cool mist shrinks the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe, versus heat swelling the already sensitive nasal passages. This version is what we have, and it also boasts a night light. We turn this on during nap time and bedtime. Don’t forget to purchase the soothing menthol refills and an extra filter.
The cool mist humidifiers are preferred over warm mist humidifiers, because cool mist shrinks the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe, versus heat swelling the already sensitive nasal passages. This version is what we have, and it also boasts a night light. We turn this on during nap time and bedtime. Don’t forget to purchase the soothing menthol refills and an extra filter.
Boogie Wipes
These are the best saline wipes for runny noses. They are soft and smell sweet. Char loves them. And since you’ll more than likely be wiping continuously, these help prevent redness and chapped skin around the nose. I also keep Wet Ones at arm’s reach for cleaning my hands after dealing with the runny nose situation. Wet Ones are ALWAYS in my purse to wipe away the germs.
These are the best saline wipes for runny noses. They are soft and smell sweet. Char loves them. And since you’ll more than likely be wiping continuously, these help prevent redness and chapped skin around the nose. I also keep Wet Ones at arm’s reach for cleaning my hands after dealing with the runny nose situation. Wet Ones are ALWAYS in my purse to wipe away the germs.
When you see this thing and actually use it, it looks and sounds absolutely disgusting. However, anything to make your babe feel better is what it’s all about it. It’s the top selling nasal aspirator on Amazon, and after trying it, it definitely does the trick. Nasal aspirators are a must, and this little contraption is the best.Honest Kids Organic Apple Juice
When Char is sick, she doesn’t really enjoy milk or even water. However, hydration is super important for these little ones, especially when battling a cold. I found these apple juice pouches at the grocery store, and they are perfect. They have tons of vitamin C and are only sweetened by the fruit itself. These are a hit!
When you see this thing and actually use it, it looks and sounds absolutely disgusting. However, anything to make your babe feel better is what it’s all about it. It’s the top selling nasal aspirator on Amazon, and after trying it, it definitely does the trick. Nasal aspirators are a must, and this little contraption is the best.Honest Kids Organic Apple Juice
When Char is sick, she doesn’t really enjoy milk or even water. However, hydration is super important for these little ones, especially when battling a cold. I found these apple juice pouches at the grocery store, and they are perfect. They have tons of vitamin C and are only sweetened by the fruit itself. These are a hit!
Temporal Artery Thermometer
I love this thermometer because it’s so easy to use. I’ve learned that it’s best to check your little babe in the morning and before bed time, because that’s usually when a fever will hit. When it does, you can battle the fever with this…
For us, Motrin is crucial for fighting a fever; I follow these guidelines. However, if your baby has reached the point of a fever, call your pediatrician ASAP.
Now that Charlotte is a toddler and over a year and a half in age, her pediatrician recommended to us that we can use Benadryl for her sniffles. (See here for dosage recommendations by weight, but ALWAYS consult your pediatrician when using such medicine.) I’m always hesitant to give my baby meds, but when her eyes are runny along with her nose, I give this to her at night only. It has made a huge difference for her. A friend also recommended Hyland’s Baby Tiny Cold Tablets for a more homeopathic route to treating a cold.
Now that Charlotte is a toddler and over a year and a half in age, her pediatrician recommended to us that we can use Benadryl for her sniffles. (See here for dosage recommendations by weight, but ALWAYS consult your pediatrician when using such medicine.) I’m always hesitant to give my baby meds, but when her eyes are runny along with her nose, I give this to her at night only. It has made a huge difference for her. A friend also recommended Hyland’s Baby Tiny Cold Tablets for a more homeopathic route to treating a cold.
Vick’s Vapor Rub or RC Essential Oil
Growing up, Vick’s Vapor Rub was our go-to when battling a cough or a stuffy nose. Little did I know that when you rub it on the bottom of your baby’s feet then put socks on your baby after rubbing the ointment in, it works wonders. But just this go-round of the sniffles, we were introduced to the RC Essential Oil by Young Living thanks to my neighbor. It works just like Vick’s but is all natural of course. It works like a charm! I think I see essential oils in our future for good. See this article for more information about them.
Growing up, Vick’s Vapor Rub was our go-to when battling a cough or a stuffy nose. Little did I know that when you rub it on the bottom of your baby’s feet then put socks on your baby after rubbing the ointment in, it works wonders. But just this go-round of the sniffles, we were introduced to the RC Essential Oil by Young Living thanks to my neighbor. It works just like Vick’s but is all natural of course. It works like a charm! I think I see essential oils in our future for good. See this article for more information about them.
More tips and remedies…
Call your pediatrician for extra help.
I always call our pediatrician’s nurse when I’m questioning how to treat an ailment for Charlotte. Our pediatrician has recommended over-the-counter meds (such as Benadryl at night) and given us specific instructions and dosages for using such medicine. Be sure to write it down in a planner or notebook for future reference.
Extra love and care.
Charlotte’s usually a great sleeper. When she’s not feeling well, she usually wakes up once or twice throughout the night, and I am quick to pick her up and hold her. This is also the time when I get more snuggles than ever. Mommy TLC is the best medicine.
Plenty of rest.
With that being sad, rest is important for kicking a cold. I try and rest with her so that her body can heal quickly. I try to avoid running too many errands, only leaving the house if it’s absolutely necessary.
For children a year and up, you can dilute 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of honey in hot water. Let it cool for about 10 minutes, then give the water to your babe. Honey has been known to be a natural cough suppressant.
Propping his/her head up when sleeping.
I started letting Charlotte sleep with a pillow because she had come down with a terrible cold a little after she turned a year old. It was recommended by her doctor to have her head elevated when she slept, and it’s been a must ever since.
Plenty of fluids.
Just like us grown-ups, babies need to stay hydrated when they are under the weather. I know Char’s eating habits change, but as long as she is getting plenty of fluids, I don’t worry too much.
Chicken Soup.
Chicken soup has been scientifically proven to help treat a cold. Here’s my recipe for homemade chicken soup:
3 lbs. Whole Fryer Chicken
8 cups of Organic Chicken Broth
3 Chicken Bouillon Cubes
1 onion, chopped
3 bay leaves
6 carrots, sliced
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 cabbage, cut into wedges
2 squash, sliced
4 celery, sliced
dash of garlic salt
salt & pepper to taste
Place cleaned and gutted whole fryer chicken in a large stock pot with chicken broth. Add bouillon cubes, onion, and bay leaves. Boil for an hour until chicken is completely cooked.
Remove chicken and debone. Chop chicken into bite size pieces.
Return diced chicken to pot.
Add in all remaining vegetables, including the entire can of diced tomatoes.
Add garlic salt and salt & pepper to taste.
Return to medium heat and cook for another hour until vegetables are tender.
Great resources for dealing with your baby’s cold:
11 Safe Home Remedies To Soothe Your Child’s Cold & Flu SymptomsIf your toddler is battling a cold, may they feel better soon! Hopefully some of these tips will help. Please consult your physician before treating your little one with any medication. Trust your mama gut always, and may this cold season be a short one.
We love the Vicks on the feet before bed trick! I always thought it was an old wives’ tale. (Being from the Deep South and all) it truly is a shinning star remedy! Love it.
I didn’t know this until I had a baby! :) It helps a lot, but those dang coughs sure are pesky. Hope all is well, Amanda!
We love the Vicks on the feet before bed trick! I always thought it was an old wives' tale. (Being from the Deep South and all) it truly is a shinning star remedy! Love it.
I didn't know this until I had a baby! :) It helps a lot, but those dang coughs sure are pesky. Hope all is well, Amanda!
Often when the kids are sick and there is a house to run, it is a challenge to think of everything. This is such a wonderful list to keep handy. I especially love honey remedy. It’s incredible that nature can provide exactly what we need. Thanks so much for linking up with us at the #SHINEbloghop.
Thanks, Heather! You know, I should have added patience and prayer to the list as well. We’re still dealing with this pesky cold, and although these remedies help, time really is the healer. ;) Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you’re off to a great week!
Often when the kids are sick and there is a house to run, it is a challenge to think of everything. This is such a wonderful list to keep handy. I especially love honey remedy. It's incredible that nature can provide exactly what we need. Thanks so much for linking up with us at the #SHINEbloghop.
We’ve used the cool mist humidifier for a couple years now. It does make a difference in how our little one (and teens) sleep.
We love that thing. We’ve been using it for this past week now (and every time she’s been sick since she was born), and sleep has not been interrupted thanks to this contraption. :) Thanks for stopping by, Tami!
We've used the cool mist humidifier for a couple years now. It does make a difference in how our little one (and teens) sleep.
Thanks, Heather! You know, I should have added patience and prayer to the list as well. We're still dealing with this pesky cold, and although these remedies help, time really is the healer. ;) Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you're off to a great week!
We love that thing. We've been using it for this past week now (and every time she's been sick since she was born), and sleep has not been interrupted thanks to this contraption. :) Thanks for stopping by, Tami!
Thanks for the tips! My 19-month-old has a cold right now so these are definitely what I needed to see!
You are so welcome! I hope your baby starts to feel well soon! :)
Thanks for the tips! My 19-month-old has a cold right now so these are definitely what I needed to see!
Love this! Awesome tips. We love our Young Living essential oils! RC is so awesome when little ones get a bug. Adults too!
Thanks, Tiffany! :) I’m giving the RC a try now for me. Can’t seem to kick the cold out of our house. :/
Love this! Awesome tips. We love our Young Living essential oils! RC is so awesome when little ones get a bug. Adults too!
Thank you for posting on Motivation Monday!
Thanks for hosting, Barbara! :) Always happy to join!
Thank you for posting on Motivation Monday!
This is so helpful! Another tip is to always make (and freeze) broth so you have it ready in a pinch! I buy whole chickens and cook them however (roasted, baked, etc). once we eat the chicken I out all the bones into a crockpot and toss in an onion, a fee carrots, and some celery and cover with water. I let it cook on low for 24-48 hours, then freeze it in batches.
Thanks, Bekki! I am following your advice now. I just made a huge pot of chicken soup since I’m the sick one now. Such a good idea! :)
I’m sorry you are sick:(. The broth will help for sure! Freeze whatever is leftover:)
This is so helpful! Another tip is to always make (and freeze) broth so you have it ready in a pinch! I buy whole chickens and cook them however (roasted, baked, etc). once we eat the chicken I out all the bones into a crockpot and toss in an onion, a fee carrots, and some celery and cover with water. I let it cook on low for 24-48 hours, then freeze it in batches.
Thanks, Tiffany! :) I'm giving the RC a try now for me. Can't seem to kick the cold out of our house. :/
Thanks for hosting, Barbara! :) Always happy to join!
Thanks, Bekki! I am following your advice now. I just made a huge pot of chicken soup since I'm the sick one now. Such a good idea! :)
I'm sorry you are sick:(. The broth will help for sure! Freeze whatever is leftover:)
I’m hooked on using Essential oils. Lol. I’ve been diffusing Thieves to see if it will really prevent illness and so far my kiddos have been spared! Once they do get a cold, I’m definitely going to have to try RC!
Thanks for sharing!
I haven’t started diffusing them yet, but I can’t wait to try it. :) I really liked the RC oil. Thanks for stopping by, Erin!
I'm hooked on using Essential oils. Lol. I've been diffusing Thieves to see if it will really prevent illness and so far my kiddos have been spared! Once they do get a cold, I'm definitely going to have to try RC!
Thanks for sharing!
I haven't started diffusing them yet, but I can't wait to try it. :) I really liked the RC oil. Thanks for stopping by, Erin!