Over the weekend we went down to Port Lavaca, my hometown, for the Calhoun County Fair. I mentioned last week that we would be going, and it was the absolute sweetest time. Growing up in a small town made for the best memories, and the fair gave me plenty. I always dreamed of taking my own child some day, so I was beyond excited to take Charlotte.
Friday morning, I headed down to the little town by the bay before the hubs to make sure we had plenty of time to galavant at the fair grounds. We had to strategically plan out packing and traffic on a Friday afternoon, so it just made sense for me to leave earlier than him. City problems. Anywho, once he joined us, my family and I were off to the best little fair in all of Texas. I’m bias, I guess.
As soon as we walked up to the fair grounds, the scent of fried foods, funnel cakes, and barbecue swirled throughout the cool evening’s air and right into our noses. We didn’t need our arms twisted to eat the fair food first. Charlotte got to taste her first fried Oreo thanks to her daddy, and she wasn’t impressed much. But she went back for seconds.

Then Little Miss became Little Miss Independent and wanted to see the sites. The carnival was calling her name.

We bought some tickets to let her enjoy the rides, and she was all about it. Starting out at the carousel seemed like the safest bet. She was enamored. She smiled the entire time. And so did I.

Then it was off to the cars. This was another safe bet because all she had to do was go in a circle while sitting in her own personal little vehicle. However, the fair started to get a little more crowded at this point, and I noticed she started to get a little nervous. She sunk down in her seat and looked like a low-rider. Cue the laughter! Once the ride was over though, she was all smiles.

Then we decided that she just had to play a carnival game. My aunt took Charlotte to pick out two duckies, and Char won a cute, little pillow pet. The prizes have surprisingly improved and are way better than back in my day.

We continued on our carni trek and decided on a fishy ride for her next adventure. (I’m pretty sure this ride is as old as I am, because I bet I could find a picture of me in that same fish.) This is when sister girl started to get really skeptical. The wait time between me setting her in her seat and then the starting of the ride became too much for her. She finally realized that we were a good 15 feet away from her, so what did homegirl do?

Cry of course! Classic. My little mini had a full fledge meltdown. I’m pretty sure I yelled, “Just start the ride, please,” to the kind man manning the machine because she did much better when the ride was in actual motion.

And I was right. She calmed down during the ride, but then she really didn’t get excited about any other rides after that. I had to hold her, because she became a stage 5 clinger like she sometimes does. Oh, my child.

We ended her carnival ride shenanigans just like we started, on the carousel. She was still scared, so she hung on to me the entire time.

Trying to calm the drama queen down, Daddy took charge and gave her a piggy back ride. She liked that one. They melt my heart.

Since she was done with the rides, up next were the animals. My Charlie Bear L O V E S animals. She was making the appropriate animal noises and talking up a storm to her friends. She loved the gooooats.

But then she saw her favorite, the moos, also known as the cows. It was pretty dark in the stable, so we didn’t get the best pictures, but she was all about the cows. If she could have gone into the pen with them, I’m sure she would have. How the animals didn’t scare her but the rides did is beyond me. It was so hilarious when we were leaving, because when I told her to tell the cows bye, they all started moo-ing at her. They loved her.

Since we made our way back to the food area, we ate again, and we enjoyed a snow cone. Because it’s Texas and October. And still 85 degrees at night.

Our night was coming to a close, but we couldn’t leave without getting on a ride ourselves. I let the hubs pick with the stipulation that it did not flip upside down, so he chose the Orbiter. Perfect way to end the night.
All in all, I think Charlotte loved the excitement. She loved the rides (at first), but she really loved the animals and looking at everything. I’m so happy that we were able to take her this year. Next up for the carnival adventures is the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo in March. Maybe she’ll love the rides even more at that time. You just never know we these little people.
What’s one of your favorite childhood memories? Did you have a fair or carnival near you?
***See where I’m linking up here.
How sweet! She is adorable!
Thanks, Hilary! It was a fun time for sure. :)
Oh my goodness, the pictures of her sunk down in the car cracked me up! Too cute! It looks like a fun time – your pictures told the story well! :)
Oh, we were dying laughing! Lol. Poor baby. She was a little scared. But then she acted like a big girl as soon as it was over. :) Hope you’re having a good week, Chelsea!
How sweet! She is adorable!
These pictures…are amazing! Looks like you guys had so much fun, and I love the progression of her excited, to crying, to clinging (and that you told the man to just start the ride). :) So cute! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much, Rebecca! :) We did have a blast. And yes, telling that man to start the ride was pretty hilarious. I have so many pictures of her crying these days. I guess we’re working our way up to the terrible twos. Lol. Thanks for visiting!
Thanks, Hilary! It was a fun time for sure. :)
Oh my goodness, the pictures of her sunk down in the car cracked me up! Too cute! It looks like a fun time – your pictures told the story well! :)
Oh, we were dying laughing! Lol. Poor baby. She was a little scared. But then she acted like a big girl as soon as it was over. :) Hope you're having a good week, Chelsea!
These pictures…are amazing! Looks like you guys had so much fun, and I love the progression of her excited, to crying, to clinging (and that you told the man to just start the ride). :) So cute! Thanks for sharing.
What a great and fun post! I feel guilty admitting that I loved the picture of her bawling her eyes out on the ride. That face! Poor Charlotte.
Thanks for sharing and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Thanks, Jennifer! Yeah, I have too many pictures of her crying these days. It’s hysterical to say the least. Haha. :) Hope you’re off to a great week!
What a great and fun post! I feel guilty admitting that I loved the picture of her bawling her eyes out on the ride. That face! Poor Charlotte.
Thanks for sharing and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Thanks so much, Rebecca! :) We did have a blast. And yes, telling that man to start the ride was pretty hilarious. I have so many pictures of her crying these days. I guess we're working our way up to the terrible twos. Lol. Thanks for visiting!
Thanks, Jennifer! Yeah, I have too many pictures of her crying these days. It's hysterical to say the least. Haha. :) Hope you're off to a great week!
What a cutie! She looks just like you! Fairs are always fun. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, thank you so much, Jennifer! :) It was a great time!
What a cutie! She looks just like you! Fairs are always fun. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, thank you so much, Jennifer! :) It was a great time!