For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6 NASB)
Being a stay-at-home-mom is the best job I’ve ever had, but it has also been one of the most challenging. It’s not complex like a brain-surgeon’s job, but rather difficult in that it’s similar to juggling rings of fire like clowns do at the circus. But when things aren’t crazy, days can become uninspired when I’m not looking for the beautiful. I’m human. It happens.
I don’t know about you, but I never want to forget to be grateful for this time in my life, because these really are the days. I’m always looking for ways to be better–a better wife, a better mom, a better person. Here are my seven tips to being a better SAHM. These tips are things that I’ve learned along the way during my one-year journey as a stay-at-home-mama, and they are also things that I want to improve on to be the best I can be. Lord knows I need these reminders to stay disciplined.

1. Wake up & pray.
“You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent.” I saw this quote in a daily devotion on Proverbs 31 Ministries, and I believe it hits the nail right on the head. I know I need more practice in this first tip, because it is oh-so important. My alarm clock is Charlotte’s little (sometimes loud) voice coming through the monitor on my nightstand, and the first thing I do when waking up is check my Total Baby app sleep timer on my iPhone to see how long she slept (because I’m a freak about her sleep). But instead of grabbing my phone, what if I did this? –> Each day I wake up, I want to ask God to make me a better mom and wife than I was the day before and to fill my spirit with all His goodness. I really want to start waking up before my Charlotte does to spend more time in prayer. This would be a great time to read a daily devotion, a chapter from a Bible Study, or to have a little God time all while preparing for the day ahead. Because if there is one thing I know I can do right during the day, it’s being a praying mama. And prayer always gives me peace.
2. Get dressed for the day.
Even if it’s just a change into yoga pants and a fresh t-shirt, get out of those PJs, girlfriend! (And right now, I’m really talking to myself, because we have a serious PJ problem in our house.) But really. Brush your teeth, wash your face, put on a little concealer over those dark circles under your eyes (again, talking to myself), wear your smile, and make yourself feel pretty. Do this when you wake up before the baby gets up OR at least get this done as soon as possible to help make you feel like you’re ready for work, because it is, right? Also, it will help motivate you to get out of the house occasionally, attend play dates, and make new friends. It’s a win-win. I always feel more confident when I look my best.
Most importantly, dress your spirit. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV).
3. Pack your patience & be present.
Keep in mind that you are molding a little human being into the person God wants them to be. But as they learn and grow, inevitably they will throw tantrums, make messes, be loud, cry for no reason, and
do exactly what you tell them not to do. (This is when #1 comes in handy.) Be patient and work with your child. In order to do this, you must be present. Put away your technology and distractions. Because being present will allow you to see all the beautiful things your child does throughout the day. These little things will make your soul smile and remind you having your little babe is truly worth it. While you’re present (and even when you’re practicing that patience), tell that baby you love him/her every chance you get.
4. Be sure to eat.
This seems like common sense, but I find myself skipping meals all the time (and not on purpose). But I get cranky-pants when I don’t eat. Food and water is pretty necessary, y’all. Eating is fuel for the brain and body, and those two things are pretty important when you’re a SAHM. So stay healthy and stay hydrated. We don’t get sick days. Your baby has to eat, so eat when the baby eats. This also might be a good excuse to get out of the house and go to Chick-fil-A, too. You’re welcome.
5. Enjoy the quiet time.
Here is where having your baby on a schedule has a huge advantage. When your baby is on a schedule, it makes life so much easier. There is purpose, motivation, and routine. Babies thrive on structure. So when they are taking a nap or are old enough to have playtime by themselves, enjoy the quiet time. Read a book, catch up with your DVR, call a friend, listen to music while doing some chores, or whatever your little heart desires to give you some peace.
6. Praise your husband.
Let’s not forget about the husband. He is a big reason why you are able to stay at home, so thank him and love on him, too. Instead of greeting him with all of the negative things you’ve endured throughout the day, greet him with a smile. He’ll appreciate the positivity. You know how important it is to feel appreciated, and he’s no different. It’s that golden rule, sister: treat others how you want to be treated. You’ll both be happier for it.
7. Recharge.
When God was creating the earth, He rested on the seventh day. We as mamas need our rest and rejuvenation, too. Plan a mom’s night out, take a trip alone to Target, start a new hobby, go to the salon…you get the picture. Take the time to recharge and reboot. I know I am always so excited when I come back home after being gone for even an hour. But you need that time. Your baby and your hubby will thank you.
Some of these tips can be hard to do at times. Being a SAHM is a brutal, beautiful job. Do not be so hard on yourself. When you get discouraged, remember you are stronger than you think you are. We CAN do hard things, because those little fingers tugging at our shirt with a milk smeared smile remind us that we can do anything. As long as you can say, “I did the best I could today,” then you’re doing all you can do, and that is the best gift you could ever give your family. Let us always strive to be the best version of ourselves. Because when we know better, we do better.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Copyright © 2025 Seven Graces
Theme by 17th Avenue
This was such an encouraging read and I will be looking back to it the next few days as a reminder. You are writing about exactly what God has been speaking to my heart. I have a 9 month old right now that is still breast feeding and gets up about every 3 hours so I tend to just sleep as long as I can in the morning when he is sleeping. This ends in frustration with my two girls (5 and 3) when they get up and little or no time with my Father in the morning before I start my day. Ive been praying about the best way to fix this. Thank you for writing this and for the encouragement it will bring to others. I shared this with on my websites facebook page in hope my mommy friends will be encouraged also!!
Thank you so much, Cassandra! I'm so glad you found my blog. :) I just stopped nursing this past week, so I finally feel I can get back to some kind of normal, aka life outside of my pajamas. I can't imagine life with 3 little people! You are awesome. With God as our center, we can do anything. Thank you for sharing my post! Please share away. God bless, sister!
Oh and I can relate to the PJs I am seriously considering throwing away my pajama pants because I love them too much! My poor husband is so tired of them. Some days I really don't even notice I haven't changed until Im fixing dinner and then, what's the point! lol
What great advice! We're featuring you at our Pin-it Party tomorrow. Thanks for linking up! PS: We have a serious PJ problem at our house too. :)
Thanks so much, Gabby! I am so excited that y'all are featuring this post. :) I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with the PJ problem. ;)
This was really great! An older woman in our church group gave me this advice in the first year home with my little girl. She said, "Every day dress to your shoes." What? I was confused and she gave your same advice- every day, no matter how you feel, get entirely dressed down to shoes on your feet. I feel better when I do these things but it doesn't happen A LOT. And the praying part… thank you for sharing that quote about not being perfect but being a praying parent. I've been meditating on this A LOT lately… Yes, yes and yes again.
p.s. I'm not sure if commenting via name and link is best so here's my profile just in case the blank emoticon/avatar looks strange!
Thanks for reading, Georgia! Yes, I still have a problem with stalling to get dressed for the day, but I'm working on it. At least I'm trying which is better than nothing. ;)
What wonderful tips and I whole-heartedly agree!
I can not function if I don't start my day with Bible, prayer, and a cup of coffee. God needs to come first or everything else falls apart.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the SHINE Blog Hop).
Thanks, Jennifer! :) Absolutely. God is amazing and always deserves to be our center. Thanks for hosting the blog hop!
These are great reminders… and I definitely feel better when I get out of my PJs :) Thanks for linking up with WYWW!
Thanks for reading and thanks for the link-up! :) I am such a PJs girl, so I really needed to write this down to remind myself. Hope you had a good weekend!
Kristy, thanks for sharing this post on WYWW!! I really am thrilled to find your blog. These tips are so practical but so easily forgotten. I know I forget these things a lot and it's good to be reminded to stay the course. I'll be featuring this post on Wednesday on my blog! New follower! :)
Thanks so much, Leslie! I hesitated to share this on the link-up since it's an older post, but I was feeling like I could use these reminders myself. It's funny how our own advice is sometimes the last we take. :) I definitely need these reminders daily. Thanks so much for featuring me! I am so glad I found your blog as well. I'm a new follower to your blog, too!
Kristy, this is such a great list, and a really good reminder. Some days it's easy to forget the little things that make the biggest difference.
Thanks so much, Nikki! It certainly is easy to forget the little things. And they most definitely make a difference. I find myself referencing back to these as well. ;)
Thanks so much for sharing these tips! They mean seem simple, but are so important. I recently started waking up before my baby boy, and it has been the best thing! I love that 30 minutes to an hour I have in the mornings to read my bible and drink my coffee. It also helps me be more excited to go in and get him rather than think "ugh, you're up already?" Great post! Glad I found your blog through WYWW!
I've become a little lazy with the getting up before Charlotte, but I find that the days that I do, they really are better. And you're right, it does make it more fun when they wake up. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
What fabulous tips! I was terrible about remembering to eat right after I had my daughter. And getting dressed for the day is key for me. Even if I just put on workout gear, at least I'm out of my pajamas.
Great post!
Exactly! It's funny how eating and changing clothes makes a day better. But they do! I usually put on some workout clothes as well. ;)
Thanks for stopping by, Tiffany!
Yes!!! These were spot on tips that this tired mama needed to hear!!! I agree with them all but especially about starting the day with prayer and then getting out of the pjs ASAP. Why do I convince myself I will enjoy being in my pjs all day if I only feel like garbage within 3 hours? I could use a little discipline as well! Thanks so much for sharing this at the Saturday Soiree Blog Party! I hope you will be a regular with us and I can't wait to read more of this beautiful blog! I'm a new follower!
You know, it's so easy to forget these little things. I just got out of my PJs around 11 today, and I almost forgot to say my prayer and to eat. But I did it! ;) I use this post as some accountability. I still pray for discipline on the daily, too. I will most definitely head back to your blog party on Saturday. Thanks for being a new follower! I appreciate it so much!
This is great advice. Time with God, eating and getting dressed definitely starts the day right! :) Thanks for linking up to Motivational Monday!
Thanks so much! :) It most certainly does.
Each of these tips are so useful! I do get semi-dressed each day. Sometimes I don't do breakfast for myself, so I probably should work on that a little more. That quiet time though and loving on Hun….those are two of my best personal spots each day! :)
Stopping over from Turn It Up Tuesday!
Thanks so much! :) It's always hit or miss with breakfast for me, so I hear you about needing to work on it. I still have to come back to this and remind myself of what makes a good day for me. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!
Love this post! Being a SAHM is definitely the hardest yet most rewarding job I've ever had! When my daughter was first born I lived in pjs. I was really starting to feel down so I force myself to get dressed everyday. It's amazing how much better I feel once I've worked out, showered and put on a little makeup. I do need to praise my hubby a little more too! He's so awesome for going to work everyday so I'm able to stay home with our sweet daughter :)
XO Kelly
Thanks, Kelly! I still struggle with this all. the. time. Why are pajamas so darn comfortable? But I do know better. I know that when I get dressed, we always seem to have a way better day. And those hubbys are pretty important. ;) They need to feel just as loved as our babies.
Thanks much for so many great tips! It can be so easy to forget about myself. I often forget to eat and it only makes a grumpy me the rest of the day.
I hear ya, girlfriend! I am still working on each one of these things. But it’s a good thing I wrote them down to remind me of some things that do make the day better. :) Thanks so much for reading!
Thanks much for so many great tips! It can be so easy to forget about myself. I often forget to eat and it only makes a grumpy me the rest of the day.
Hi, Kristy, you’ve probably noticed by now, but just if you hadn’t found the time to check: you’ve been featured at Turn It Up Tuesday! Congrats!
You can check it out at this week’s Turn It Up Tuesday or
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, how awesome! I hadn’t noticed yet so thank you so much for letting me know. :) I appreciate the feature so much!
Hi, Kristy, you've probably noticed by now, but just if you hadn't found the time to check: you've been featured at Turn It Up Tuesday! Congrats!
You can check it out at this week's Turn It Up Tuesday or
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, how awesome! I hadn't noticed yet so thank you so much for letting me know. :) I appreciate the feature so much!
I hear ya, girlfriend! I am still working on each one of these things. But it's a good thing I wrote them down to remind me of some things that do make the day better. :) Thanks so much for reading!
Very nice list, Kris! I find I feel so much better when I just get dressed and do my hair before diving into a to do list of any sort. Bonus points if before my shower I did a 15 minute work out.
Thanks for sharing at the Retro Re-Pin Party. Pinned.
Thanks, Julie! I still have to reference back to this when I get in a funk. ;) Hope you’re having a great holiday!
Very nice list, Kris! I find I feel so much better when I just get dressed and do my hair before diving into a to do list of any sort. Bonus points if before my shower I did a 15 minute work out.
Thanks for sharing at the Retro Re-Pin Party. Pinned.
These are tips that even a work from home mom can use! Loved it, #turnituptuesdays
Glad you loved it, Nancy! :) I still am loving this list, too. :)
Thanks, Julie! I still have to reference back to this when I get in a funk. ;) Hope you're having a great holiday!
These are tips that even a work from home mom can use! Loved it, #turnituptuesdays
Glad you loved it, Nancy! :) I still am loving this list, too. :)
Great post! Perfect timing for me :). Found you through The Peony Project. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I just sit and play with my baby girl. She always makes me smile!
Great post! Perfect timing for me :). Found you through The Peony Project. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I just sit and play with my baby girl. She always makes me smile!
Perfect – yes to all of this :) I am now a follower. You are so sweet and inspiring 😘
Thank you so much! I’m so happy to have you following along, Jenn! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend, girlfriend.